Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 2.04 Firmware Release

I didnt update from 2.02 and seeing as I'm happy with this version no need for me to update and confuse myself more than I usually do lol
Rehearsal last night, everything set to use the latest modelling version, sounded and felt superb, I couldn't get enough of it. Even the HB and HBE came out to play!!!

I was on 2.03 and my Deluxe Verb Norm patch didn't work until I reset the amp block (no sound heard). I presume that's linked to the bug mentioned in the release notes so I'll upgrade when I get a sec.
I'm now monitoring this thread with one eye open, scared that, after doing the programming equivalent of bending over backwards to make everyone happy, Cliff is gonna read the last several posts and absolutely lose his sh*t.

Majority Rules!... Thanks Cliff and FAS team for all you do
LoL it seems some users getting nervous with numbers, even when the ears can't tell the difference...
I'm now monitoring this thread with one eye open, scared that, after doing the programming equivalent of bending over backwards to make everyone happy, Cliff is gonna read the last several posts and absolutely lose his sh*t.
i don't think he'll lose his shit, but it probably is very frustrating.

people want new firmware. it arrives. people don't like something about it. it gets changed. different people don't like the change the first people wanted. more changes, more groups of people who do and don't like things. options are given. people don't like that they have to use the options now to set things (too many steps). options are eventually taken away and decisions are made, left that way for a while, and everyone generally agrees everything is fine. repeat :)

i still think - personally IMHO AFAIK YMMV WTFLOLBBQ - that the differences between 2.00 2.01 and 2.02 were blown a little out of proportion. now that we have the option to choose among those versions with a simple value change, people are doing XY and recording and comparing and theorizing... of COURSE you're going to find a difference doing that. you won't stop until you do. now marshalls MUST be set to 2.01, and fenders MUST be on 2.00, and high gain MUST be set to 2.02... only because a few people said it on the internet ;)

we have a bunch of options with the Axe. it's always been like this. my suggestion for the majority is to set everything to Latest and just play. chances are it will sound amazing, no time wasted comparing small differences.

i can't comment on why some presets are loading with 2.01 and others with Latest, etc. but perhaps we just need to buck up a bit and change our amps to what we prefer. some use 1 preset, others use hundreds. well, that's just how it is for now.

or as always, we can wait till the dust settles a bit. i know some are rolling back to 2.02 using the backups they made before upgrading FW. and that's ok too! everyone's situation is different. thank you for the reports as this firmware is released; it only helps make things better in the future. but please be sure to use your own ears and thoughts to judge things.

i had an email come in today. someone asked me how to downgrade to 2.02. i asked why he wanted to do that. he said he updated to 2.04 but read on the forum that 2.04 doesn't sound good. i asked him.... did he listen to 2.04 yet.

he said no.

i asked him to just play real quick, how does it sound. he said it sounds good and sees no reason to go back to 2.02 :)
The name timeout issue on the MFC after scrolling through banks is back with Q2.04. I never loaded 2.03 but 2.02 beta zwei & the final release of 2.02 were fine. What happens is if I go from say bank 10 to bank 1, the name drops off the MFC display so there is only the number, then the Axe freezes & you get the name time out message on the MFC. The only way to make anything work again is to restart. Anyone else having this issue?

See if you can figure out which presets are causing this issue and post them. If you can help us recreate the problem it helps us fix it.
The best part of this ?

These issues - real or just perceived- ALWAYS get resolved. I mean 100% of the time. Now maybe I have more of a subjective opinion right now because I am 13 hours from my studio but I don't think anyone here can dispute the fact that at the end of the day we all end up completely overjoyed with our magic black box.
See if you can figure out which presets are causing this issue and post them. If you can help us recreate the problem it helps us fix it.

It's not any particular preset. I had been communicating with Matt about the problem which went away with the last two 2.02 firmwares. It only happens when I scroll though banks by holding the bank up or down button. Just clicking from bank 1 to 2 or even bank 1 to 4 is not a problem as long as you click once for each bank rather than hold down the button until it scrolls to the bank you want. It also only did it with the MFC connected with an ethernet cable. Midi cable was fine. I have a MKII so I can't say if faslink does it or not. I did email Matt about this last night. Thanks Cliff!
See if you can figure out which presets are causing this issue and post them. If you can help us recreate the problem it helps us fix it.
It's not any particular preset. I had been communicating with Matt about the problem which went away with the last two 2.02 firmwares. It only happens when I scroll though banks by holding the bank up or down button. Just clicking from bank 1 to 2 or even bank 1 to 4 is not a problem as long as you click once for each bank rather than hold down the button until it scrolls to the bank you want. It also only did it with the MFC connected with an ethernet cable. Midi cable was fine. I have a MKII so I can't say if faslink does it or not. I did email Matt about this last night. Thanks Cliff!
here is a link to a thread regarding this issue specifically, so it doesn't get lost in this general FW thread:
Some fw's ago, I was singing its praise with the only difference I could tell with the tube amp in my rehearsal room being some 3D quality in the latter.

And i'm starting to notice some of that recently in our magic black box.

Which is nice
I'd just like to say that I think Cliff and his team are doing incredible work. I couldn't be happier with the Fractal products; I think that their utility, functionality, and performance can't be beat. The money I spent on the Axe FX is the best money I've spent on music gear, and if anything happened to it, I'd replace it in a second.

Thanks, Fractal. :)
It's not any particular preset. I had been communicating with Matt about the problem which went away with the last two 2.02 firmwares. It only happens when I scroll though banks by holding the bank up or down button. Just clicking from bank 1 to 2 or even bank 1 to 4 is not a problem as long as you click once for each bank rather than hold down the button until it scrolls to the bank you want. It also only did it with the MFC connected with an ethernet cable. Midi cable was fine. I have a MKII so I can't say if faslink does it or not. I did email Matt about this last night. Thanks Cliff!

I have had the same issue. I think what is going on is this. When scrolling through the presets using your foot down on the mfc the axe loads the respective presets one after the other. If one of these preset is very complex with many blocks in it and the processor utilisation is very high, say over 90%, then it takes the axe a while to load the preset. However, in the meantime the next preset calling is sent by the mfc and that confuses the axe and crashes it.
If you select one preset after the next the time between the messages sent by the mfc is probably long enough for the axe to fully load the preset before the next preset is called by the mfc and therefore everything is fine.
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