Apollo x4 & AXE FX III Reamping Through SPDIF

Hi Everyone

New member of the Fractal family here as I made the plunge into an Axe Fx 3 a few months ago. Been having tons of fun. I've also been working on setting up a project home studio and finally got a quality interface; the Apollo x4 as I would eventually like to record, mix, and master vocals and plan on using a lot of the UAD plugins that come with the interface as well.

I'd like to use the Apollo x4 as the main interface but I am running into trouble setting up Configuration 5 of GlennOs awesome guide for the recording musician. I am running on a Windows 11 PC by the way and currently using Ableton Live 11. Thus, Configuration 5 is the only play if I would like to Reamp which I do.
So currently I am running SPDIF IN and OUT cables through the Apollo and AXE and using 2 Optical to Coax / Coax to Optical converter that you can find on Amazon for $20.
So I have my guitar input to the Hi Z input 1 of the Apollo - SPDIF OUT optical from Apollo to Converter, Coax OUT from Converter to Coax IN of AXE, Coax OUT from AXE to another Converter, SPDIF OUT from Converter to SPDIF IN of Apollo. Set AXE Word Clock to SPDIF, Digital Input Source to SPDIF, SPDIF Out Source to Outpt 1, and Input 1 to Digital. Also have Apollo clock source to Internal and both at 48kHZ.
Problem is, I get no signal in the SPDIF channels when I take a look at the Apollo Console application when setting it up like this.
However, If I set it up so the AXE signal goes IN to Apollo through SPDIF IN and connect guitar directly to AXE (this way I am only getting the Wet signal from the Axe) It works perfectly fine.
I switched around the cables and converter and they both work when it is set up for SPDIF IN to Apollo from AXE so I know it is not an issue of the cables or converters per say. However, I did see mdj999 post a previous thread about having trouble creating this full digital loop as well.

So maybe Configuration 5 and reamping is just not possible using these Amazon converters? I just want to make sure it's not just a matter of configuring the I/O matrix in the Console application before shelling out on the suggested solution of using a HOSA ODL 312 converter. Maybe I have to set the input from Hi Z 1 (guitar DI) to the SPDIF output of Apollo in Console. I just don't see a way of doing this in Console even through the I/O Matrix window.

Figured I'd ask some of you fine gentlemen who are rocking the AXE and an Apollo interface to see if anyone has been able to get a Reamping set up working and if you were able to do it using these Amazon converters.

Thanks guys!
Just did a quick read here and I'm also using Apollo X6 SPDIF connected to my Axe fx III. I didnt need to use any coax converter though. I'm not sure if the X4 I/O is different than the X6 in terms of the SPDIF connectors. I'm on Mac too but I don't think that matters here. My gut says take a closer look in UA Console App. I have my guitar going into Hiz 1 also. In your Hiz channel in Console, is the Output set to SPDIF? reamping aside, are you getting any signal at all between your Axe and Apollo?
In my Console setup I have the Hiz Output SPDIF L. I have the SPDIF channel (which is coming from that Hiz channel) Output is set to Monitor. Digital mirror is set to 'off' in my settings.
Also make sure the Axe III is set to Digital Input and SPDIF is selected as the source in the I/O menu.
So maybe Configuration 5 and reamping is just not possible using these Amazon converters?

Assuming the converters are not faulty, that will work fine. There are a number of settings mentioned in the instructions, so make sure you've got those right, but the first thing to do is to check that you're seeing both input and output on the Axe-FX.
Hi guys, great to meet you all and thanks for the replies!
I tried to take a snapshot of my AXE & Apollo Settings to make it easier but looks like I can't paste images nor links here for the time being unfortunately.

I can confirm, though, that I am NOT seeing Input into AXE when trying to send the DI from Apollo SPDIF OUT into SPDIF IN of AXE. However, if I mess with Apollo Console settings and set DIGITAL MIRROR to ON, I do get a very weak and faint signal into the AXE. I know that setting DIGITAL MIRROR to ON in Apollo Console is supposed to mirror the main monitor outputs to the SPDIF OUT so this makes me think it may be either an issue of the converter or, as @Chewie5150 said, that I have to set HiZ Output to SPDIF in Console.
The only problem there being that the Apollo x4, unlike the x6 and other rackmounted Apollos, does not have Flex Routing and this means I do not have the OUTPUT toggles in the main overview window of each channel in the Apollo Console app like @Chewie5150 does.

I'm also going to try my luck on the Apollo forums to see if there's another way to set the HiZ input as the SPDIF OUT in Console. Sorry for the newb questions.
Personally I like to plug straight into the fractal’s main input. That way when I’m building sounds I can be confident they’re going to sound the same live as they do at home since different hi-z inputs can sound pretty different. If I need to track dry I’ll just set the fractal as my input device in the DAW and record USB channel 5 which is the raw guitar input.
Oh cool, yeah that's true. Although I can't say I have to worry about playing live 🫠 I'd like to have that problem though!

