axe fx II review from hell

"The forum says welcome and the chimps on there say everything else you could think of... all because I wrote a review that they dont agree with?"

For all you forum chimps out there... :mrgreen

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Not wanting to continue discussing this rather ridiculous episode, but he claims there was racist language on the forum and points to the word 'Chucklehead' as the word in question?

Last I heard, it meant you were a numbskull.

What a cock! (without any reference to skin colour, age, playing ability or race). Talk about trying to fan a flame with a flaming turd....

Plenty of other more interesting things to discuss here - let's not waste any more time on this.

Sukhvinder Singh Ryatt (lightly tanned dude, live in UK since 1 year old but born in Nairobi and of Indian descent)
That was a punch to the face, I tought you were going to peace it up talking about racism and then comes this "What a c___!"
Straight from the hip, dirty harry-style.Heavy stuff man :shock :| :roll
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He took his ball and went home.

two things about doing a review:

thing 1 - if you're going to do one, you really should know what you are talking about in order to make reasoned / well informed observations...
if not, you'll simply make a fool of yourself

thing 2 - if you stick your head up [via strong, very public opinions], be prepared to get shot at....

so taking your ball and scampering off home was the only option left open to him..
out of interest / for entertainment value, I watched a few more of his reviews..
irrespective of the good / bad verdict, they're all pretty crass in the way they are handled..

to be really honest, the only evaluations I take really seriously are my own, jacked into the kit, messing with the controls and listening...
cos the outcome is - will it be making me part with $$$
I played through an AxeII for a day [courtesy of a good pal that has one]..
the outcome is that I'm on the waiting list..
nuff sed..
I don’t mean to beat this to death but I had read on Tony’s site “Axe-FX II - why I don’t have one” but something struck me funny so I went back to it. And at the bottom he had were he had shut down the site and the domain was registered May 2011, did anyone see the content before he shut it down??

I’m just curious because he never mentioned if he ever had a standard or ultra, or maybe he just registered it with future plans in mind. Not poking fun at him, just curios.

BTW check out the link, I laughed when I had seen it.
I don’t mean to beat this to death but I had read on Tony’s site “Axe-FX II - why I don’t have one” but something struck me funny so I went back to it. And at the bottom he had were he had shut down the site and the domain was registered May 2011, did anyone see the content before he shut it down??

I’m just curious because he never mentioned if he ever had a standard or ultra, or maybe he just registered it with future plans in mind. Not poking fun at him, just curios.

BTW check out the link, I laughed when I had seen it.

it strikes me as odd that he's gone to the time, trouble and cost of doing something like that..
it's almost like a vendetta or some sort of hate campaign don't ya think??
I live near Reading..
and.. yup.. I'm the same Clarky from the Satch forum

Well hello there! I'm just down the road from you in Farnham Common (on the road to Beaconsfield) off J6 of the M4. Hope to meet up sometime dude.

From what I remember, you're a seriously mental player (in a good way!)

I guess you're about 35 minutes away....
yeah it'd be cool to hook up some time...

haaa... mental player... more like just mental...?? lol..
Only 18 months after you should have tried my standard eh Clarky :)

Still, glad you got to play with Chris's 2. I havent managed to do that yet - stuck the wrong side of the water as I am. Still, soon Ill have my own, and not long after will be back on the mainland. We will have to hook up.
I think the guy was overboard on his review but there are some things I agree with him about the axe fx II and the forum here. I know i was attacked for saying when it came to live playing the amp sims just did'nt cut it compared to my real tube amp but for recording and it's effects it's great.
It's not too expensive to create your own domain. I think Tony was just looking for an easy way to get some traffic to his site, and it backfired badly. I do find it somewhat humorous (but mostly pathetic) that he makes it out like he's the victim here.

Cliff, please lock this thread whenever you're ready. I'm ready to close the Tony McKenzie chapter on my life.
Only 18 months after you should have tried my standard eh Clarky :)

Still, glad you got to play with Chris's 2. I havent managed to do that yet - stuck the wrong side of the water as I am. Still, soon Ill have my own, and not long after will be back on the mainland. We will have to hook up.

ahh yeah... our lil' meet up didn't work out...

maybe we can get together with Chris some time and jam and stuff...
that'd be cool..
beats me why people are so bothered about it :S name calling and all - it's like being back in school :D.
watched part of it -- the man completely failed when he gave an "expert" valuing of the components and that's where i clicked on the big red "X"
Sorry, next!
For the love of god, haven't we given this guy enough attention with THREE threads each with dozens of replies?? (yes, the recognize irony of my own reply)

Some mod please do us all a favor and lock this and the other threads. Between these and the "AHHH MY FAN ARE SO LOUDZ" threads there's little actual Axe talk going on...

I echo Steve in saying:
I'm ready to close the Tony McKenzie chapter on my life.
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