axe fx II review from hell

I'm confused by your post. Are you posting a link to a review?

EDIT: Never mind. I figured out what this is in reference to.
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I didn't watch all the review.. to be honest his style and manner did my head in a bit... and it was way too fkn long..

a review of the review.. by Clarky... age 6 and a 1/2..

- the guy complains about a strange delay when you play.. but the preset he's using has a delay on it..
so... erm.. yeah.. there will be a sort of delay sound I guess..

- he complains about "if I want a JCM45 [or whatever] I want that and nothing else.. I don't want to change it and make it different"
well he's missing the point with respect to configurability
and if he don't want it to sound different.. don't screw with the default settings maybe??

- he complains about all that control and that it's not what guitarists want
he's a mile out.. I cannot live without that kind of control.. if anything I want more control than the Axe has already..
with configurability comes complexity.. that is the nature of the beast.. if you can't cope with that [or are not that interested] just get an amp and a few stomps..
that's fine.. each to their own.. for me personally the traditional guitar->stomps->amp just don't work and never will..

- he complains about patch levels being different
since when did someone walk out on stage and use nothing but factory presets, un-tweaked?
and if anyone ever does and is unhappy, my answer would be "well no sh1t Sherlock"

- the killer thing he completely missed was when he was playing over a backing track...
the Axe actually made his rather ham-fisted playing sound rather good.. lol...

- he complains about presets he don't like.. so what?? lol.. you have to fill up the memory with something.. just use the stuff you like..
better still.. do what real muso's do and create your own tones..
this is where all configurable units [fx, keys, plug-ins etc] really come to life

- to say that this unit is no better than a GT-10 is rediculous..
the GT-10 is a great unit for what it does and at that price.. but there is no comparison..

the guy has completely missed the point
he's completely failed to understand the unit or recognise it's potential...
if I were in a bar with him right now he'd be wearing my beer...

what we have here is a steam engine driver reviewing the Starship Enterprise and moaning cos he don't know where to put the coal...
It was a joke.
It's right there below the video:


yes that applies to part 3.. it does try to be funny.. but I doubt it applies to parts 1 and 2...
there's no humour there at all.. that's a genuine review...

you know...
when my AxeII arrives, and I've taught it to jump through the minefield of controller hoops I need to be able to... and got it riffing like a demon and singing like a bird...
I'm seriously tempted to go up there and demonstrate why it's worth reading the manual..
the guy in the vids is a real douche bag no doubt. But i'm wondering about whats inside the axe fx!
He says that part 3 is supposed to be humorous and a joke, but I'm not noticing anything different to the other 2 parts?
I personally don’t care if he hates it, he seems a bit bias against it right from the beginning. But I may a bit sensitive since I am a very happy AF II owner, who knows what ever.

But what annoys me more than anything is, the amount of misinformation is staggering!! If you’re going to spend almost two hours reviewing the unit at least get your facts straight weather you like the unit or not.
According to Tony in “part 1” he just took the AF II and plugged it into the power section of a Mesa running through a real cab, well if that’s true he really should have turned off the cab sims and maybe the poweramp sims also.

Another thing he dwells on is “twice the horse power” and the only thing it will do is give the ability to run more effects. It’s not going to change the tone! He does a stupid comparison of two cars doing 30mph. Anyway, yeah! New modeling tech Tony, eats up more processing power and yes, since its different tech/firmware, yes the tone IS DIFFERENT.

Another dumb ass (and wise ass) comment is if the Ultra is the best, how can it get better? This happened on the Petrucci forum a couple of months ago and I was nice but made my point.
Surprised how little Axe FX II related content surfacing.
That’s not the original Part II video, I guess, it’s his way of getting in the last word. But really has nothing to say????? Who knows??

But the other videos are gone, so a least allot of misinformation is also gone.
I'm sorry but I just can't take this guy seriously. I watched all 3 videos and I'm glad he removed them as they made him look like a fool and were of little value to anyone.

It really seemed like he had an agenda against Fractal and went on and on and on about why the Axe 2 was a piece of s*@#, crap, cheap, sounded bad, too hard to say the name, that Axe-Edit sucked, forum people are a-holes, the power supply looked chinese, the unit price was a rip-off, the MFC was a rip-off... blah, blah, rant, rant.

What a time wasting, wanker, rant festival those videos were. In my opinion, any credibility to he had start with is gone.

But he would say that because I'm writing this on a forum, that I'm an a-hole. Look in the mirror Tony.
I don't get it. What Tony Mcdonalds? Cliff take it away.. (that has a doublemac meaning to it)
Something tells me this Tony has got a selfoscillating-threadstarter ability, almost like a fractal.. Wait a minute!
It can't be, t-o-n-y-m-C- and then C-l-i- OMG! Tony is an anagram for Cliff! :eek: We've got you now "Mckenzie"! Get him! :D
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