1500 bucks, you say, Line6?

Line 6 has done nothing for me yet, proof will be when its my hands and i can test it and weigh up the best molder in the world against a pretty interface and small foot print
My problem with the video is that they are playing it through a Variax guitar. I get it, they are showcasing their products. But how much of the sound is influenced by the Variax and how much is the Helix. And why the heck are there so many wires hanging off the guitar? Would it have been too much to ask for them to just play with an off the rack Plain Jane guitar?

Also, the more I see the Helix in action, the more I not digging the display. Too much going on for me, even if it is pretty.

It looks to me like he's using the regular magnetic pickups, not the guitar models. That's probably the high end USA version, buy my imported JTV69 came stock with some pretty nice pickups and when I play the guitar live, I tend to use the pickups 95% of the time and the modeling only when I need different sounds, tunings etc....
That demo sounded pretty good too me - I could gig with those tones. The dude has good variance in his playing dynamics and the Helix is responding nicely. Nice demo.
Ditto. Also, with the ability to use 3rd party IRs, you can do a lot of tone shaping. I won't plunk down cash without hands on experience but it's looking promising.
They are targeting the space in the market between the cheap modeling stuff (pods) and the Fractal/Kemper units at the top end. This space is pretty empty at the moment, with really only the the 11 Rack present up till now.

More competition is good. Keeps people on their toes. And I like having more options to suggest to other guitarists.

The question in my mind is what is the support going to be like? How many firmware updates/fixes will there be?
The question in my mind is what is the support going to be like? How many firmware updates/fixes will there be?

Given that their response to many questions has been, "not at launch", one would hope they have a good update plan in place.
Ditto. Also, with the ability to use 3rd party IRs, you can do a lot of tone shaping. I won't plunk down cash without hands on experience but it's looking promising.

What is the quality of the IRs compared to what the Axe Fx runs?
The question in my mind is what is the support going to be like? How many firmware updates/fixes will there be?

If something needs fixing then obviously they should fix it with an update. There is nothing else they need to do. Buy it with what it ships with, & don't assume anything else will be done but bug fixes if required.

If the amp models & effects sound good out the gate, then what else is required of them?

I'm sure they will sell extra amp model & effects paks down the road..........I think the Helix ships with 49 amp models. Is that not enough? I know I don't use more than about 5 in my AxeXL+
It looks to me like he's using the regular magnetic pickups, not the guitar models. That's probably the high end USA version, buy my imported JTV69 came stock with some pretty nice pickups and when I play the guitar live, I tend to use the pickups 95% of the time and the modeling only when I need different sounds, tunings etc....

Actually, that is the new lower-end Variax Standard.
The question in my mind is what is the support going to be like? How many firmware updates/fixes will there be?

I would assume they'll be somewhere between Roland/Boss and Fractal. Basically in between the worst and best. Don't assume you'll ever get an update and you'll never be disappointed. Heck, someone that bought an Ultra with 11.0 firmware on it was probably bummed that they didn't get any major updates.
I think we live in exciting times for musical equipment. So many developments in the last 5-10 years.
We already have our Axefx so why are so many people scared of what Line6 is bringing out? Slagging off a competitors product is so childish.
From what I have heard, Helix sounds really good. It should too. With the might of Yamaha behind the scenes now, Line6 have access to an R&D department that probably spend more in a year than most other MI companies make. I used to be endorsed by Yamaha and it is a huge company.
It's good to see that Line6 seem to have come up with something new instead of repackaging the same old algorithms they have been selling since the 90's. I have fully loaded and a partially loaded UX1 units somewhere in the studio. Not been plugged in for years.
I am happy with my Axe. Will also get the AX8 but I will most likely check this out too. If this was out 15 years ago, it would be all over every album recorded. That is how far we have come. As I said earlier, we live in exciting times.
If someone had told me in the 80's that I would have.....
Unlimited audio tracks on my computer (when we were paying £1500 a day in a 48 track residential studio)
9 channels of Focusrite ISA preamps piped digitally into my computer.
Amazing pianos and Hammond on my Nord Electro 5
Lovely old school sounds on my prophet 08
Affordable moog sounds on my Sub37 and Minitaur etc etc.
Then, on top of that, access to all my favourite amps in a 2u rack that has basically replaced all my different versions of Bradshaw systems I have used since 1991.
On top of that, all this would fit in a small office sized room......
I could quite easily record a full album without ever going into my live room that has all my old amps in. I don't think my producer would know the difference anymore.
Like I said earlier, we live in very exciting times. Enjoy it.
Fractal and Kemper have raised the bar. Line6 look like they want to join the party. This competition is healthy. It keeps everyone on their toes.
Go and make some music. The Axe won't ever do that for you. Go and enjoy using your gear. No need to look over your shoulder at other products. None of them will play guitar for you or write your songs. That comes from you and the more time you spend doing that, the better you will become as a musician.
Have a good day. :)
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As much as I'd love an AX8, the reality for those of us in Australia is that it could very well be 12, 18 months or more away... I hit the Amplifire wait list the day it was announced and 18 months later I'm still yet to receive a purchase offer from the Australian Distributor... I can't imagine this being much different with the AX8... At least getting a Line6 product here is a fairly safe bet...
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