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elchampion said:
I'm thinking that only the people who are on the waiting list and wait for their email will be the only ones that will get the discount. If you can't wait then you will pay the regular price. That's how it was with the ULTRA wait list.
I know. As I got on the list 26 months ago, I figured I have a fair shot at the discount. But, no email yet....
bluesdoc said:
elchampion said:
I'm thinking that only the people who are on the waiting list and wait for their email will be the only ones that will get the discount. If you can't wait then you will pay the regular price. That's how it was with the ULTRA wait list.
I know. As I got on the list 26 months ago, I figured I have a fair shot at the discount. But, no email yet....
It's probably not lost on Fractal that a number of the discount-entitled waitlisters may choose to forgo the announced $100 discount and place MFC-101 orders at list price because they don't want to wait for their discount codes to arrive by email.
first... :shock: , then... :? , then... :eek: , then... :cry: , tears of joy!

congrats fractal and the entire mfc team.

i'm patient enough to wait for my email, but consider it an absolute purchase from me.

YIPPEEEEE... soon i'll be finally able to gig the AXE!!!!
WOW - I've been using the All-access for 3 years as a "temporary solution" while waitng for this product ..... :D
So, what was changed or updated in this "release version," from the model that was released in small quantities earlier in the month ? Just curious...

Thanks in advance !!
I was told today that as #202 on the waiting list it would be around a month for me to get my discount code. It doesn't make much sense to me, but it's their business. It's kind of disappointing, but I'm so beaten down about this whole thing that I don't care. I ordered it anyway. I hope it lives up to expectations.
m lebofsky said:
WOW - I've been using the All-access for 3 years as a "temporary solution" while waitng for this product ..... :D

my Gordius LG is number 27- same thing, temporary until the MFC came out.
Mark P. said:
I was told today that as #202 on the waiting list it would be around a month for me to get my discount code. It doesn't make much sense to me, but it's their business. It's kind of disappointing, but I'm so beaten down about this whole thing that I don't care. I ordered it anyway. I hope it lives up to expectations.

Sigh... Oh well, I'll hold out for the discount - what's another month. :roll:
Mike Snider said:
[quote="m lebofsky":29e818t8]WOW - I've been using the All-access for 3 years as a "temporary solution" while waitng for this product ..... :D

my Gordius LG is number 27- same thing, temporary until the MFC came out.[/quote:29e818t8]The LG is has a larger feature set than the MFC. It'll take them a while to catch up if they can. Xavier has some serious programming/design chops and tons of yet-implemented ideas.

The good news is both units will continue to evolve, and the MFC sho' is puurty.
Mark P. said:
I was told today that as #202 on the waiting list it would be around a month for me to get my discount code. It doesn't make much sense to me, but it's their business. It's kind of disappointing, but I'm so beaten down about this whole thing that I don't care. I ordered it anyway. I hope it lives up to expectations.

When did you get on the waiting list ?
flyingfadr said:
Mark P. said:
I was told today that as #202 on the waiting list it would be around a month for me to get my discount code. It doesn't make much sense to me, but it's their business. It's kind of disappointing, but I'm so beaten down about this whole thing that I don't care. I ordered it anyway. I hope it lives up to expectations.

When did you get on the waiting list ?

solo-act said:
[quote="Mike Snider":303glvy8][quote="m lebofsky":303glvy8]WOW - I've been using the All-access for 3 years as a "temporary solution" while waitng for this product ..... :D

my Gordius LG is number 27- same thing, temporary until the MFC came out.[/quote:303glvy8]The LG is has a larger feature set than the MFC. It'll take them a while to catch up if they can. Xavier has some serious programming/design chops and tons of yet-implemented ideas.

The good news is both units will continue to evolve, and the MFC sho' is puurty.[/quote:303glvy8]

No doubt...the Gordius is outstanding. Xavier is brilliant and I respect him very much.
I was one of the few in the U.S who did not roll over to the v.2 hardware..soon after the upgrade my LED screen went blank. Xavier found me another v.1 screen here in the states- I replaced the screen at minimal cost. Unfortunately, that screen went dark a week or so later. FWIW- the v.2 screens are a completely different type of screen and will not be prone to the issue I had.
So i decided at that point to wait until the MFC came out instead of having repair work done (shipping overseas). I still use it- blind as a bat-i think it has made me a better player!
It's all good.
I'm going to give the MFC a go..I have some other ideas for the LG in my rig, ideas that dont require the screen.
Mark P. said:
I was told today that as #202 on the waiting list it would be around a month for me to get my discount code. It doesn't make much sense to me, but it's their business. It's kind of disappointing, but I'm so beaten down about this whole thing that I don't care. I ordered it anyway. I hope it lives up to expectations.


I thought Cliff said he would have enough to kill the entire waiting list in an earlier post.
Mike Snider said:
..soon after the upgrade my LED screen went blank. Xavier found me another v.1 screen here in the states- I replaced the screen at minimal cost. Unfortunately, that screen went dark a week or so later. FWIW- the v.2 screens are a completely different type of screen and will not be prone to the issue I had.
So i decided at that point to wait until the MFC came out instead of having repair work done (shipping overseas). I still use it- blind as a bat-i think it has made me a better player!
It's all good.
I'm going to give the MFC a go..I have some other ideas for the LG in my rig, ideas that dont require the screen.
My LG V1 hardware is still sitting at my house. I did the upgrade myself and no one ever asked for the parts back. So perhaps there is another screen in your immediate future.
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