Axe-Fx III 16.00 Beta 12 "Cygnus" Firmware - Public Release Candidate

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@FractalAudio - revisiting the new Buddah model and was playing with Input Trim to get some cleaner tones.

Afterwards I decided to see what controls are on the real amp. Can you confirm that setting it to 1.00 is equivalent to the High Gain and .500 is equivalent to the Normal inputs?

In Axe-Edit on the Authentic tab it has a Master Volume (defaults to 10) High Cut and a Bright switch. The real almp has none of those. I'm assuming that's just something that was an oversight in Axe-Edit?

For anyone wondering, there are some cool flavors in there by turning down MV, too!


Also, no Mid knob or Bright switch on the real amp.
I don't think axe-edit has been updated for this new model. And, yes it is awesome for clean. I am going .326 on input trim w/ 3.25 on Input drive, master vol 10.
I have bright on, input boost on at set to 1.5 with the CC type. A 1x12 tweed alcino blue impendence curve w/ res freq set to 60. Low bass, Higher treble. Using a York MTCH M25 2x12 Mix04 for cab. Nice and chimey. I had tweaked it for Fitertron pickups. I am mixing it with a bassman (panned hard L/R). I really like the combo.
12 sounds pretty awesome. I'd rather have that in my FM3 than 11 which is not that crisp as 12 but... misty?!? :D
I think they both sound good actually and would work for different things as was mentioned 11 has a quality that many like maybe even just for leads
the second is a bit brighter more Marshally PhilX the first thicker
saggier more Cantrell to my ears
Noob question. Are the “bass” versions of a particular amp for “bass” guitar or are they just more “bassy” vs the treble versions?
To answer your question more specifically: There are bass amps modeled (Porta Bass, Ampeg SVT, Mesa USA Bass 400) as well as guitar amps with "Bass" in their name for various reasons (Like a Fender Bassman or the Bass input of an AC-20).

This wiki will help a lot:
I don't think axe-edit has been updated for this new model. And, yes it is awesome for clean. I am going .326 on input trim w/ 3.25 on Input drive, master vol 10.
I have bright on, input boost on at set to 1.5 with the CC type. A 1x12 tweed alcino blue impendence curve w/ res freq set to 60. Low bass, Higher treble. Using a York MTCH M25 2x12 Mix04 for cab. Nice and chimey. I had tweaked it for Fitertron pickups. I am mixing it with a bassman (panned hard L/R). I really like the combo.
Yeah, I think you're probably correct.

I'll give your settings a try. I have that Cab pack, too. I pair an H30 mix with an M25 mix and use that with many amps.
Beta feedback:
I've been playing electric guitar for fifty years (started young, lol); own tons of amps; build a bunch more; learned to play using frequent volume and tone adjustments.

Been playing with Axe FX equipment now since 2016. It has always sounded great. It is now at the level, where an amp user like me (based upon my sample size of just me) can set up a preset as a simple amp, and go to town. Better than a fleet of trucks full of amplifiers, and an incredibly fast team of roadies and techs. I am astounded. Other than being almost speechless, no problems to report.
Late to the party, and inconsistently "on topic".

I loaded up Beta 12 this evening, and did a full reset on my "go to" presets. JCM800, Princeton, Deluxe Reverb, Twin Reverb, JTM45, Plexi 50 6CA7, 1970 1959 Super Lead and JC120. I am unusual in that my main tube amps for the last 25 years have been Marshall 2203 JMP 100W Master Volume Marshalls (which are very similar to the "JCM800" models in the Axe FXs), but I have tended to run with the gain pretty low (3 -4), the master as high as I dare (much past 4 is deafening), and my #1 amp is modified for reduced gain and more bass in the preamp section.

I was suffering a little from "listener fatigue" by the end of it, so the classic 60's and 70's Marshalls will need a little more work, but this is definitely best so far, and by a country mile, for modelling algorithms. JCM800s have lost the weird high-mid fuzziness I used to find myself trying to dial out. Tone controls in authentic mode are authentically ineffective as per real Marshalls. Oh, and the Roland JC120 is fully fixed to behave like a JC120 as I can best remember playing through one!

