Axe-Edit 3.0.2 Released!

Admin M@

Fractal Audio Systems
Axe-Edit 3.0.2 has been launched. The most exciting new feature is the BLOCKS LIBRARY.

Here are the release notes. The GETTING STARTED GUIDE will be updated today.

Release 3.0.2 - October 10, 2013

Axe-Edit 3.0.2 is an interim release including fixes and new features. It is recommended for everyone using Axe-Edit 3.0.

New Features:

1. Implemented the Block Library. NOTE: The new Library is not compatible with blocks saved under previous Axe-Edit versions!
You can find the Block Library in the Block menu, the Grid context menu (right-click) and the “Block Library” control in the effect editor pane of Axe-Edit when any amp, cab, or effect block is selected on the grid.
Axe-Edit saves blocks to folders under ~/Documents/Fractal Audio/Axe-Edit/blocks/. Files anywhere in this directory will be read into the library based on their type. The directory structure is ignored. Block library files should never be edited by hand. Each file is validated with a checksum and invalid files will not be read into the library.
Blocks files are saved to disk with a name and a date-stamp (similar to snapshots). Please note: the name of the file is not the name of the block as it appears in Axe-Edit. Changing the file name will not change the block library name. The block library name is internally stored and can only be changed through Axe-Edit.
Blocks must be given a unique name per effect-type. For instance, one cannot create two Amp block entries with the name “Killer Tone”. Block names may be reused across effect types, however. An AMP and a CAB block could each be named “Great Tone”.
Upon reading the blocks from disk, if a block currently being read has a name that is in use in the library for the given effect-type, then that block being read will have its name appended with a number. The original file will remain unchanged. For instance, if two Amp blocks have name “Great Tone”, then the first read library entry will be “Great Tone” and the second read library entry will be “Great Tone(1)”, and so on. This enables you to share library block files without having to worry about naming.
Deleting a library block entry from the Block Library widget will also delete the file from disk.

2. Added the Global Mix button to the Mix control of the Delay, Chorus, Flanger, Formant, Megatap Delay, Multi Delay, Phaser, Pitch, Quad Chorus, Resonator, Reverb, Ring Mod, Synth, and Vocoder. For
more on Global Mix, see the Axe-Fx II owner’s manual.

3. Added support for Global Blocks.

4. Modified the “Preset Picker” to allow a horizontally scrolled view and applied this new control to all dropdowns containing more than 40 items. (Amp type, Cab type, Tempo, etc.).

5. Added the <Scratchpad> location to User Cabs.

6. Axe-Edit now displays “INSUFFICIENT CPU%” messages when you are prevented from inserting a new block. Note that this is not the case for “EXCESS CPU USAGE! REDUCE LOAD.” Messages caused when trying to load an overly large preset or increase CPU with parameter settings.

Bugs Addressed:

1. “Coarse” Mouse wheel is the default for knobs and sliders except for non-integer parameters.

2. Renamed Block “Initialize” to “Reset.”

3. Corrected the Preset “Save to New Location” confirmation dialog to utilize the display offset when showing the preset number.

4. Fixed the Voices parameter in the Chorus block.

5. Modified the windows native resize handler to force the size back to default until window-resizing is implemented.

6. Added a small context menu to the Controllers, Input, and Output buttons. This menu includes Block Copy, Paste, and Reset.

7. Removed LFO 3 and 4 from MultiDelay’s “Quad Tape Dly”.

8. Added a warning when attempting to bypass a block that has a modifier on the Bypass Mode parameter.

9. Removed extra Depth Range parameter from the Modulation pages of the Delay block.

10. Corrected the dotted lines around Frequency Type 1 and 2 in the PEQ block as they extended too far above the control.

11. Fixed the “Voice 1” and “Voice 2” parameters of “Intelligent Harmony” PITCH type.

12. Keyboard Shortcuts:
· Return key: The return key will open the edit field of the selected control to allow modification.
· The ‘+’ key will display the menu associated with the ‘+’ button on the selected dropdown control.
· ‘G’ or ‘g’ key: The ‘G’ key will toggle the “Global” button for the selected control.
· Simplified the keyboard shortcut for “Preset Refresh” to just F5.

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it says 3.0.2 in the release notes above, are the 3.0.3 changes missing from this post or is that just a typo, cheers. And thanks!
.. for the second time today :)

Now.. lets make some cool Blocks!

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