Another AxeFx Version?


Would there gonna be a third version sort of AxeFX Ultimate :?:
I don't know about the component inside, is the unit isn't upgradable like computer let say wanna put some more memory, replace processor not just firm upgrade or update? I just thought about hardware upgradable would not lead to another Standard vs Ultra thing. Would appreciate Cliff and other give us their future paradigm or concept for the new coming AxeFx if there is.

rogeryu said:
Would there gonna be a third version sort of AxeFX Ultimate :?:
I don't know about the component inside, is the unit isn't upgradable like computer let say wanna put some more memory, replace processor not just firm upgrade or update? I just thought about hardware upgradable would not lead to another Standard vs Ultra thing. Would appreciate Cliff and other give us their future paradigm or concept for the new coming AxeFx if there is.


The will be a new version of the Axe-fx someday. Not anytime soon. No the cpu and memory are not user upgradable like a computer. Fractal is not likely to talk about the future axe-fx much until it is very near launch. We have been told future products will have USB. That's about it.
xrist04 said:
javajunkie said:
We have been told future products will have USB.
Oo, I missed this announcement somehow. Very good news.

It was a while back. It shouldn't be such a big deal now because the Axe-pc has it so the hardware layout and software hooks are already worked out. Future product may just incorporate that in.
electronpirate said:
What about the present products screams for 'upgrade?'

I don't think that's what drives the need for "newer, better" products. It's the competition catching up that keeps the leaders moving forward (or losing out).
I can see an iAxe in the future.
All the processing of the Axe in a 4x2x1/2" box you velcro to your belt. It will have a touchscreen and 3d FX-board layout graphics and wireless connection to a footcontroller box containing digital and analog connections to FOH, monitors and whatever else.

It's gonna be a while though.
What can already be done is a double Axe-Fx, two motherboards into the same box. ;)
mitch236 said:
I don't think that's what drives the need for "newer, better" products. It's the competition catching up that keeps the leaders moving forward (or losing out).
In that case, it would appear that the next-generation Axe-Fx will be some years in the future....
chase said:
Some people may actually prefer vaporware to matterware.

This is true, but it would be quite less expensive to migrate than buying another version unit (like Standard to Ultra) with just upgrading the Standard, plus you need to dispatch the old unit.
next, we get axe-pc - the same as the processor but just for the pc. then an official floor controller for the current processor, some time later i guess.
so, it would appear that a next-gen axe fx isn't at the top of FAS priorities right now, but who knows. the current one is about as good as it gets anyway, can't even imagine what a new one would entail.
electronpirate said:
What about the present products screams for 'upgrade?'

Nothing is "Screaming"

but... since you asked

-SRC support
-More internal memory (from what I read/hear, new firmware updates are becoming more and more difficult due to limitations in the current Axe-FX)
-More outputs / inputs. Hell, theres NEVER too many. I personally could go for 1/4" balanced outs as well. Maybe a couple more channels of connectivity. Never hurts.
-More processing power, etc. I've personally never maxed out my Axe (ultra), but I read about people who have. Never hurts to future-proof.
-Better/faster connectivity. Sure, keep midi, but can we get some usb/firewire/ethernet for computer editing/streaming/whatever? Lets be honest, the midi protocol isnt the fastest, most reliable data transfer method out there...
-Maybe? A mic pre for a microphone (for vocal FX or vocoder).

Lets be honest, a lot of the aspects and functions of the Axe-FX are.... dated, you could say. I personally LOVE mine. To death. Best piece of guitar gear I have, without question. I have owned countless botique and high end tube amps and FX. Axe-FX has replaced them all.

However, it is NOT perfect. Not even close. Will we ever see one that is? Probably not. But, if there were ever something released that were a tiny bit closer to perfect, then I would buy it, in a heartbeat, without question. My heart has been sold to Fractal, along with many others here. I'm positive if Fractal decide to make an UltraXTreme version that added 0.5% more CPU, a paintjob, and a certificate of authenticity, there would be a multitude of users who would jump on that, because they are completely dedicated to Fractal.
theaero said:
Nothing is "Screaming"

but... since you asked........
You said not one word about the most important benefit of the Axe-Fx: sound quality.

Every product ever made can be "improved." From a business POV, it makes sense to offer a "new, improved" version when there is a credible competitive threat. In the absence of such a threat, with the existing product selling well (and profitably), there is no compelling reason for FAS to compete with themselves. Given present circumstances, the peripheral products now under development make a lot more sense than replacements for products which are selling very well.

If you could name one competitive threat, you'd make a better case for the next-generation Axe-Fx than all the details in the world. You can't, however, because nothing yet exists. Furthermore, I'll bet that nothing is even on the mid-term horizon.

Lets be honest, a lot of the aspects and functions of the Axe-FX are.... dated, you could say.
And that would account for the generally poor sales of tube amps with ca. 1920s technology, riight? Or guitar designs that were created in the late 1940s/early 1950s? :lol:

In the realm of musical instruments, "out of date" is not a relevant criticism.
I agree in the realm of musical instruments "out of date" is not relevant, but in the realm of that instrument interacting with a computer? Absolutely relevant. Midi is universal and I understand why people use it, but it is slow, quirky, and a royal pain in the back side IMO.
javajunkie said:
We have been told future products will have USB. That's about it.

the USB thing will be just for uploading firmware, presets, IR's and stuff right!?
...or is it meant to be a POD like thing where you can use the axe-fx as an USB audio interface...what would suck IMHO, because this would mean that it would cost more, i hate if i have to play for stuff that i don't need.
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