Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 4 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Beta

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I am just asking for visual accuracy of controls that’s all ! I play all day long with the axe that’s why I don’t understand how people can tell me to sold it and to go fuck myself . It’s crazy
I am just asking for visual accuracy of controls that’s all ! I play all day long with the axe that’s why I don’t understand how people can tell me to sold it and to go fuck myself . It’s crazy
May be for you it will be more productive to use the "real" thing as it is and axe as it is designed to be, why Cliff should respect your longing for something that he doesn't want to achieve by default.
To be fair, most physical amps you put in a mic in front of need some work done to get them to sit in a mix. It’s more rare to NOT have to tweak them than it is to tweak them. Ideally, sure, it’d be great to just dial in the front panel of an amp and call it a day, however, there’s a reason why people have blown weeks in major recording studios on just getting a guitar sound. It’s also another reason people hate dealing with mic’ing a cab, because there’s a million spots where it sounds like ass and a few where it sounds great.

The AxeFX is basically taking the post-EQ work done at a mixing desk and putting in the same space as the amp. I know one thing for sure, I CERTAINLY do not miss adjusting a mic, running back to the control room, checking the mic, running out to the mic again, tweak the amp, back to the control room to check, rinse and repeat. I can sit my fat ass down in my studio and not get up for 8 hours straightThat said, I think Leon Todd did a video this week where he loaded up a Cameron, didn’t even touch the settings and it was a gig-worthy tone. It’s certainly possible.
You´re right, absolut - but what you pointed out is the job of the IR-Producers....The Axe itself sounds and reacts (and should do ) like the real amp
- what you do with this sound (FRFR, direct with IR, real Cab) is another thing?!
I was hoping that a new beta would come out yesterday on Friday … After all the enthusiasm here about Cygnus I was afraid my hopes would not be fulfilled … So I wanted to wait until the next beta. But it seems I have to got with beta 4 or wait a week or so longer.
Mud’s wishes are perfectly valid and there is nothing wrong with posting about them.

The only thing I would suggest is to take it to its own thread, since this one is about the Cygnus public beta.
Mud's wishes may be valid but Fractal never stated that they would provide the exact "real" amp control accuracy, they use their own unique accuracy with most of us get used to and we are more than happy about it, not to mention all of the intrigued firmware support that everyone is waiting for with different expectations. With implemented something already known from different brands, analog amps or whatever Fractal may be is going to lose its unique innovative character of their units. Think about it.
I am just asking for visual accuracy of controls that’s all ! I play all day long with the axe that’s why I don’t understand how people can tell me to sold it and to go fuck myself . It’s crazy
What you might not understand is that all of this has been discussed before. In depth.
  • In some cases, it is a a deliberate design decision to make a control that has a usable range of, say, 1 to 3 on the source amp have a usable range of 1 to 10 on the AxeFx.
  • Pot tapers differ on different samples of the same amp, so 'visual accuracy' is only attainable for one sample.
  • Opinions differ on the right approach. If changes were made to approximate your request, at least half of the AxeFx user base would request that it be changed back.
@Mud Hey stick around dude, you're very entertaining.
I've watched some of your videos and I think you kick ass on the guitar. It's obvious to me (and others who've mentioned it already) that a lot is lost in translation between languages.
I think it fair to say that you've made your point so no need to keep reiterating it. You may ultimately get your wish or you may not, the one thing for sure is not everybody is going to get their wish.
Rock on!
I know that writing some things and knowing people’s reaction I will have thunders . But what the point being in a forum and just saying positive things ?
It is not a problem when you say things that are negative if the intent is help improve the product. For instance, you or someone mentioned that the red channel of the 5051 (or some such amp) didn’t sound right. The company responded to say there was an error that was being fixed. Sometimes things go wrong and you need to vent and the forum is pretty good at rolling with it as we have all been there. The issue is that you seem to think that this is some sort of outlet for your constant stream of conscious ramblings on a beta product and that we are all waiting in rapt attention for what you are going to type out next. We aren’t. Your comments are not particularly constructive criticism and you seem to just want to argue because people disagree with your opinion. Mostly we say positive things about the product because we are very happy with it. Those that aren’t typically move on to find something that works for them. If we find a bug we post it in the bug forum. If we have something we would like added we put it in the wish forum. Your Satriani piece shows you are a clearly gifted guitarist but your constant and aggressive posting is making you come across as a bit of a dick. I realize this is a dickish thing to say so will put myself in an time out for the rest of the day and play guitar.
What you might not understand is that all of this has been discussed before. In depth.
  • In some cases, it is a a deliberate design decision to make a control that has a usable range of, say, 1 to 3 on the source amp have a usable range of 1 to 10 on the AxeFx.
  • Pot tapers differ on different samples of the same amp, so 'visual accuracy' is only attainable for one sample.
  • Opinions differ on the right approach. If changes were made to approximate your request, at least half of the AxeFx user base would request that it be changed back.

Was going to say just this, added to which, components vary with production models, and it's not uncommon for the 2020 version of an amp to be different to the 2021 version with no mention by the manufacturer that anything has changed.

Add this to the fact that manufacturers tend to use the cheapest parts that they can get away with, some even have variances of +/- 30%
30%!! That's bonkers!

Add this to the fact that even on a tube amp, component values differ with changes in temperature, humidity, how warm the amp has gotten (most will agree a tube amp sounds best after roughly 1/2 hr)

@My name is mud , there are lots of topics on this, do a search and you'll understand it much better and appreciate that while FAS can't model every variant of every amp under the sun, in MOST cases so far, users have reported extraordinary accuracy by turning the axe fx 'knobs' to the same as their amp and having it sound identical. If you wanna start a discussion about this kind of thing, I'd suggest starting a thread in the lounge or wishlist and express yourself there, this thread is about Cygnus
I am just asking for visual accuracy of controls that’s all !

In fairness to Fractal, this has been getting much closer over the years. I haven't tried the Cygnus Beta yet because I am in the middle of a project using v15, but I do wonder which way Cliff will go. He never manages to please all the people all the time, some want the tone stack and gain controls to be as flexible and usable as possible rather than authentic, but for those of us that like authentic, "ideal" and "authentic" preamp options was a great thing.

One thing you can be sure of, if all the positions and pot tapers get changed completely, there will be a lot of people expressing outrage at having to go through every preset to tweak all the tones, gains and levels. I wouldn't be one of those complaining about it though.

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