Anyone ineterested in MFC-Edit ?

If computers only ran DOS these days, we would not have too many people using computers! Come on, is programming the MFC really that hard without an editor? Phaser is cc 26, make the button you want for phaser #26... I just don't understand what is so difficult...

Just start programming / editing songs and sets... That's a heavy task without an editor.
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I think this would be a great addition. I think it would help me understand and visualize the functions more clearly, just as Axe Edit does with the Axe FX.

It would be cool if updates could be handled without connecting MIDI cables to the MFC as well, but no big deal.
I've only had my MFC for a week and I can't see why lack of an editor would be a deal breaker. For as powerful and flexible as this thing is it's really quite simple to program and set up. Sure you have to look up a few things in the manual, but it's not that tough. I'm not gonna shoot down the idea that an editor could make it even easier and more convenient, but I don't find it hard enough to work with that I'd pick something else just because it doesn't have an editor. It works so nicely with the Axe-FX II that I can't imagine using something else at this point.

Try using an editor and then you'll know! The Liquid Foot editor is just SO much easier for complex setups. Like night and day.
Yek, did you ever find the time to make a suggestion for an upgrade of the song/setlist feature to Fractal?
I think you're the perfect person to do that. You know the AxeFX and the MFC inside out, you are experienced at organizing structures and you are (or rather would be) using the setlist feature with you band if it was more practical.
The fact you gave up on it should be proof enough that the feature needs an overhaul...

It's a shame that such fundamental feature is there but not thought through or implemented properly.
I posted wishes regarding songs/sets in the Wish forum a couple of months ago.
There's a development roadmap for the MFC. It's on there, but whether they get implemented and when, I don't know.
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