Alex Lifeson touring with 3 Axe FX II's ???

and here I thought the original post was about Alex Lifeson using Axe Fx on tour. Not that I don't wish Lerxst amplification the best of luck with their product. If it wasn't for having an AxeFx, I would be interested. This is a Fractal forum, right?

I saw that Lexrst post and almost flagged it as spam it was so out of context for the thread. I had to click through to connect the spam-sounding post with Lifeson. It was poorly introduced in to the stream of the conversation that's for sure. Felt like he searched the web for "Alex Lifeson" and left a boilerplate comment in threads he found about him.

I think your comment was fine FWIW.
watch for a FULL blown report soon here and on TGP.
MUCH more detail coming...
I will. And share it... as soon as I get a breath. Honest.
I have it on video... and I'm editing the video. Stay tuned...
In California for the big axe-fest this weekend. Video next week.
I have to clean up and edit some things. I am really sorry, but I have been totally overloaded. I have reviews backed up and lots more... It will be posted.

Any chance this will actually get posted Scott?
I'll see if I can clear it and get it up. I still have it.
Cool. Would love to see it.

<------ (Alex Lifeson)
I would definitely be interested in watching this video Scott. Thanks so much for making it. No rush (hmmm, no pun intended...)
I so much want one of these amps... my Axe Fx

It's already in there - take the Silver Jubilee and tweak the advanced parameters - if there is a good video/soundclip on their website - make a tonematch of it and share the result with Alex....

this is calling a "not so sweet revanche" ....hahahaha :)
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