9.02 vs 9.03 i notice a difference that i can't put my..

There's an issue with upgrading. "Global" amps may have their HF Resonance set to zero (should be 5 for 9.02/9.03). This may account for some differences in tone.
fremen said:
IIRW, it updates the presets if there has been a change in code/defaut value of parameters

i think the "Preset Update" is supposed to do that it might be a lot easier.

Preset Update
This function allows you to update all presets to the latest protocol. The Axe-Fx can read presets
stored in either the current version or one version prior. When a preset is saved it is saved in the
latest protocol. If you’ve just updated the firmware to a major revision you can convert all your
presets to the latest protocol by using this function.
rsf1977 said:
fremen said:
IIRW, it updates the presets if there has been a change in code/defaut value of parameters

i think the "Preset Update" is supposed to do that it might be a lot easier.

Preset Update
This function allows you to update all presets to the latest protocol. The Axe-Fx can read presets
stored in either the current version or one version prior. When a preset is saved it is saved in the
latest protocol. If you’ve just updated the firmware to a major revision you can convert all your
presets to the latest protocol by using this function.

No, that just updates old preset formats to new ones when Cliff changes the preset format. It does not change anything for the user. It just makes sure presets that were saved in old firmware versions remain compatible with new ones. From what I understand, It basically does what hitting save on a preset does but to all your presets at once.
This is the last time I will say this:

There is absolutely no change in the processing code between 9.02 and 9.03. The ONLY difference is the ability to adjust the HF Resonance, which in 9.02 is fixed at 5.00.
Cliff you should just save that response in a text doc you must be tired of writing it lol. It's funny some days I'm tweaking an amp and I'm like "now that's it!" only to realize I was editing a muted block. It's funny how your brain wants to believe things. And for me I didn't notice any change between 9.02 and 9.03
rsf1977 said:
It's funny some days I'm tweaking an amp and I'm like "now that's it!" only to realize I was editing a muted block.
Well you need to do that from time to time, otherwise the palm muting won't sound right.

FractalAudio said:
This is the last time I will say this:

There is absolutely no change in the processing code between 9.02 and 9.03. The ONLY difference is the ability to adjust the HF Resonance, which in 9.02 is fixed at 5.00.

i believed you the first time. i just figured i was doing something else wrong.
I wonder if someone would hear the difference, if a friend updated the AFX, without the owner knowing it?? :D
My ears seem to change preference day to day. I believe this is why I will always chase "tone."

Anyone try going back to 9.02 then to 9.03 an listen, maybe all within the same alf hour, and see if you still "hear" a difference?
There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space, and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition - and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Psychoacoustics Zone.
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