12/21/12 THE END IS NEAR!!!!

If the world really ends on the 21st of this month, I'm still gonna give Fractal hell if Edit TNP is not released Jan 2013!!!
In 1999 there were over 200 " real " predictions of when the world would end.
Last year Harold Camping said the world would end.
Now the latest " We've had it ! " speech is for 21st December, 2012.
Ironically the Mayans couldn't even predict the arrival of the Spanish who ultimately made them extinct.
As for the end of the world I doubt it will happen, but if it did - wouldn't it be cool to be around when the world ended ? ( unless you're waiting for Axe edit TNP ;) )

Ahhhhhh Duhhhh,
That is because no one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition:
one thing I definitely look forward to IF it all ends is that all the talk about it finally ends...
appreciate it if our friends down under can give the rest of us a shout
this is so i can decide if i need to do that last minute Christmas shopping over the weekend.
Sounds about right. My birthday is the 22nd so I have always got the "this is Christmas and birthday" routine. Wonder how many will say "but dude, we thought it was the end of the world".
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