Announcing Cab-Lab!

Matt misspelled the word "end" as "ned" when he said they missed the end of the month for the CabLab release, but that the software is ready for release.

You'll note that I politely spell corrected that word when I posted my reply.

However, some others made reference to it possibly being a secret code word in FractalSpeak.

So Adam posted a picture of Ned from the Simpsons.

My fingers are tired.

Huh!!! :eek: Ya don't say! :stupid:

Why that's Fractally Flanderific!!! ;)
Admin [email said:

Okily Dokily! Cab-Labarooney is almost read-didly-edy!
I don't think that I can handle any more Firmware updates. I honestly only use maybe 1/10th of the Axe's processing and routing capabilities. I still haven't plucked up the courage to press the CONTROL button yet. Not a Scooby Doo how to use it and I'm too busy/lazy/scared and intimidated to read the manual. Since I can now dial in killer presets I don't even use tone match anymore. I very nearly came to buying a competitor's product to supplement my Axe back near FW 9. I'm so glad that I didn't bother. It would have been a £1300 paper weight.
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