About zizle and...tests

AAEN: dude I just messed with your presets..

Double Verb: to clean this up [and with the comp and drive remaining un-bypassed] I did the following
- drive=3
- input-trim=0.8
- master vol=6
I played this with an Ibanez RG, the bridge pup is a Bulldog Extremist [it's my own signature model]..
output wise it's not unlike a DiMarzio Breed so it's at the hotter end of the scale..
to compensate I pulled the level up to 0

by the way... I'm not sure what the drive block is doing in there.. it don't seem to add [or alter] anything to the tone at all..
if I don't need something for a specific reason I won't include.. it simply chews up CPU.. and that preset is running at 84%..

the compressor is quite strong.. and it's boosting your signal into the amp [which will provoke the gain]..
I tried the comp with these settings:

this allowed the guitar to be less suppressed so it 'chimes' a little more
with these settings I was able to set the amp drive up to 4, and I bypassed the drive block cos it didn't add anything..
this thickens the tone.. and with my hot bridge pup it just about starts to break up if I start playing strongly..
with the neck pup though it's a lot sweeter

The issue here is that what he getting with those preset is vastly different from what we were getting. I mean not in the same ballpark. I think that needs to be resolved before worrying about dialing in the tone.

It seems to me something is amiss here. I mean listen to his USA lead clip. Then listen to mine. That is the same preset, no alterations. Even taking into account different guitars (I was playing a PRS Tremonti), the clips should sound closer IMO. I would expect the preset to sound like it does in mine, not his.
The issue here is that what he getting with those preset is vastly different from what we were getting. I mean not in the same ballpark. I think that needs to be resolved before worrying about dialing in the tone.

It seems to me something is amiss here. I mean listen to his USA lead clip. Then listen to mine. That is the same preset, no alterations. Even taking into account different guitars (I was playing a PRS Tremonti), the clips should sound closer IMO. I would expect the preset to sound like it does in mine, not his.

the OP's clips sound totally different and not right, whereas the the same presets on other units sound absolutely fine, despite the fact that they could be improved.

it definitely shows why some people "complain" about "sizzle". the OP's "sizzle" is definitely not correct. other people's "sizzle" complaints however, may just be related to reworked models which they are not used to.
AAEN: with your other preset [the Mark IV lead], I can't say that I'm entirely certain of what you're aiming for tone wise...
the name 'lead' implies that you want some dirt in it...
here's what I notice about the tone though:
it's a little 'thin' sounding.. don't know if that's what you want [cos in some situations 'thin' is perfect.. and others it's not]..

there is something unusual about the preset..
you have the chorus and pitch in parallel between the amp and cabs...
yet you have stereo panning on the cabs...
cabling this way essentially 'breaks' the stereo imaging at this point..
I placed these two in series [and set bypass=thru] on the pitch shifter.. this enabled the cabs to pan properly..
panning them a little wider [cab1=-50 / cab2=50] immediately thickened to the tone and softened the highs...
what your preset does [by breaking the stereo imaging of the cabs] essentially places them one on top of the other dead centre in this mix..
the effect of this is that their tones 'add together' with the result that the uppers mids get strong...

so... all I did was:
- move the chorus so that it was in front of the pitch shifter
- set the pitch shifter bypass=thru
- pan the cabs -50/50

and the improvement was quite noticeable..
The issue here is that what he getting with those preset is vastly different from what we were getting. I mean not in the same ballpark. I think that needs to be resolved before worrying about dialing in the tone.

It seems to me something is amiss here. I mean listen to his USA lead clip. Then listen to mine. That is the same preset, no alterations. Even taking into account different guitars (I was playing a PRS Tremonti), the clips should sound closer IMO. I would expect the preset to sound like it does in mine, not his.

gotchya..... yes I hear the difference...
mine sounds much closer to yours... not exactly the same... but a lot less like what AAEN posted....

EDIT: it actually sounds a little like a very diluted version of the initial problem I had with 6.0..
I solved it by re-downloading and re-installing 6.0..
maybe this is worth a try..
Are you absolutely sure that your battery is not the problem (or perhaps sth with the guitar's electrics)?
The sound almost reminds me of how my MIM 70s strat with DG20 set sounds when the battery is worn out or how it sounded when I had a faulty input...
Have you tried another guitar just to make sure it isn't your guitar?
Are you absolutely sure that your battery is not the problem (or perhaps sth with the guitar's electrics)?
The sound almost reminds me of how my MIM 70s strat with DG20 set sounds when the battery is worn out or how it sounded when I had a faulty input...
Have you tried another guitar just to make sure it isn't your guitar?

Agreed - anyone try emailing and reamping naked guitar tracks to address this stuff? Might help.
Just curious - did you have Axe Edit open while recording? If so, does it sound the same with Axe Edit closed? The other night I had a terribly thin, phasing sound on all the stock presets with AE opened. I closed it, rebooted the Axe II and things went back to normal.
It seems to me something is amiss here. I mean listen to his USA lead clip. Then listen to mine. That is the same preset, no alterations. Even taking into account different guitars (I was playing a PRS Tremonti), the clips should sound closer IMO. I would expect the preset to sound like it does in mine, not his.

Indeed it would be good to know what's going on - just loaded in the tones, shunted the vol block and I get pretty much the same result as the OP.
Indeed it would be good to know what's going on - just loaded in the tones, shunted the vol block and I get pretty much the same result as the OP.

Just double checked and realised I had a stupid twat moment. :lol

Cab Sims were off in global. Silly question, have you checked. I almost got your tone with cab sims off.....
99.999 % sure CAB sim is on. Will check of course.

Had another experience yesterday when I hurried tweaking enough patches to get me through the gig:

Had an issue with one of the drives- An 808 with no gain(to boost) Under the nearly clean tone there was a distorted soung. Sounded deteched from the real tone.

Deleting the drive and putting it back on fixed it. Strange :)

Maybe it is another side of the same issue, some of us is experiencing.

this is gonna take some time, but can you please try to recreate the same patch from scratch (delete everything in a patch you don't need, save it, then build)? but do NOT use axe-edit. don't even plug in USB when you start deleting things.

of course check cab sims, power amp etc on or whatever's appropriate.

maybe don't worry about the exact knob positions or not all the blocks? but let's just try to get a basic tone.

i'm still confused why you are using a drive pedal (no drive but with level) to boost a clean tone? even with the drive knob down, won't that give chance to distortion? i think the BB PRE was the only one i could actually boost a clean tone (my piezo actually) without any distortion, but ultimately ended up not liking it and used a null filter in front of the amp instead).
The drive:
The X version is MIX=0 This means no change in sound when engaged The Y is some drive to get the lead sound in conjunction with the AMP and the DELAY. This way I can keep DRIVE2 and DELAY1 ON all the time.
On my MFC I have the tuner -switch assigned to AMP x/y (CC#100)
On the AXE I have assigned DELAY X/Y, DRIVE 2 X/Y and AMP X/Y to CC#100. This way I can go from solo to lead AND control delay Spillover (Can be an issue when changing a patch)

I will try the BBE.

I am getting closer now - thanks to some of the tips from the Forum:

Lowering input on the amp
Working with the COMP to minimize effect on the amp.

What has given me the most is that I am working with AMP X-former match and X-former drive.


Update and fw 6.01

6.01 solved most of my troubles with the sizzle.

The experiences with 6.00 on removing sizzle enables me to dial in perfect sound now - Great!

I use some of the parameters in the power amp section to fin tune the sound. esp. hi-cut here removes sizzle in subtle way.


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