Axe FX 2 background noise


(Solved) Macbook Pro power supply emanates noisy line signal when laptop is fully charged that interferes with Axe FX. Also bad power in house(most likely).

This is pretty loud so turn your speakers down.

Can't get the soundcloud to work....

I recorded this on my phone. The guitar is a Les Paul Standard. This happens on my single coil guitars as well. The only time I have not had this noise was last night when I left the Axe on for about 5 hours(went to see a movie). When I came back the noises were gone. I know what the 60 cycle hum is, I am more interested in the crackle pop, electronica going on in the background. The patch does not matter for the noise problem, Bassman, Solo1 etc are all the same.

I just tried it again, leaving it on for a while, the noise disappeared. Does the Axe need to warm up for a few hours?

How do you embed the Soundcloud widget thingy?
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just curious, but does this noise happen with nothing plugged into any of the inputs, and with the Global Bypass engaged (caution, you may need to crank the input & output volumes to hear it, if in fact the noise is there)? It is difficult to tell what's going on with all of the hums being so loud.
Thanks for the replies.

With nothing plugged into the input the noise stops.
When the Bypass button(mutes everything) is pushed the noise stops. Funny about the Bypass button, it flashes "dim, dim, Flash,dim, dim, Flash" repeatedly instead of steady state illuminated.
If the noise goes away with nothing plugged in then it's getting picked up by your guitar.
Q - when the noise makes those changes, are you physically touching any of the metal parts of the guitar??
as in, you don't touch the strings or bridge and you get one noise, then touch the strings / bridge and the noise changes..

or.. are you wiggling the cable.. or maybe wearing the guitar??

or is the guitar stood in a stand and you are nowhere near it, not making contact with it???

cos this kinda sounds like a bad earth making and breaking contact to me..
could be a cable, jack socket [in anything in the signal path] or something like that with a physical connection that has failed
I also have a macbook pro (2011) with wireless turned on and it has been sitting on or near my Axe FXs and I haven't heard this sound. I had a guitar plugged in using a guitar cable to the front input. I was doing a lot of comparing at the time so I would have noticed it.

If you have the laptop with wifi on but not connected to a router, do you still get the noise?
If it only occurs when the wifi is connected, what frequency is used (check your router)?
How loud is that sound relative to regular playing through the AxeFX?
When you recorded this did you use a patch with 0 components or something with distortion? Just wondering b/c different presets will magnify the noise.

I also suspect a bad cable or possibly the AxeFX input jack.


It is the wireless card from my FREAKIN MACBOOK PRO!!!!!!
When the laptop is open the wireless card is sending and receiving signal, that is what is making the freakin freaky frikin noise! Close the laptop, noise stops, open laptop a "click" happens, then a pause while the mac reboots the wireless, then constant noise like in the file above. My computer was OFF when I came in at 1am. That's why the noise was not there.

Mind you my laptop is in another room of the place and NOT on the same circuit. CRAZY SCHTUFF!

It is the wireless card from my FREAKIN MACBOOK PRO!!!!!!
When the laptop is open the wireless card is sending and receiving signal, that is what is making the freakin freaky frikin noise! Close the laptop, noise stops, open laptop a "click" happens, then a pause while the mac reboots the wireless, then constant noise like in the file above. My computer was OFF when I came in at 1am. That's why the noise was not there.

Mind you my laptop is in another room and NOT on the same circuit. CRAZY SCHTUFF!

If you have the technical facility, on your wireless network, move around the channel your wireless network is on. It's by default set to an automatic setting, but you can call the shots. By picking a channel that doesn't interfere with other 'air transmitting' devices you can eliminate noise, (and *slow* or sluggish wireless response on your network as well.)

This is only one troubleshooting step. The problem is still probably with guitar/grounding/power/cables, etc. You'll hear it again IMO.

Thanks for the help and ideas. You guys were right. It is the power in my apartment. There is obviously something amiss in the wiring here. It seems anything that is turned on in my computer room causes a different noise in the Axe FX. Turning on my monitors causes an under the radar hum(maybe around1-2k). When the mac power supply indicates full(by turning green) is when I notice the really bad alternating hum, it's like the power supply is switching on and off. Still sort of a mystery.

The "ground" in this room is a green wire going from the ground plugs, then around the baseboard and wrapped around a radiator. Nice place huh?
The "ground" in this room is a green wire going from the ground plugs, then around the baseboard and wrapped around a radiator. Nice place huh?
Ouch! Beware you can have safety issue with such a hazardous earth grounding. You should call a pro in electricity and have a proper ground installed. For the sake of sound and for your security.
The "ground" in this room is a green wire going from the ground plugs, then around the baseboard and wrapped around a radiator. Nice place huh?

Speak to your "super/ building manager" and demand that it gets fixed immediately for pure safety reasons. That has the potential to kill or destroy your Axe... safety first mind you. Don't #%$@ around with that. I know someone who had a bad ground and it totally fried his Ultra.
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