Yeah, I've been using the Axe as my interface before getting the Apollo and now with the Apollo I've been able to send SPDIF into it. Just having trouble setting up configuration 5 for reamping. I may have resort to your method for now and just switch to the AXE as the input device in my DAW when I want to track the dry signal as I haven't had any luck in the UAD Forums.
Fingers crossed though.

Hi guys, great to meet you all and thanks for the replies!
I tried to take a snapshot of my AXE & Apollo Settings to make it easier but looks like I can't paste images nor links here for the time being unfortunately.

I can confirm, though, that I am NOT seeing Input into AXE when trying to send the DI from Apollo SPDIF OUT into SPDIF IN of AXE. However, if I mess with Apollo Console settings and set DIGITAL MIRROR to ON, I do get a very weak and faint signal into the AXE. I know that setting DIGITAL MIRROR to ON in Apollo Console is supposed to mirror the main monitor outputs to the SPDIF OUT so this makes me think it may be either an issue of the converter or, as @Chewie5150 said, that I have to set HiZ Output to SPDIF in Console.
The only problem there being that the Apollo x4, unlike the x6 and other rackmounted Apollos, does not have Flex Routing and this means I do not have the OUTPUT toggles in the main overview window of each channel in the Apollo Console app like @Chewie5150 does.

I'm also going to try my luck on the Apollo forums to see if there's another way to set the HiZ input as the SPDIF OUT in Console. Sorry for the newb questions.

You‘re saying the X4 won’t allow you to route the HiZ input to the spdif output? It would be odd for an audio interface to have that limitation.
You‘re saying the X4 won’t allow you to route the HiZ input to the spdif output? It would be odd for an audio interface to have that limitation.
So I can confirm, that indeed, desktop Apollos like the x4, Twin, Solo, do not have the Flex Routing capability and do not directly allow you to route individual channel outs in Console like the x6, x8, x8p 🫠
However, there is a work around this which involves Console's Cue sends which I guess are kinda like extra Aux channels.
I was just able to get Reamping to work by sending the HiZ input 1 to Cue 1 (through the HiZ input 1 channel Sends Faders) and then setting the Cue 1 Output to SPDIF.
Then in the DAW, I can record 1 track with HiZ input 1 as the DI and a 2nd track with the SPDIF Input "Wet" signal from the AXE.
And for the actual Reamping, I'm sending the recorded DI from the DAW to a Virtual Channel in Console and then sending that Virtual Channel to Cue 1 (through the channel Sends Faders) with the Cue 1 Output as SPDIF.

However, I'm having trouble getting monitoring to work as I'm getting some weird noises/feedback when trying to monitor the AXE Wet signal directly to my headphones/monitors. So currently working on finding out how to fix that :grimacing:
Figured I'd give you guys an update.

I now have Configuration 5 set up and working perfectly! Just needed to adjust the fader levels a bit and Mute Analog Channel 1. Seems that having both the HiZ input channel and the SPDIF channel unmuted in Console causes some unwanted noises and feedback and I need to have one of them muted when monitoring.

Other than that, Configuration 5 is absolutely possible with the Apollo x4 interface and these Amazon converters. And it's working perfectly.
Thanks so much for the help and feedback guys! Truly appreciate it! I may be asking more questions about the Axe Fx in the future though so just a heads up :grin:
If anyone in the future who has an Apollo x4 needs to figure out how to reamp with it, I got you.
Glad ya got it sorted out! I know the frustration of not having your gear connect the way you want. I know some use USB for recording as it is just more straightforward but it is kind of fun to run UAD inserts/unison with the Axe
Glad ya got it sorted out! I know the frustration of not having your gear connect the way you want. I know some use USB for recording as it is just more straightforward but it is kind of fun to run UAD inserts/unison with the Axe
Thanks! True it is much more straightforward with AXE USB but I think learning UAD Console will definitely come in handy down the line.
Nice! Which UAD plugins do you like to use?
Thanks! True it is much more straightforward with AXE USB but I think learning UAD Console will definitely come in handy down the line.
Nice! Which UAD plugins do you like to use?
on my HiZ input i use a unison like neve 1073 or sometimes SSL 4000e for some character. and on the spdif channel with processed signal i like using the studer A800 for that tape kinda feel. It definitely adds to the overall sound. I like it.
on my HiZ input i use a unison like neve 1073 or sometimes SSL 4000e for some character. and on the spdif channel with processed signal i like using the studer A800 for that tape kinda feel. It definitely adds to the overall sound. I like it.
Cool! I will definitely have to try that out!
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