About zizle and...tests


Attaching presets and audio on my sound. - Not that happy about it. To show the effect I have not done anything to eliminate this.-

Maybe some of you can help solve this?

First it is the USA lead:

FIZZFUZZTEST-01 by AAEN on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Then it is the double verb:

FIZZFUZZTEST-02 by AAEN on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Guitar used:

Hahr strat with DG-20 pickups(dave gilmour) no boost applied - fresh 9V battery.

Recorded into Cubase. No distortion or clipping. input just touching red on the AXE.

Feel free to coment (Not on playing and tuning :) and ask any question



  • DB-VERB FIZ.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 13
  • us_LEAD FIZ.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 19
That Clip of the DB-verb has a drive pushing the front on. Also, try turning the master down to 8 or so. Turn up volume to compnsate.

edit: sorry on second one loaded wrong preset. - deleted comments
Last edited:
Drive with new taper is pretty high on that USA lead with new taper. I would back down on that, maybe raise the master some.

But I have to say those patches do not sound the same on my Axe-fx II. They still aren't not good but they dont sound like yours.
I'll post a clip in a sec

Here is what I get with you preset:
Here is what I get with the doubleverb when I turn down the master to 8

that is even with the drive on. It is much cleaner with it off.
the doubleverb preset has a very low output. looking at the VU meter and the resulting recording, it's very quiet and the amp level (or something) should come up.

here is what it sounds like with my axe USB to cubase. first sound the doubleverb preset with no changes, i can hear some distortion. after that i turn the amp master to 7 from 9 and it cleans up.

not sure what kind of sound you're going for. can you explain the drive pedals with drive on 0 and level pretty high? are you trying to boost a clean tone?

after that is the USA preset no changes, then i turned the master down to 2 from 3.62. it sounds clearer and tighter to me with the master down.

i've never seen such complex routing!

how do these sound to you?

Recorded direct via usb- It sounds the same "live"

The drive. I use X/Y together with amp delay. This way I can use one switch to go from rythm to lead, I will try turning it of later today.

On the double verb - Yes I can turn down the input. This wil minimize the fizz but it wont remove it. I put it this way to over emphazize the matter.

turning down the Level of any block will not get rid of fizz. it doesn't change the tone or EQ, just the volume.
You have a compressor and a noise gate in front of the boogie leadamp .Don´t you think the gate can create strange sounds in front of an amp?
Maybe try and put the noisegate after the boogie.
There´s also another gate in the axe allready.

I just don´t understand how the gain can be so low. If I put in that USA lead with that setting it would distort for hours.I must be the gate trashing the sound. try bypassing it.
Hi Thomas

The boogie sound is intended to be a lead WITH drive. Not a clean sound.

Removing tahe noisegate or com infront of the amp wil not remove the sizzle. But of course it will change the feel.

Ok !
But still there is not as much gain as you would expect from that amp modell.

Also , I can hear how the gate trashes up the sound and preventing sustain.

In your preset there is also a bunch of reverbs and delays but the sound is completely dry.
Is this really the preset used for fizzfuzztest- 01 ? (us_lead fiz.syx)
Ok , now I heard the other guys sound with your settings . Strange , they sounded more like it should be. Maybe your unit is fucked up somehow.:?
Ok , now I heard the other guys sound with your settings . Strange , they sounded more like it should be. Maybe your unit is fucked up somehow.:?

something sounds messed up. I'm not sure what it is.

AAEN, I assume you have done a system reset(then dialed in all your MIDI and Global settings like input levels), reset the amp models in the preset?
Also visual inspect what is on/off in the layout menu of the Axe-fx (not Axe-edit) to make sure that something is on or off that shouldn't be.
AAEN: dude I just messed with your presets..

Double Verb: to clean this up [and with the comp and drive remaining un-bypassed] I did the following
- drive=3
- input-trim=0.8
- master vol=6
I played this with an Ibanez RG, the bridge pup is a Bulldog Extremist [it's my own signature model]..
output wise it's not unlike a DiMarzio Breed so it's at the hotter end of the scale..
to compensate I pulled the level up to 0

by the way... I'm not sure what the drive block is doing in there.. it don't seem to add [or alter] anything to the tone at all..
if I don't need something for a specific reason I won't include.. it simply chews up CPU.. and that preset is running at 84%..

the compressor is quite strong.. and it's boosting your signal into the amp [which will provoke the gain]..
I tried the comp with these settings:

this allowed the guitar to be less suppressed so it 'chimes' a little more
with these settings I was able to set the amp drive up to 4, and I bypassed the drive block cos it didn't add anything..
this thickens the tone.. and with my hot bridge pup it just about starts to break up if I start playing strongly..
with the neck pup though it's a lot sweeter
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