Axe-fest Germany 2015 | Marshall 1960AX Greenback loaded now available

Thanks dude !

Let me know, if the problem is fixed ... also ... i always escited about some feedback! Likes? Maybe dislikes about the pack? As always and for everybody: Your honest opinions are welcome! Much appreciate them! Thanks - Markus :)
I really like the cab ! Definitely clearer than all the other G12M25 available. I'm using a custom mix right now, and I've yet to test the mixes provided. I also have a preference for the P preamp settings.
I really like the cab ! Definitely clearer than all the other G12M25 available. I'm using a custom mix right now, and I've yet to test the mixes provided. I also have a preference for the P preamp settings.

Glad to hear YOU like them! I mean, your sounds and clips are always fantastic, so ... i think ... this means something :) Also, it seems you`re one of the less guys, trying some IR`s beside the common I-voicing (Idealized FLAT Amp / MIC+DI). Cool! :encouragement:

I really would be happy to hear some Clips with the Marshall 1960AX Greenback IRs!!! I was so flashed, when Black Bitch did, because the sound awesome, IMO ... and it feels very motivating, getting some response to the long process and work i put into these files!

So, ... guys! Please ... i get some, but few feedback from some guys for these files. I would much appreciate to get some more feedback & honest opinions from the people, they have thankfully support the Cab-Pack!

I think i can`t imagine how Cliff must feel, if superior artists make music and great tones with his developments with the Axe-Fx! But now i know ... the greatest motivation is user feedback ... really!!!
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I also have tried all the combination and I like the sonic differences they could provide.
As Fremen I also like the P preamp. But in first approach, I stay on the I category.

I have recorded (for an other goal I must admit) a small sample with one of your IR, but with an AC30TB.
Not well played, etc...but recorded with one of your IR.
This is a 2 amps preset (not used as primary sound but more as reinforcing the main sound, I mean there is also an AC30Hot + Celestion blue involved , but the basis is the AC30TB into Cab with one of your IR (M04_MR-1960AX_SM57-C+E906-C_I.syx)
My first impression is that your IR are great quality, with a large sonic palette, and they can be used in many many situations.
I am not enough an IR specialist to go further, but they sound just "right" to my taste.

Don't be to hard. Not well played, made for another discussion with friends, etc...but recorded with one of your IR.
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Great manu! Thank you for the kind words! Lucky to hear, you like them! Me, i have always problems to get THE Edge Sound ... but you nailed it really good - honestly, far better than me :) the blue Celestion - is this one of the Axe-Fest Germany 2014 Cab-Pack, many people, exspecially at the U2 tutorialsforum, like and prefer a lot? I really want to get my hands down again to htis AC30 blonde and do some more pro IRs from that combo ... great sounding one...

Also, i`m very happy, that it seems some guys tried and use folders beside the MIC+DI I-variant ... so ... all the work it seems was not completely for nothing ... :)

thank you!
( I use daily your SN57 IR from Axe-Fest Germany 2014, but it was not this one in this case ; back to topic Pack Marshall 2015 !)

All the variation I, P, H, ...are interesting, just because they provide us with different sound colors.
You know, I just try to find a sound I like for my backtrack, and I don't really care if it is marshall, vox, or other thing.
Of course I tend to look at first in Vox IR or other IR I like, but I am happy if I can find something other.
But I must admit I almost never make IR mix by myself. I just use it as final EQ, more or less.
Because of that, I am happy that your provided some ready to use Mix !
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