
Time to watch "The Day After Tommorow" at home 📺
We got down to 17 here in Florida Panhandle for a few days burr!
I moved to Florida to get away from that. Fortunately, it hardly ever gets that cold. Hope your weather stats to warm up. Spring is just around the corner. Stay warm.:)
"On Friday night, a new national record for lowest wind chill temperature was likely recorded at the tallest peak in the Northeast, Mount Washington in New Hampshire, with a reported wind chill of minus 108 degrees Fahrenheit – thanks to a temperature of minus 46 and wind gusts of 127 mph. Wind chill records are not historically tracked as closely as temperature records, but the mark would beat other lows set."

We had several weeks of consecutive days/nights around that temperature and colder last year. Now that was nasty and long, long, dark winter. Anything over -4F/-20C is a 'balmy' winter day here in Ontario heh.

I went out jamming last Thursday night and it was -25F/-32C when I left at 11PM. Another day in paradise. I left the FM3/FM9 at home since I didn't want to massively thermal shock a warm/hot unit loading it into the car and driving. I brought out a single overdrive pedal that I haven't used in years into Fender Blues DeVille that was onsite and went with that. Horrible sounding pedal. I eventually just went straight into the amp and rode the volume control all night.

When I gig with temperatures that cold I either leave the gear overnight inside the venue, if I can, or wrap sensitive electronics in blankets, etc. and drive right home ASAP and unload it.

Yea, when it's that cold it's unnerving as well as just....intolerable.
IMO at -30 C you really start to feel the coldness. Even with proper winter gear. It was -10 C last night and I walked home with my jacket open wearing a t-shirt under it.


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IMO at -30 C you really start to feel the coldness. Even with proper winter gear. It was -10 C last night and I walked home with my jacket open wearing a t-shirt under it.
Agreed it’s mostly the wind and the squalls that suck
-20 is not bad on a sunny day if you dress for it but -30 with 25 mph wind gusts , forget that
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