Axe-Fx II - 4.01 - Mesa Mark V Attempt - Erotomania


I just got my Axe Fx II last week, and really have only had time to sit with it the past 2 days or so.

I've been playing out of a Mesa Mark V Head and 2x12 for close to the past 2 years, and made the jump to the Axe2...

Here's my first attempt at recreating the Mark V sound. Feedback is welcome.

One thing I'm curious about is how to remove that slight fizziness during the rhythm sections? I'm pretty happy with this patch for leads.

Please excuse the sloppy playing, I'm not trying to showcase any talent here.

View attachment Mesa Mark Series Lead.syx
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Why would you want to remove what you call that fizziness? To my ear, this is instead silky highend top pleasant to hear if you ask me! Would cut like charm in a full mix! But you can turn the new grid off in the amp advance tab to remove it! Was this recorded with your cab or it is direct? Great liquid lead tone there! Did you use a boost pedal in front of the amp? Great tone!
Sounds nice-I like the sound. BTW, In axe Edit the grid is in the power section of the amp all the way on the right.-Where's the patch :)
Why would you want to remove what you call that fizziness? To my ear, this is instead silky highend top pleasant to hear if you ask me! Would cut like charm in a full mix! But you can turn the new grid off in the amp advance tab to remove it! Was this recorded with your cab or it is direct? Great liquid lead tone there! Did you use a boost pedal in front of the amp? Great tone!

Coming back to it a few hours later, I don't hear it as much. After playing for a few hours, I become less sensitive to certain frequencies and more sensitive to others. Sometimes I guess you need to step back and take another listen later. :)

Yes, there is a drive in front of the amp, and it was recorded direct from USB.

Sounds killer to me...

Nice, thanks!

Sounds nice-I like the sound. BTW, In axe Edit the grid is in the power section of the amp all the way on the right.-Where's the patch :)

Thanks for the heads up!

I'll post the patch when I get a chance.
I just got my Axe Fx II last week, and really have only had time to sit with it the past 2 days or so.

I've been playing out of a Mesa Mark V Head and 2x12 for close to the past 2 years, and made the jump to the Axe2...

Here's my first attempt at recreating the Mark V sound. Feedback is welcome.

One thing I'm curious about is how to remove that slight fizziness during the rhythm sections? I'm pretty happy with this patch for leads.

Please excuse the sloppy playing, I'm not trying to showcase any talent here.

Would you share this patch??

It sounds really close man! Good playing some mistakes but hey ho played at once and shared so :) <OK>
My II landed yesterday and so far im trying to find tones but i think that there is a time to change guitar as i was playin petrucci for long time and its really ahrd to pull out a good sound without hours spent on tweakin!
Sounds great man!!! Bonus points for even attempting any JP stuff. You played it pretty good I must say.

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
I pressed play and the same second something said "YES!!" inside of me. That's a good sign. High yes-factor in this clip.
I agree on the fizz, I mean yes, there is some fizz but it's good fizz to me.
(that word fizz is getting really milked and misunderstood these days, me included)
I like it please post a patch.
I'm coming from a real Mark IV and a real 5150 II and I'm trying to duplicate my tube tones with the Axe so the more patches I see emulating Marks the better (for me to learn)
Sounds great. Though I'm really not getting why everyone is so against "fizziness" lately...

"fizziness", the really BAD kind, has always been a major bane of amp sims. So I think Fractal users are overly sensitive to it, even when the "fizz" that remains in the Fractal sims can be quite pleasant and is perfectly natural sounding, as in the OP's clip.
"fizziness", the really BAD kind, has always been a major bane of amp sims. So I think Fractal users are overly sensitive to it, even when the "fizz" that remains in the Fractal sims can be quite pleasant and is perfectly natural sounding, as in the OP's clip.

This I realize. Good call with the "overly sensitive"...
If we're getting hyper critical into the nearness of the tone, IMO it's a little "squishy." Could be a bit tighter and a bit less muddy. Petrucci's tone is obscenely tight, in the best way.
I think 99% of the 'Petrucci factor' is that he isn't even human. He is a machine. I remember when I first heard BCSL... The solos were cleaner and clearer than I have EVER heard from him. There was somehow even LESS 'slop' around each note. Part of me thinks that is due to him changing pickups and also the awesomeness of the MKIV. I mean come on, could he really get ANY cleaner that he already is? As for us mere mortals... God help us!!! JP rules!!!

If we're getting hyper critical into the nearness of the tone, IMO it's a little "squishy." Could be a bit tighter and a bit less muddy. Petrucci's tone is obscenely tight, in the best way.
If we're getting hyper critical into the nearness of the tone, IMO it's a little "squishy." Could be a bit tighter and a bit less muddy. Petrucci's tone is obscenely tight, in the best way.

That might be because of the guitar I used.. It's a JPX, and it's chambered, so you lose a bit of that tightness - which is why he doesn't play them at all and prefers his JPXI's (not chambered).
Very good sound!
It reminds me of my Mesa Mark IV, which I sold for a Axe Fx Ultra is much more appropriate at home ....
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