Axe-Fest II

Thanks Yek for sharing that info!!!:eagerness: Also thanks to everyone else for there pics and input...:friendly_wink:

One question, Were there any sound systems/speakers there besides EAW and Matrix? I'm currently on the waiting list for the CLR. Could anyone comment on how they compared to what was at the show?

Also to anyone at FAS. I'm sure your aware how critically important Cliff's knowledge of the Axe is. Is there any way to get his presentation available to everybody. Thousands of people would benefit immensely from it. There is no official in depth comprehensive knowledge for the unit and the manual barely scratches the surface. Thanks to people like Yek, jma, Scott P, Cliff posting on the forum (which I collect in a file I call "Cliff Notes") and many others we have something, but does it need to be this way?

During the "Total Control with the MFC-101 and Mission pedals" session on Saturday someone asked Matt to add a VOL block to the setup so you could have three separate blocks (WAH, PIT and VOL) all being controlled by a SINGLE Mission expression pedal, but selected via scenes.
Perfect solution thanks.
I think this one needs an own post and Wiki'd...
Is there anymore info on the FASlink? What's the reasoning behind it? Does it make switching faster? I've never had any speed issues with the ethernet connection. I apologize if this was explained earlier and must have missed it. Thanks for the update guys! I look forward to hopefully attend 2014!
This is what Cliff wrote about in another thread
Cliff: "The problem we've been seeing is broken CAT-5 cables and jacks on the MFC. FASLINK addresses those two weak spots. The adapter is a tiny box you stick in the back of your rack. Everyone has extra XLR cables at a gig; CAT-5 cables, not so common".
This is what Cliff wrote about in another thread
Cliff: "The problem we've been seeing is broken CAT-5 cables and jacks on the MFC. FASLINK addresses those two weak spots. The adapter is a tiny box you stick in the back of your rack. Everyone has extra XLR cables at a gig; CAT-5 cables, not so common".
Gotcha! Thanks for the reply. Sweet for once something I'm not inclined to purchase......yet!
Thanks for the info.
Interested in learning more about both the FRFR2x12 and the NL212 --- I already have 2 NL12 cabs which are just off the charts crazy good.

Picture "Borrowed" from a Matrix Amplification entry on Facebook.
View attachment 17823

Review of what I found at the Matrix Amplification display area.
Matrix demo setup of their new FR212 cabs with some pre-production amps.
Each cabinet is setup with two 2x12's and a crossover horn. The white amps on each cabinet are preproduction models with a programmable DSP that has been tuned to the cabinet to provide the flattest frequency response possible. Each amp had a single speakon connector out to each cab. The amps were rated at approx. 1000 watts each. The amps were preproduction models and I think they were painted white to label them as preprod. I was told they were also going to be building a 1000w power amp block that would be mount inside the cabinet, similar to the Q12a's.
There was also a Q12a and a Q12 wedge on display in the picture also. Sitting just below the Axe-FX was a 5000w amp they brought along just in case the neighbors wanted to get into a volume contest. They never hooked it up and I think it was just a toy one of the staff built to show they could do it if they wanted.
Neil Turbin from Anthrax was there and did a little volume check on the rig. It was definitely one of those times when you could feel your insides moving around. It was loud and clear. I can't believe the windows didn't blow out in the room. Did I mention it was scary loud? Then John from Matrix showed us the volume knob on the amps. Almost half-way. Made me really think twice about "turning it up to eleven". It was too much and funny loud. It had so much power and yet was so clear, no flub, no mud, no woofing. Neil seemed to keep it blasting for at least 30 min. You knew any minute something is going to give. Eventually it was me. Funny to watch people run past the doorway to the room holding their ears with a look of terror in their eyes. Amps barely got warm..
Matrix also had on display their new NL12 and NL212 speaker cabinets. Everyone was invited to pick them up and could not believe how light they were. I mentioned "hey, you forgot to put the speaker in this thing". It felt like a empty cabinet. They hooked them up to a GT1000 amp and they sounded great. Many people were surprised how much volume was put out of the NL12.
Both John and Pete from Matrix were there to assist anybody with any questions they had, help hook up any Matrix Cab to any Matrix Amp, try any Axe-FX preset they wanted. Some people brought in their own guitars, someone even brought in their own Axe-FX preset to try with all the cabs and amps. Lots of chug chug chug, Van Halen, then finally late Sunday one gentleman played a super wide variety of sounds/tunes. VH, Pink Floyd, Ethereal Sounds, U2, GNR, RHCP, etc. Lots of different stuff and it was great to hear how well the amps and cabs responded to all the different styles.
Andy Hunt was also there to answer any engineering questions, but most of the time he was busy smiling watching people's look of amazement when playing with the Matrix gear.
Great people, great equipment.
These a for the MK-lll or is this going to replace out Ethernet cable on the older MFC 101's
As a pair <-, they will change out your ethernet on any of the ethernet connected (and ethercon) MFC's. You will need only the one adapter (not the pair) for your AXE-FX II end of the XLR when the MK III's come out as they have an "XLR Out" on board.
M@ noted that one of the 3 XLR wires carried power and how they manage to get the rest of the MIDI-SPEAK down the other 2 wires - "Is a secret"
I want to be Andy Wood when I grow up. :)
I am thinking that he might have been created, not born. UN-believable! What a nice guy too!. Seeing him with James Santiago and Chris Traynor was mind bending awesome. He had to stick his hands in ice water afterward because they were smoldering.
Cliff just said the EAWs are NT59s. He used the term "pinnacle of FRFR" when describing them.

NT59's are discontinued. There is a JF59NT now, wonder if that's the replacement. Trying to read specs on NT59's, anybody know if these are a coaxial design?
Would have loved to hear them!
Cliff used the word "Pinnacle", that's a GAS term for sure!

Sent from my iPhone
Yes, Andy Wood was great! And still human.

It was great to meet him, and see the big shots of amp building such as Bogner, Friedman etc. And the guys from Matrix, Mission, OwnHammer. Loved the Santiago band.

But most of all it was fun to meet the fellow forum and beta team members. We watched the performances, assisted where we could, ate together, had laughs etc. It was a blast.
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