Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

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I’m not fractal but … do you think it won’t be ported to the fm9 ? …

For the rest I have tried most of everything . Everything is fine here . Just some levelling and less love to the maxon 808 that is not my favorite boost anymore with these latest update . Removed everywhere for others
I'm still using the Maxon, what is it that you're not liking now?
Yeah something feels off about this one compared to the last beta firmware but it might also be in my head. Gonna try a non-Maxon boost later.
It’s not in your head because it is in mine too . 😅

Before, it helps to tight the sound without affecting the signal a lot, and now it «blur » it. With luck the ts9 replace it. But goodbye the maxon
I have been struggling with "Fizz" ever since I got my FX3. I updated to 21.00. Is the plate suppressor diode parameter only on some models? Where is it located?
What I'm hearing is not as noticable on the high end but more so on the mid/lows. The fizz or artifact as it's referred to on the wiki. Is kind of separate from the primary tone, kind of next to it. Sounds kind of like a blown speaker. But, these have never been pushed that hard.

What amp model are we talking here? I've looked through the previous pages of the thread and unless I've missed it, I couldn't find what exact amp you are using. Also, it might be worth starting a dedicated thread where this can be discussed in more detail.
I'm feeling that many of the amp models seem brighter to me. I'm reaching for the treble and presence knobs to turn them down which I haven't done before. The Plexi 100W 1970 in particular, which is my go to Plexi.
At the same time, it has been said that the way the od’s act with the amps has been changed, so that’s it.

I had some troubles tweaking my malmsteen preset where I use the grey dod. When you couple it with a Marshall now, as he used to do , the sound is heavily distorted. The ds1 as boost became unusable too (before it was already not really…) . But they are many others options to tweak to your taste so. if something sounds bad, try another thing ☺️
What amp model are we talking here? I've looked through the previous pages of the thread and unless I've missed it, I couldn't find what exact amp you are using. Also, it might be worth starting a dedicated thread where this can be discussed in more detail.
It's not specific to an amp model, it's available in all models. Until the new Axe Edit is available, it's currently only accessible on the unit in the Amp Block > Advanced page. Another feature that is specific to a certain type of amp/circuit that can now be used with any amp.

From the OP:

Added “Plate Suppressor Diodes” parameter. This value is set automatically when the amp model is chosen but the user can override the default setting. Most amps do not have suppressor diodes but some do (e.g., Trainwreck Express). These diodes (also called “snubber” or “flyback” diodes) prevent undershoot on the power tube plates due to inductive kick and reduce upper harmonics thereby reducing “fizz”.
It's not specific to an amp model, it's available in all models. Until the new Axe Edit is available, it's currently only accessible on the unit in the Amp Block > Advanced page. Another feature that is specific to a certain type of amp/circuit that can now be used with any amp.

From the OP:

Added “Plate Suppressor Diodes” parameter. This value is set automatically when the amp model is chosen but the user can override the default setting. Most amps do not have suppressor diodes but some do (e.g., Trainwreck Express). These diodes (also called “snubber” or “flyback” diodes) prevent undershoot on the power tube plates due to inductive kick and reduce upper harmonics thereby reducing “fizz”.
Maybe I misunderstood but I thought @jbone163 was talking about a general fuzziness in the low-mids they have been experience with their Axe Fx and that they were wondering whether the Plate Suppressor Diode parameter can help them solve this.
I think we all need to get in the habit of recording a short DI clip and provide real before and after sound clips. No more of the “juicier”, “beefier”, “thicker”, “sweeter”, “sparklier”, “chunkier” adjectives! The brain is easy to trick, but the ears almost never lie. We need proof!
Going forward, I’ll try to do that.
I think we all need to get in the habit of recording a short DI clip and provide real before and after sound clips. No more of the “juicier”, “beefier”, “thicker”, “sweeter”, “sparklier”, “chunkier” adjectives! The brain is easy to trick, but the ears almost never lie. We need proof!
Going forward, I’ll try to do that.
I was glad I did it prior to loading up the previous Beta. Definitely an improvement I could quickly and easily hear.
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