9.02 vs 9.03 i notice a difference that i can't put my..


I'm noticing a difference. As soon as i updated to 9.3 two of my patches felt and sounded different. I hadn't changed any settings. I've been switching back and forth between firmware, and it appears that 9.02 may be louder? I notice that my output clips easier in 9.02. Same guitar same patch, more output.

Cliff, has anything changed besides simply adding the knob. The patches im noticing this on are using the double verb and recto red amps.

Has anything changed effects wise?
At first i thought it was just placebo effect, but im certain 9.02 clips easier for me, so this suggest SOMETHING is different.

If you say there is no difference though (cliff) then i will resign myself to the fact that my mind must be playing tricks on me.
Absolutely no difference. The processing code is identical. The only change is the ability to vary the HF Resonance which was fixed at 5.00 in 9.02.
K thanks, at least ye ol' OCD can leave me alone now. Some variable (most likely me as a player) must have changed,
marvinx said:
I'm noticing a difference. As soon as i updated to 9.3 two of my patches felt and sounded different. I hadn't changed any settings. I've been switching back and forth between firmware, and it appears that 9.02 may be louder? I notice that my output clips easier in 9.02. Same guitar same patch, more output.

Cliff, has anything changed besides simply adding the knob. The patches im noticing this on are using the double verb and recto red amps.

Has anything changed effects wise?
At first i thought it was just placebo effect, but im certain 9.02 clips easier for me, so this suggest SOMETHING is different.

If you say there is no difference though (cliff) then i will resign myself to the fact that my mind must be playing tricks on me.
same here, i hear thinner sound,less gain.
i hate to say it, but my initial reaction was "wow, did my tone get thinner?"

i'm pretty sure i have all the new variables at the same level. regardless, i did some tweaking, but i did think that. oh well!
wow, that is interesting, that you all reported the same phenomena. Is it possible for the patches themselves to change in the update?
I wonder.
That's odd.
I had that placebo too.
To me, it felt like there is less gain.
Thinner? Maybe because of the missing gain...
Am I wrong?
"scratches head"

Umm, my presets sound the same except where I changed settings.

Not trying to strictly be contrary... but my experience does not match up with any of the above perceptions.
each time you load a new firmware, dont forget to export/reimport all your banks. Should not be necessary with 9.02 => 9.03 though, but I always do it
fremen said:
each time you load a new firmware, dont forget to export/reimport all your banks. Should not be necessary with 9.02 => 9.03 though, but I always do it
What does that do?
Hehe, differences between updates for Axe users are starting to become like differences in tubes for tube amp users. :lol:

Except that code is code, and our ears are notoriously fickle. Funny what the power of suggestion can do.
IIRW, it updates the presets if there has been a change in code/defaut value of parameters
9.02 vs 9.03 i notice a difference that i can't put my..

After several days of analysis and A/Bing back and forth, I have concluded that the difference is .01.
shredi knight said:
9.02 vs 9.03 i notice a difference that i can't put my..

After several days of analysis and A/Bing back and forth, I have concluded that the difference is .01.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
shredi knight said:
9.02 vs 9.03 i notice a difference that i can't put my..

After several days of analysis and A/Bing back and forth, I have concluded that the difference is .01.

LOL :mrgreen:
i'll try the preset update thing tonight. Other than that , as was said , code is code. If cliff says its the same i accept that.
I noticed the same thing concerning less gain and a thinner tone when I updated, after re initializing the patches and re entering the same settings they sound even better than before . Full and rich! I allways re initialize the patches after updates.
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