7 videos on youtube

I've come to the conclusion that these videos should be required watching for every prospective and new Axe-FX owner. The range and breadth of what Fremen's done here is killer.

That he shares his whole bank and the IR's too? He should be given massive karma points.

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Kudos!
Simply Inspiring! Great tones and great playing. I sat captivated for all 7 videos!

Do you have/use any low gain settings? I am really interested to hear what you have for something that is more along the lines of a Dumble or Dr.Z type setting.

Again, thanks for posting these awesome vids!
Brewjangle said:
Do you have/use any low gain settings? I am really interested to hear what you have for something that is more along the lines of a Dumble or Dr.Z type setting.
Not yet, but that's definitely something I want to explore. I didn't have the Axe for long enough, got mine in January. I fear, though, that my two Ibanez are not appropriate for these kind of tones. They're great all-around guitar, but could definitely use a little more personality in the cleans. Chnaging the pickups didn't fixed that. Since I got my Axe, I stopped gasing for amps/effects, but now I'm gasing for a Strat

rectifier said:
what gauge strings do you use?
I switched to 9-42 last year, after using 10-46 for the last 15 years. I have weak hands and playing 3 hours sets with my cover band on 10-46 gauge got me on the verge of tendinitis. I also tune a half-step down

Now for those who downloaded my banks, I need a little help with one preset, N°15, "Astral Flight"… What should I do to fix the erratic delay time of the first repeat, the -1 octave one ? Sometimes it sounds in tempo, sometimes not. I used the plex shift for that, as the Standard has only one pitch block
Besides that, check also preset N°38, I'm proud of that one, playing the acoustic strumming and the tremolo crunch simultaneously in "Boulevard of broken dreams" is great fun, and has raised a few eyebrows in the audience when I did that live :)
fremen said:
I'm proud of that one, playing the acoustic strumming and the tremolo crunch simultaneously in "Boulevard of broken dreams" is great fun, and has raised a few eyebrows in the audience when I did that live :)

Yeah, I was pretty impressed by that one in the vids.
I think anyone on the fence just got smacked squarely into the AxeFx camp. Very nice video's. I was watching them last night when I should have been going to bed :cool:
fremen said:
Now for those who downloaded my banks, I need a little help with one preset, N°15, "Astral Flight"… What should I do to fix the erratic delay time of the first repeat, the -1 octave one ? Sometimes it sounds in tempo, sometimes not. I used the plex shift for that, as the Standard has only one pitch block
Besides that, check also preset N°38, I'm proud of that one, playing the acoustic strumming and the tremolo crunch simultaneously in "Boulevard of broken dreams" is great fun, and has raised a few eyebrows in the audience when I did that live :)
One thing I noticed from your patches (or at least some of them) is that some of your delays do not use tempo (they're "hard-coded" as absolute times in ms.). If you set your tempo, and set the delays to be exact settings, this issue pretty much resolves itself, doesn't it? Not all delay tempo choices are available in the Axe, but there is good coverage. I can't recall if the patch you're referring to uses tempo or not, so my comment may not apply... but if you had delay values in ms instead of tempo settings, that may explain your issue.

Massive karma points indeed!
Can I use these in the Ultra? I'm blown away man! I need to get these or go back to the drawing board!
these vid's are awesome, and should knock anyone on the "fence" off to the AXE side!! LOL..
Sweet playing too!! :D
wow dojo

btw the axe have new "fans" : http://acapella.harmony-central.com/sho ... ?t=2320512 :lol:
Bravo Fremen ! Excellent !

I will try your latest banks dowload for some patches inspiration :mrgreen:

I hope i'll be able to contribute someday,
Thanks alot for sharing.

Absolutely great playing and tone! How do you amplify the axe on stage? Are all the fine differences in sounds that we hear on your direct recording transferable to your live rig?

I plug straight to the PA and use whatever monitor is available to myself. I have two guitars, the Axe (not even in a rack), a Midimate, and that's all. I can't afford nothing else now ; I would love a pair of Fratomics, but that's it, I can't ;) The FOH in the pubs here are so so, but even on those, I hear the subtleties. btw, read my review here :
Oh, I didnt see your review before. BTW, the Axe turns the musical world into a little village. This post is comming to Mauritius from Germany! Nobbi.
nobbi said:
Oh, I didnt see your review before. BTW, the Axe turns the musical world into a little village. This post is comming to Mauritius from Germany! Nobbi.
Which reminds me that my given name is French but of German origin :cool: yes, small world
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