Anyone ineterested in MFC-Edit ?


Any chance v6 will present the first version of MFC-Edit? How nice would that be? Or even make it a module of Axe-Edit. That would work nicely too.
I would be-I am on the fence and ready to buy "something else" that has an editor. I would rather have the MFC, but the lack of editor is just a deal breaker for me. Not even a hint that it may happen down the road.
Would love to have an editor for the MFC-101.

It was mentioned that it was on the list of things to do, but no idea or indication if it was that much of a priority in the scheme of things.

Would be cool though.
I would be-I am on the fence and ready to buy "something else" that has an editor. I would rather have the MFC, but the lack of editor is just a deal breaker for me. Not even a hint that it may happen down the road.

This wish has been voiced several times in the last year or so. If I remember correctly, Matt did actually hint that it will, not may, happen down the road. I seem to remember him saying in a post that I am too lazy to search for that it is something they plan to do, but they are concentrating on other, more pressing releases first. It'd be nice, I agree (I was one of those who raised this question in a thread).

As a side note, is not having an editor really a deal breaker? I mean, come on. Especially if you are using it with the Axe-Fx, there is no board on the market that will serve you better. I promise you that. It will be far easier to integrate the MFC with an Axe-Fx than even another board that has a great editor (like Axess). Far easier as in, plug it in and start using it. No extra work.

And FWIW, I use song sets and playlists. I have reassigned almost all the IAs multiple times. It is really not a lot of work to program them in the board...
I agree. I've had the MFC for only a few days, and it's integration with the Axe out of the box is simple, and makes it a great starting point for customizing IA's etc.

I also agree that an editor would be handy though, and might save a little time overall :)
If computers only ran DOS these days, we would not have too many people using computers! Come on, is programming the MFC really that hard without an editor? Phaser is cc 26, make the button you want for phaser #26... I just don't understand what is so difficult...
I've only had my MFC for a week and I can't see why lack of an editor would be a deal breaker. For as powerful and flexible as this thing is it's really quite simple to program and set up. Sure you have to look up a few things in the manual, but it's not that tough. I'm not gonna shoot down the idea that an editor could make it even easier and more convenient, but I don't find it hard enough to work with that I'd pick something else just because it doesn't have an editor. It works so nicely with the Axe-FX II that I can't imagine using something else at this point.
True. It sure works nice with the Axe.
But imagine how much easier it would be to setup if you could use axemanage to arrange songs and sets the same way you can arrange presets.

I'd love to be able to swap or insert new songs into a set. Maybe I'm not getting it right, but if I decide to add a song to the middle of a set, does that mean I have to copy every single one of the following songs to a different location?
I'm in on an MFC-Edit as a parallel with, or component of Axe-Edit. I've command lined my way to this point, and now I've become a Touchpad slacker!!
The recent GP review of the MFC indicated that FAS was planning to release an editor some time in 2012.

Personally, it's not a huge deal to me but it a GUI would certainly make it easier to use song/set mode.
With the Axe Fx alone, I could not care about an editor.
With multiple pieces of gear like I use to run years ago, yeah that’s a bit different. Mapping presets alone would have gone allot faster if the All Access had an editor (and that’s also an easy unit to program) And then there was programing the IA switches per preset, and getting it right the first time. So in my case it was usually 3 midi devices to map and of course the IA’s , if I was rearranging, yeah it could take a bit of time a edit or two was not that big a deal.

But the AF II and MFC combination has got me so lazy, I don’t even brother mapping presets any more thought the MFC I just go to Axe Edit and just fly the presets to the locations I want in the AF II. Very quick great visual seeing everything in front of you. Best part (at least for me) no IA’s to program per preset the AF tells the foot switch what state the IA’s are in, no accidentally leaving something on that should have off and of course the opposite. But that’s me and way I use it.

So yeah I think a editor would be a great addition, I sure guys with multiple midi devices like I use to have would be very grateful. There is even a few situations were just AF and MFC could be handy, like mapping alternative presets, this still would not brother me ( I have my methods). But everybody’s needs are different.

The MFC-101 is quite full of features but an editor would definitely make the programming easier.
If computers only ran DOS these days, we would not have too many people using computers! Come on, is programming the MFC really that hard without an editor? Phaser is cc 26, make the button you want for phaser #26... I just don't understand what is so difficult...

It's not hard. It is, however, a pain if you have to do a lot of programming rapidly. That was an experience that cost me a lot of sleepless nights.

BTW how many MIDI devices do you use it with?
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