I will probably start from scratch on all of my presets either now, or when the public release version becomes available. Have to agree with all that have said so, that this is a major change in the "feel" of the models, and it is probably not that obvious from youtube videos. Ignoring "chug", the spit, snarl and response in general feel more amp-like. With the Fender models I use, there's a delicacy, smoothness in response, and general good attitude (OK, maybe not from the Deluxe Reverb, that one is a Marshall in Fender clothing in real life as well as in the Fractal'verse, total hooligan's amp, I love it!) that was never apparent to me before. There is a little more work to do before I am happy with my main presets, but for me, definitely worth resetting all the amp blocks entirely, happy in the knowledge it's going to sound and feel remarkably better in any model, and that any work I put in will be a tiny fraction of that done by Cliff and team.

Thank you Fractal Audio. Cygnus is awesome in ways I hadn't dreamt of.

I bought a 2203 the year they came out and that was my amp for years............ yesterday I spent most of the day going through low to mid gain amps and they now sound like they should. Most of my presets of those amps I had to start from scratch since I tweaked them to sound closer to what they now sound like. As soon as the release comes out I am happily going to dig in and re-tweak.

There was a lot of time and hard work on this release and I would suspect a release of all new presets sometime in the future if not sooner.

those tweaks are :

lower the input eq low cut freq to match beta 11.
tweak the negative feedback with ears to match previous model.
tweak the grid bias with ears.

I did this with great results to match previous beta.

I think this would be great information to put in the fractal wiki, that the Friedman is 2018 version and these tweaks make it closer to 2020 version (maybe with some suggested values for those parameters). Who manages that page?
I think this would be great information to put in the fractal wiki, that the Friedman is 2018 version and these tweaks make it closer to 2020 version (maybe with some suggested values for those parameters). Who manages that page?
FWIW, I found that did not get it very close. I would tend to believe Cliff, who said above that you can't get the 2018 to sound like the 2020 by tweaking parameters.
You guys impress me! I never go further basic settings unless Leon Todd makes a video 🤣 My Dual Recto is exactly set as his and sounds huge!
By the way, I tried some plexis yesterday! These are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

Man, you can do yourself a world of favors by starting with some blank presets, taking some amps and IR's you're really familiar with and then going through all the deep parameters, just turn the knobs back and forth and see how they all interact with the tone. I do it every now and then to remind myself because sometimes I end up relying on specific things while ignoring the rest.

That's my favorite thing about Fractal units; they're practically sandboxes of guitar/bass amps. You'd end up with a blown head or worse, dead, trying to do this stuff with an actual amp.

Once you get familiar with the deeper parameters, you'll rely on others less and less to figure out tones.
FWIW, I found that did not get it very close. I would tend to believe Cliff, who said above that you can't get the 2018 to sound like the 2020 by tweaking parameters.
I just pointed out which parameters to tweak. there are no exact values for everyone.

I just tweaked with ears and could make it sound like beta 11 no problem.

Can I ask a quick question.

My Axe FX 3 is not arriving until possibly Wednesday next week and it's my first toe dip into the Fractal world.

It appears from reading this thread that this update is a big step forward so I am wondering, if I update the AXE FX 3 to the Beta version and for some reason the Axe does not work out for me, is it possible to revert back to a previous version?

Or would you advise to test on a stable version?


Can I ask a quick question.

My Axe FX 3 is not arriving until possibly Wednesday next week and it's my first toe dip into the Fractal world.

It appears from reading this thread that this update is a big step forward so I am wondering, if I update the AXE FX 3 to the Beta version and for some reason the Axe does not work out for me, is it possible to revert back to a previous version?

Or would you advise to test on a stable version?

You can always load any Firmware version, reset system settings, restore factory presets.
You can always load any Firmware version, reset system settings, restore factory presets.
Spot on mate, I'll be trailing the stock OS then when I am happy with its integration into Cubase, I'll be trying out the new version.
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