Axe Fx II smokes the Ultra

I think maybe we should be smoken something else and we would all agree

And the winner for best Avatar goes to.........EdgE!!!

Nice finish to a "The Sky is it's not ....the sky is it's not....yes it is........not it's not...." thread
Ultra is the best thing besides and eats pods for breakfast.

Absolutely ridiculous!!! The ultra is an inanimate object and cannot eat anything for breakfast, not even a pod. The ridiculousness of your post disqualifies your ability to provide any useful information for at least the next hour and a half. Please refrain from meaningless analogies in the future.

Absolutely ridiculous!!! The ultra is an inanimate object and cannot eat anything for breakfast, not even a pod. The ridiculousness of your post disqualifies your ability to provide any useful information for at least the next hour and a half. Please refrain from meaningless analogies in the future.
Maybe YOUR Ultra is an inanimate object....sometimes I find mine in the kitchen next to the refrigerator when I know it was on the desk when I went to sleep. Makes me wonder.
Sheesh..i think people are going to start reading way to much into this thread!

A guy bought the Ax II, really likes it, expresses his pleasure with words to that effect and maybe a slight exaggeration (something we all do)

End of story.

I didn't mean for this to start a discussion on hyperbole. And I really do congratulate the OP on his acquisition. And envy him just ever so slightly.

But I really do feel statements such as the title of the thread don't do the Gen1s justice. And it sends a statement that some people will actually interpret and believe. That the Gen1s are now bum-units, which I'm certain the OP did not mean to send. But hey. This is the INTERNET!
Maybe YOUR Ultra is an inanimate object....sometimes I find mine in the kitchen next to the refrigerator when I know it was on the desk when I went to sleep. Makes me wonder.

Don't let your Axe FX controll your kitchen! next, it might start popping steroids! in hopes of sounding like an AXE II...
Product improvement is key in attaining new customers and keeping existing ones. It should be no suprise that this was going to happen eventually. Thus the high demand for the new product.
While I don't yet have the II, and will likely not have one for another year, I'll go out on a limb and suggest that the degree to which the II "smokes" the Ultra is dependent on the skill of the preset creator. Although the II may be easier to "dial in", I have to believe that an Ultra in the proper hands can "smoke" (or at least easily hold its own against) a II programmed by a user of lesser skills. I've heard enough awful/awesome user presets for the Ultra to believe this is the case.

I have little doubt that the II outperforms the Ultra when both are programmed by the "proper hands" mentioned above. That, plus the other numerous features and improvements are compelling reasons for me to eventually upgrade. I look forward to the day when I can perform my own comparisons. But until then, please forgive me if I reserve judgement and express skepticism regarding the ambiguous and generic term "smokes".
I spent 3 years tweaking my Ultra. Got to the point where I was having audio hallucinations. I was really splitting hairs. I just instinctively felt that I didn't quite have it yet. I knew that what I wanted was in there though.

After 48 hours with my II I feel I'm closer to my sounds than I ever got with my Ultra. For me this is huge.
I'm keeping my Ultra but I can't think of it as anything but a backup now. I couldn't imagine gigging or recording with it if I had the II as my first choice.
While I don't yet have the II, and will likely not have one for another year, I'll go out on a limb and suggest that the degree to which the II "smokes" the Ultra is dependent on the skill of the preset creator.
I had a conversation with solo-athis out this yesterday. While you make a good point, we thought it's more a function of the operator than the peset creator. Particularly with the G2, response is so dynamic that the more a player can put in, the more they get out.
I had a conversation with solo-athis out this yesterday. While you make a good point, we thought it's more a function of the operator than the peset creator. Particularly with the G2, response is so dynamic that the more a player can put in, the more they get out.
Yes, I agree that the importance of the skill of the player is a given. I can't wait to try it. All I know is that the dynamic response of the Ultra is so impressive already, future progression towards "perfection" in tone/response will be roughly logarithmic, not leaps and bounds. The other improvements (modifier improvements, USB, etc.) alone would be enough for me.
Yes, I agree that the importance of the skill of the player is a given. I can't wait to try it. All I know is that the dynamic response of the Ultra is so impressive already, future progression towards "perfection" in tone/response will be roughly logarithmic, not leaps and bounds. The other improvements (modifier improvements, USB, etc.) alone would be enough for me.
That's the thing for me. Maybe the II is better and who knows, maybe it can be better than tubes ever thought of being. Maybe someone will think of something that blows everything out of the water one day. I know the Standard/Ultra are damn impressive. The moment I switched to a Standard I had many people start commenting on my tone/sound. First night live I had a handful of people that are brutally honest with me say it was the best I had ever sounded. They don't know the difference between tubes and solid state and don't care as long as it sounds good.

For me the II has a lot of cool functionality enhancements that put it over the top. I am sure some things might sound better and are easier to dial in but how many people are going to tell the difference between the the II and an Ultra from sound alone? Or we really going to get into creating our own tube v.s. modeling debate that many despise? I certainly hope not.
All I know is that the dynamic response of the Ultra is so impressive already, future progression towards "perfection" in tone/response will be roughly logarithmic, not leaps and bounds.
You might be surprised. I know I was. I didn't do an A/B comparison between the two but, particularly on certain models (e.g., AC-30), the difference is "significant". Determining where that stands between "logarithmic" and "leaps and bounds" is left as an exercise for the reader. :)

Whether that's preferable is also left as an exercise for the reader. I rather expect that some will not care for it as much.
I hope it does "smoke" it, so people will start listing their Standards for like $1000 again =[

It does make me wonder if I should spend $1400 for a standard right now, or just wait 6 months when theres more II's available and wait for that.. altho the added depth will screw up my rack plans, maybe its worth it.
I have a friend who plays blues and has jammed through a axe II and he says you can hear it some subtle difference but none worth selling his ultra for. He doesnt do metal or rock styles. At the end of the day all, or I should say 80to90percent of his fans aint gonna know hes playing a axe II, ultra or real amp or care anyways.:lol the whole 'i have an axe II' thing only holds some weight here and maybe in a few guitar oriented forums. hey O.P. happy you are happy with your Axe II, im patiently waiting to get mine.All the newer features- twice the power-headphone jack-50 user cabs-usb-reamping make it sound good to me.the g2 amp technology is just icing on the cake:D
Yeah, somewhow I don't think all the people buying Axe IIs are getting them for their fans :)

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