Axe-Fx II Firmware 15.00 Public Beta

It would be interesting to see a future feature where any parameter that is touched, be it the treble knob, Graphic EQ or the speaker resonence settings, the parameter would then be considered "edited" and this "update amp block feature" would reset the block to the newest modeling algorithms, but the only parameters that would reset to the newest defaults would be ones that where never tweaked.

This comes from a selfish viewpoint since more then one of my patches edits the Graphic EQ, Transformer match, dampening, and sag parameters.

Would be nice to have that "reset" blocks so that the new modeling attaches to amp block like it does now with re-selecting amp, but without loosing any of my personal favorite settings (regardless of FW)

Of course if the user wants to try the amp with ALL the newest defaults... then they would re-select the amp like we currently do.

I think it is an inescapable fact, that when we turn knobs and flick switches so that a preset sounds exactly how we think it sounds best to us, that when Cliff makes a new discovery, and models another level of realism into the algorithms, those settings will not be "perfect anymore" because the interactions between the gain stages and the pot taper may have been altered with the firmware. No amount of attempt to counter act the effects of the maturation of the product between firmwares, will keep us from having to dial in things a little bit again, after an upgrade. The upside is, after we make those subtle adjustments, our rig should sound more realistic and better.

We are creatures of habit. Guys get on the forum and complain that the latest firmware disrupted their programming and their favorite sound. Well, yes, and no. The product keeps becoming more real, therefore we are having forward progress, even if it costs you a little more time to keep in step. That awesome tone that you were able to get before, is probably still in there, but you may have to relearn the dials to turn to achieve it.

As always, it is your choice to pass up on an upgrade until your schedule affords you the time you know you are going to need to tweak your presets again.
What you're not taking into account is how some changes have nothing to do with modeling version.

Like I mentioned, Transformer match and low-frequency resonence comes to mind. There are two elements that are independent on the modeling firmware and are what I have on some of my presets all the time (i.e. copying how SRV had his amps modified). I could be selfish and demand that the parameters that I personally use should be unaltered, but I think its best for the community to implement the suggestion I originally made. It covers guys like me as well as those who like to start with a fresh plate.

Tweaking parameters doesn't always relate to "perfect sound" or preset. Some have more to do with knowing how your personal guitar works and modifications that real amp makers make to real amps in the real world.

I think it is an inescapable fact, that when we turn knobs and flick switches so that a preset sounds exactly how we think it sounds best to us, that when Cliff makes a new discovery, and models another level of realism into the algorithms, those settings will not be "perfect anymore" because the interactions between the gain stages and the pot taper may have been altered with the firmware. No amount of attempt to counter act the effects of the maturation of the product between firmwares, will keep us from having to dial in things a little bit again, after an upgrade. The upside is, after we make those subtle adjustments, our rig should sound more realistic and better.

We are creatures of habit. Guys get on the forum and complain that the latest firmware disrupted their programming and their favorite sound. Well, yes, and no. The product keeps becoming more real, therefore we are having forward progress, even if it costs you a little more time to keep in step. That awesome tone that you were able to get before, is probably still in there, but you may have to relearn the dials to turn to achieve it.

As always, it is your choice to pass up on an upgrade until your schedule affords you the time you know you are going to need to tweak your presets again.
There was a time when I (and all my guitar buds) would go to any extreme to get my sound right. I spent thousands of dollars and infinite hours trying to figure it all out. I even went so far as to study tubes and that technology so that I could tweak my amps internally. You know, fire up a soldering iron and start changing components. I learned that its one thing to be able to calculate the cut of frequency or some other parameter but it is another thing entirely as to how that translates to the overall tone and feel of the amp and whether or not you like it. It becomes as much of an art as it is a science. And then there is the art and science of making that amp sound right in the context of a band situation; through a pa system and so on.

These days I just plug into my axa fx. I have several amps that I can use but usually stick to two. Incorporating fx's has never been easier; you wouldn't believe the things guitarist used to do to get reverb of echo after the power amp stage - like in a studio. By the way, I really don't have to tweak advanced parameters because with all the different amps to choose from, I have been able to find something that works right out of the box. I barely even have to mess with the tone controls. One of my sounds, a bogner blue I think, is completely stock. If you do a reset on that amp you have my preset. Tone controls completely straight up and down. Only the volume is adjusted to match my other amp presets.

I can put on my favorite cds and play along with them with guitar tones that sound as good (or better) than those on the cd. It is a great time to be a guitarist! Well..., if you own an axefxII!

So, its a bummer that you have to reset something if you up grade your firmware...two words come to mind. Can you guess what they are?

I would like to go on record concerning the 15b firmware. It is even better than the Fw before it. I would rather use the axefx than a real amp because it is better.

THANKS TO FRACTAL AUDIO FOR THEIR INCREDIBLE INTEGRITY. To constantly improve your product and then offer that hard work and time, completely free, to people who would wine at you for the favor speaks to something that is bigger than money and business. I think it speaks to a mans passion for what he is doing. I appreciate it. I want to be associated with people like that. Cliff and company, ...simply outstanding!!!
Not totally. Users expressing concerns or suggestions is not whining. The fact that Cliff does listen to customer concerns & suggestions shows that he doesn't see it as whining.
I think it is an inescapable fact, that when we turn knobs and flick switches so that a preset sounds exactly how we think it sounds best to us, that when Cliff makes a new discovery, and models another level of realism into the algorithms, those settings will not be "perfect anymore" because the interactions between the gain stages and the pot taper may have been altered with the firmware. No amount of attempt to counter act the effects of the maturation of the product between firmwares, will keep us from having to dial in things a little bit again, after an upgrade. The upside is, after we make those subtle adjustments, our rig should sound more realistic and better.

We are creatures of habit. Guys get on the forum and complain that the latest firmware disrupted their programming and their favorite sound. Well, yes, and no. The product keeps becoming more real, therefore we are having forward progress, even if it costs you a little more time to keep in step. That awesome tone that you were able to get before, is probably still in there, but you may have to relearn the dials to turn to achieve it.

As always, it is your choice to pass up on an upgrade until your schedule affords you the time you know you are going to need to tweak your presets again.

This exactly!

THANKS TO FRACTAL AUDIO FOR THEIR INCREDIBLE INTEGRITY. To constantly improve your product and then offer that hard work and time, completely free, to people who would wine at you for the favor speaks to something that is bigger than money and business. I think it speaks to a mans passion for what he is doing. I appreciate it. I want to be associated with people like that. Cliff and company, ...simply outstanding!!!

I getting crazy of waiting for the final 15 firmware slowly (maybe the big point to me?!) So much spoilers so far, and of course 15b, which is amazing and i love it actually, but not so much enjoying it when you know there will be another big change to your tones with Cliffs new epiphany for the final version "SOON"! since.. i don't know exactly anymore. But yeah we love Fractal for what they give us with the updates :-D

Whats up in the Fractal lab?
I fully planned on giving 15b a test drive last night but instead got completely hooked (yet again) on Buttery on 14.02 :)

First World problem.
Upgraded to 15b yesterday and all is well. Took me about an hour to get my presets re-worked, but was well worth the effort. I found using the Copy X to Y method worked great for me. Out of 10 or so custom presets, I've only found one that I can't quite get to where I want it yet, but I'm sure it will come with a little more tweaking. Loving the tones with 15b, the lead tones are getting truly amazing. Great job Cliff and team! :encouragement:
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