Arrrrrrrrrgghhh!!!! Has anyone else experienced this preset prob with Axe-FX II?


Power User
I got my Axe-FX II back on track and was all excited jamming with the new 5.0 Firmware. I played a bit yesterday and today with no problems. While ago I was scrolling thru the presets and then suddenly the sound started changing and the following happened:
- Unit settings reset when I turn off unit and turn it back on (amp and cab sims back "on", etc.)
- Unit automatically jumps to 001 preset regardless of where I was when I turn unit back on
- Some presets had no sound at all
- The majority of presets had a loud delay effect bouncing back and forth
- Some presets were so loud that the red light came on

This keeps happening to me and I don't understand why. The unit will work perfectly fine and then all of the sudden, out of nowhere, I'll start having these issues again.

If the unit was acting like this immediately after a firmware update or something, I could almost understand it. The strange thing is that it just happens out of nowhere. The only thing that was happening before and not happening yet, is that I'm not getting the message "Warning: Presets Not Loaded Correctly". Not sure if that is coming.

If anyone has experienced this please let me know. Thanks.
It's now the weekend.. you probably won't get a response until Mon.

That's ok, I figured that. Is there a way for me to clear out all of my presets thru Axe-Edit and start from scratch? I'm thinking that the way I originally loaded the presets for 4.01 (the same way firmware is loaded) might have corrupted the presets somehow. Just strange that it doesn't do this right away. The unit sounds great and then suddenly everything jacks up.
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