🆕 Axe-Fx III Cygnus Factory Presets "Enhanced" - Preview 1

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I generally don’t get on with presets I didn’t make, which was keeping me away from these. After seeing people go nuts for them, I figured it can’t hurt to give them a shot.

I only have space for 2 banks, so I loaded up A and C. I did this last night and I can’t remember which preset it was, but as soon as I heard it I started playing a really basic riff/chord progression, opened Logic and 20 minutes later I had 3/4’s a song written with all the drums/bass/guitars/synths/chorus vocals. Not my usual semi-prog metal, sounds more like TV On The Radio meets Tomahawk/some Patton project. Going to try to bang out the rest today and as long as I can not-second guess everything, I’ll post it up tonight.

Edit- It was the TZF Flanger on the No Flanger scene.
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As many of you will be aware, we recently released updated versions of the Axe-Fx III factory preset banks. These have been incredibly well received and we're grateful for the many compliments and comments. In the week since, there have been a few changes, including a few new presets (with a great one by Marco Fanton... "MF Euro") plus some minor fixes here and there.

These banks have now been migrated to the FM3. (@chris and @2112 deserve special thanks for being my shoemaker's elves, working across the time zones on this conversion with me.) During that process, I added many enhancements to Bank A including "bonus" scenes, newly dialed-in effects, and per-preset Performance controls on par with the work previously done across banks B and C. (This enhancement is currently limited to the first 50 presets, with more to come later.) Now, I couldn't conscience having the "little brother" be the sole beneficiary of this effort, so I simultaneously made the same changes the Axe-Fx III presets. And I promised a preview, didn't I? ;)

Here it is! Those of you who want to explore the new goodies can install these banks and consider them an upgrade from those shared on May 27.

IMPORTANT: These banks require a minimum firmware version of 16.02.

The easiest way to install is to use the "All Banks" file, included in the zip.

First of all THANK YOU GUYS for such awesome work from where we users benefit 200% from! You guys are amazing, Admin M@, Marco, 2112, Thank you again!

I have my own Presets which I use live for many 80s songs starting at Preset 001 to Preset 181, can I Load the Factory Presets A, B and C separate or together starting at Prest 182?, so my presets are still there, and I can now reference the Factory Presets? Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks, FLAV
First of all THANK YOU GUYS for such awesome work from where we users benefit 200% from! You guys are amazing, Admin M@, Marco, 2112, Thank you again!

I have my own Presets which I use live for many 80s songs starting at Preset 001 to Preset 181, can I Load the Factory Presets A, B and C separate or together starting at Prest 182?, so my presets are still there, and I can now reference the Factory Presets? Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks,
Do you have a Mark I or II? The II has several extra banks.
But yes, you can load them (the banks) separately into separate banks, but not just "start" loading at 182. There's also a way to import the sets individually, but I don't know how.
Do you have a Mark I or II? The II has several extra banks.
But yes, you can load them (the banks) separately into separate banks, but not just "start" loading at 182. There's also a way to import the sets individually, but I don't know how.
I have the AXE FX III MK II, and I have an enormous amount of free preset space, but I don't want to overwrite my own presets which are in 001 to 181, How do you load the new Factory Preset banks into the other banks?
Is it possible to have a Factory Banks download where you have a Folder for Bank A, B and C, and then as you open the folder you can see each preset, and you can download the ones you want to try instead of having to download all of them at the same time?
I have the AXE FX III MK II, and I have an enormous amount of free preset space, but I don't want to overwrite my own presets which are in 001 to 181, How do you load the new Factory Preset banks into the other banks?
Assuming you know how to import presets using FractalBot, when you click the "Begin" button, it will prompt you for which banks you want to send them to.
Is it possible to have a Factory Banks download where you have a Folder for Bank A, B and C, and then as you open the folder you can see each preset, and you can download the ones you want to try instead of having to download all of them at the same time?
Since you have a Mark II, just download all of them, then use preset manager in Axe Edit to deal with them as you like. This, for me anyway, is a great reason to own the Mark II.
Is it possible to have a Factory Banks download where you have a Folder for Bank A, B and C, and then as you open the folder you can see each preset, and you can download the ones you want to try instead of having to download all of them at the same time?
There's a thread in the lounge of how to import the factory presets, check it out when you can.
Thank you for your focus on the presets. I think it is a smart business decision for Fractal to keep these up. While I enjoy creating my own, I find the basic factory presets as a great plug and play. Especially very helpful when plugging in on the fly to random setups. Bank A has some basic, very usable quick go-to's when something's not working and you don't have time to mess with things. The basic presets are also great as building platforms... as common reference checks between setups/systems, and as starter templates for dialing in your own.
First of all THANK YOU GUYS for such awesome work from where we users benefit 200% from! You guys are amazing, Admin M@, Marco, 2112, Thank you again!

I have my own Presets which I use live for many 80s songs starting at Preset 001 to Preset 181, can I Load the Factory Presets A, B and C separate or together starting at Prest 182?, so my presets are still there, and I can now reference the Factory Presets? Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks, FLAV
i have a lot of the sm issue. it'd be really nice if these could be split into individual presets. there is a tool - fractool that will do that, but I've done that and unfortunately some of the preset names get lost in translation.

EDIT: actually just did it and all the names seem to be fine for factory presets. Might just be my own presets that had issues and I suspect it's an issue with some character I'm using in the name. Either way... that tool will split them to individual... then you can load them to anywhere, reorganize, delete some, etc.
Hi @FlavAnderson
1/In axe edit, open the preset manager.
2/ from windows explorer, drag the preset bank file to the left hand side of the preset manager and drop it.
From there you can move individual presets around as you like. You can also export them to individual presets and save in a folder for later.

Is it possible to have a Factory Banks download where you have a Folder for Bank A, B and C, and then as you open the folder you can see each preset, and you can download the ones you want to try instead of having to download all of them at the same time?
Dude, stumbled further into your SoundCloud. Absolutely love “Narrows” and “Ambi Jam Ext” reminds me a bit of Caspian. Keep it up! 🤘

Those are my brother's tunes, he is farther along than me in a fraction of the time haha. We owe our Caspian appreciation to our time in Sparrows!
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