Wish Allow per-preset Default Scene

The biggest advantage for me was during rehearsals. If I tweaked something in another scene, there was no need to go back to the saved scene to save the changes. Made things quicker and more efficient.
This is the best reason I’ve seen: Dealing with the front-panel, especially in the thick of things.
It’s not a big deal to me is the point.
And that's fine.

"to me" is the key of your response. Not every feature is useful for every user or use case.

Another benefit would be for those that use the "adjust level and save" footswitch capability. If they don't have this option then they would have a hard time using that feature unless they use a global default scene.
If you’ve never accidentally saved a preset without first changing to your desired default scene, I think you’re in the minority. ;)
I’ve done it, and in the editor I find it trivial to adjust.

JoKer III’s reason is the most sensible to me.
This deserves the necro-bump. It's a nasty problem. For one thing, you don't get any immediate feedback that the preset is screwed up. It's only later when you select it that you realize something is wrong. However, it's not obvious what's wrong. When you finally figure out that the problem is the default scene, it's not simple to fix because you've lost any indication of what the correct default scene should be, so you have to hunt for it. Not the biggest usability problem with the Axe-FX, but definitely a source of frustration.
It was also an option in the AX8. And I still constantly run into the issue that I need to double save since more often than not I forget that the current selected scene is defaulted on save.
Though, generally I put the scene that should load as Scene 1, and save on Scene 1 by habit, and, belt-and-suspenders to the fore, I also have the global setting to always load Scene 1 upon selecting a preset.
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