AOTM - Bogner Shiva

The Bogner Shiva is probably in my top 3 amps for lead tones. It has the perfect amount of attack/sponginess ratio that really allows the notes to cut through, yet have the elasticity to allow the notes to sing and be more musical and expressive. I had a real Shiva once, and deeply regret having to sell it. The one I had was a 20th anniversary with EL34 power section. The rhythm tones were super nice too. The clean channel is THE best tube amp clean tone I have ever played. Really miss the amp a ton. I made a few tweaks on the one in the Axe to get it pretty damn close to the way I remember mine sounding. Also, the cab matters a lot. Vintage 30s really work with this amp. Greenbacks are a close second. I didn't really care for the real amp with a mesa oversized cab, but when it was hooked to a traditional mesa cab, it was THE perfect match IMO.

Also, not sure if its in the axe (if it is, then I overlooked it), but the Bogner Goldfinger is an amazing amp as well. Its also in the top 3 for lead tones! :encouragement:
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The Bogner Shiva is probably in my top 3 amps for lead tones.
Also, not sure if its in the axe (if it is, then I overlooked it), but the Bogner Goldfinger is an amazing amp as well. Its also in the top 3 for lead tones! :encouragement:

Really like the Shiva as well for cleans and lead. I would love to see a Goldfinger added to the amp models. :)
Really like the Shiva as well for cleans and lead. I would love to see a Goldfinger added to the amp models. :)

The Goldfinger is one hell of an amp. I briefly played one for about 2 hours. It was classic hardrock heaven. First introduction to it was from a video of the guitarist in Pink's touring band. Can't remember his name. But I knew right away I had to check one out in person and man did it rock! Would love to see it in the Axe!!!
The Bogner Shiva is probably in my top 3 amps for lead tones.

Amen. I almost bought a Shiva last year, and decided to get the AxeFX instead. I borrowed a Shiva for about a month, and really fell in love with it as a lead voice. The clean sounds are good, too, but I prefer my Boogie Lonestar for those tones. Stacking those two amps is heavenly. :)

I find the Shiva voice in the AxeFX to be very good, and the Lonestar voice to be almost perfect.
Amen. I almost bought a Shiva last year, and decided to get the AxeFX instead. I borrowed a Shiva for about a month, and really fell in love with it as a lead voice. The clean sounds are good, too, but I prefer my Boogie Lonestar for those tones. Stacking those two amps is heavenly. :)

I find the Shiva voice in the AxeFX to be very good, and the Lonestar voice to be almost perfect.

I love the big deep clean of the Shiva. Turn the Master all the way up and keep the drive down. Huge clean tone with lots of body but not muddy.
I love the big deep clean of the Shiva. Turn the Master all the way up and keep the drive down. Huge clean tone with lots of body but not muddy.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a whirl tonight. The thing about the Shiva that really impressed me is the articulate and dimensional lead tone. Even pesky "adult chords" ring clearly with nice definition. I did a recording session with a combination of the Shiva (mid-drive) with the Lonestar (clean), and the result was really good. Now I want to try to flipping those voicings to hear how the Shiva's clean balances against the Lonestar drive channel.
Excellent revival & inaugural post AnthonyZ!!
I used to love reading Fabio's AOTW posts as I don't really know shite about amps, but I sure do love to read about them and especially how to set the dials and whatnot.

I learn so much from these types of threads and I appreciate the time it takes to research and share your findings.

Honestly, I've not checked out this amp in the AxeFx until today. Thanks for turning me on to a new friend.

This is exactly why I wanted to revive this. Thanks man, this post made it completely worthwhile for me.
Big Thx to AnthonyZ for doing this !

I haven't really done much with this amp but after reading all the good stuff in the thread I'll give it a test drive tonight.
If I can redirect.

Folks, we're working on getting the tone's we want in these kind of threads. Nice to post what you find out on youtube, but let's try to dial it in and post clips of your attempts.

I'll go second (TonyZ got this ball rolling...)

Here's a clip of Les Paul volume knob dialed back to 4 to start with (for some surprisingly nice cleans), and just some quick riffage (insert all caveats about crappy was a one take shot.) I pull it up to 10 on vol towards the'll feel it:

All defaults except for preamp and master turned to 6.5 (ish). Cab is the suggested Chinese V30. It doesn't have the 'liquid' thing that I would want from it yet, but it does have pretty good articulation.

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