Again- what's Cliff doing now?

That war was over a long time ago. Kemper hasn't been a threat to fractal for a very long time.
I recently played a show where the sound guy saw my Axe FX III and said, "they still make Axe FX's? I thought everyone uses Kemper these days." My band mates like to poke fun at me with that because they know I'm a Fractal fanatic.

That said, I may be loyal to Fractal, but I know there's tons of awesome gear out there. People can make better music than I can while they use their Kempers, Helixes, Quad Cortex, or even tube amps (gasp!). Fractal devices are just one of many options to make great music. It's my personal favorite.

I'm just surprised when people "in the business" don't know anything about Fractal units when so many top-of-the-line tours use them. Probably because those tours don't necessarily have them visible... Then you combine the price point and the fact that Fractal is a direct-to-buyer "go to market" strategy compared to other companies' presence in stores and people just aren't as aware of Fractal.
He is on the Boss GM-800 waiting list, just to have some fun with its trumpet :D
Happy Marching Band GIF by Simian Reflux
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Dog Person but thats one pretty Kitty :)
Of course, she agrees with you. :)

She's a Siberian Forest Cat. My son and step-son are allergic to most cats. 75% of folks with mild to moderate cat allergies don't react to this breed, my son and step-son being two of those people who don't react. Unfortunately, some folks still react, my sister-in-law being one of them.

She's a great cat who sometimes seems like she's part dog. She likes water and likes to ride in cars. When she was a kitten she would lie on the dash and bat at the wind shield wipers when it rained. She is too dignified to do that now.
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Of course, she agrees with you. :)

She's a Siberian Forest Cat. My son and step-son are allergic to most cats. 75% of folks with mild to moderate cat allergies don't react to this bread, my son and step-son being two of those people who don't react. Unfortunately, some folks still react, my sister-in-law being one of them.

She's a great cat who sometimes seems like she's part dog. She likes water and likes to ride in cars. When she was a kitten she would lie on the dash and bat at the wind shield wipers when it rained. She is too dignified to do that now.
Sounds like an Awesome pet have fun with her - she is stunning
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