
  1. AnswerInfinity

    AFIII A song with Horizon Drive, an FAS amp and 7/4 attempting to still be "radio friendly."

    I'll have to do a vid on the sound I programmed for this one. Until then, here's the lyric video.
  2. enoch

    AFIII Enoch EP "Ecdysis" relased - Recorded with Axe-Fx III

    Hi folks! This is our EP recorded with Axe Fx III; it's for free streaming and if you want/like, you can also support the band. Thanks! Have a good listning! Enoch EP "Ecdysis"
  3. Alan Benjamin

    live video from first concert (festival) gig with AX8

    Greetings, Though I've had my AX8 for a while now, the timing coincided with my prog band, Advent, taking an unexpectedly long hiatus from live performance due to the departure of our previous bassist and the time it took to finally find the right player to step in and get things going once...
  4. Alan Benjamin

    Legacy Umpfel's awesome new release (Axe-Fx II used)

    Greetings, While I'm still only an AX8 user, I thought I'd share some info on my favorite album of the year so far, "As the Waters Cover the Sea" by the Norwegian band, Umpfel. It's an amazing album and the guitar playing/tones are all really incredible as well--and, as I noticed an Axe-Fx II...
  5. christopherzberlin

    AX8 direct to PA for live video recording

    Hey, thought you might be interested in this: I used the AX8 for going direct for the gig and for recording the track live as well. Hope you guys like it. Bogner Ecstasy model used. (on the album I used a real one). Cheers Chris
  6. Scias

    Legacy "Breaking The Covenant" with ENGL models

    XL+ with the Savage head going through the German Boutique for the rhythm tone
  7. Recon24

    Legacy ML Legends Djent Mix - Mixtest - Reamped/Remixed Old Tune

    Hey everyone! Having a ton of fun with the new ML Legends IRs; I think they may have managed to dethrone the ML Zilla pack for me as my absolute favorite cab pack. So I went back and reamped/remixed an old track to hear things in a mix context. Definitely a significantly different vibe than...
  8. Recon24

    Legacy Vellum Windows - Instrumental Prog-ish Rock

    Hey everyone! Lurked around for a long time but haven’t ever really posted any proper music of mine, so why not I guess. SLO 100 for leads, Friedman HBE V1 for rhythm, Hiwatt Jumped for cleans. ML Zilla Flattest D for all three. Tweaked version of the ML USA Bass Rock preset for bass. GGD...
  9. heanjurrera

    Legacy A Fair Judgement [Opeth cover]

    Hey all! This was the first ever Opeth song I managed to get into, and it's still one of my favourites. I pretty much wanted to record this just so I could try my own take on the middle, clean section, which is fantastic. The outro also proved tons of fun to get right, it's disgustingly heavy...
  10. jahecare

    Clean ambient preset

    Hi I wanted to share this ambient preset. Before I sold my Kemper I tried my best to emulate one of my favorite ambient sounds ( mostly the effects ) with my Fractal Ax8. I usually use this preset with my Kiesel Vader 8 string for two hand tapping and swells. I leave this here for all of you...
  11. Milco

    Legacy Acoustic Tone Match on 8 String

    Been a little while since I posted here, but I tone matched an acoustic guitar and ran it through my custom 8 string. Let me know what you think!
  12. Milco

    Legacy Milco - Spanky Distortion Tone!

    Really spent some time dialing in this spanky distortion tone! All Axe FX 2 in this one. Let me know what you think!
  13. Milco

    Legacy Coil Split Distortion

    Really wanted a spanky tone for this intro. Split my Dimarzio Ionizer pickup and put it through the friedman amp and blam! I'm pretty happy with how this tone turned out. Let me know what you think!
  14. Sunny12

    Legacy New Album - Crazy Solo Playthrough \m/

    Hey guys, Been a while but here's a (pretty hectic!) solo from my band Prospekt's new album released next week - completely recorded with the almighty Axe FX and mastered by Jens Bogren! :) Hope you enjoy and thanks for watching! Cheers!! Lee
  15. antcarrier

    Legacy Fretless Guitar Orchestral Prog

    Hi guys! I have just finished recording my latest tune, which is a hybrid of prog rock and classical music. Featuring fretless guitar and bass, a full orchestra, and a LinnStrument. All guitar & bass is axe fx, each using far field IRs I captured myself. It was certainly fun to make. I hope...
  16. hansenolsen

    Legacy Melodic prog metal

    Hi, Years of lurking, but not really too big on posting here. My band Vicinity, playing melodic progressive metal, just released our second album, Recurrence, yesterday. All the guitars are Axe-Fx II, with cab pack 13, and the album was mixed by Christer Andre Cederberg (Anathema & Circus...
  17. Milco

    Legacy Milco - 8 string Slap/Pop

    Hey guys, made this tone using the Solo 100 Amp and the enhance block really helped a lot. Sometimes I feel the enhance block can be too dramatic, but it worked for this thumping riff. Do you have any tips for this tone? Let me know what you think!
  18. Milco

    Legacy Tone match (Acoustic)

    Hey guys, tried something interesting and ran some acoustic tracks through the tone match and played it on my 8 string electric. I think I made a really unique tone. Let me know what you think!
  19. Milco

    Legacy Fryette D60 Spanky Tone

    Hey guys, took me a while to dial in this tone, but I tried making a spanky tone that worked on my extended range guitars. Let me know what you think! Maybe recommend some other amps good for these situations?
  20. Alberto Menezes

    Legacy Animals as Leaders - CAFO Full Cover with AXE FX II

    Hey guys! Two buddies and I made this full cover of CAFO, let me know what you guys think of the tones! Cheers!
  21. antcarrier

    Legacy New Jazz/Classical/Prog Tune

    Hello, I have just finished recording a song of mine. Of course, guitar and bass are all axe fx 2, each with far field IRs I made. I hope you enjoy! :)
  22. progmachine

    Legacy Full Band Cover of CHON - "Fall" (Vibrato Verb)

    Hey all! I haven't made a post in awhile, but I just finished up a cover of Chon's song titled "Fall" with a friend of mine! The guitar tone is the Vibrato Verb amp with my american Strat in the 4th pickup position. I hope you all dig it!
  23. Alan Benjamin

    any other symphonic prog players here?

    Greetings, Being a newcomer to FAS gear and having a little over of two months of experience with my AX8 at this point (unfortunately, largely interrupted due to some urgent family medical issues), I thought it might be a good time to reach out to say hello and see if I can find other players...
  24. Arkks

    Legacy PRS split coil tones - Blues/Math/Ambient

    A quick video of a track i wrote using some experimental tones in split coil position. Cheers. Andy
  25. TheTrooper

    Legacy Ambient-ish/Spatial-ish/Prog-ish Idea w/ Patch Included

    Hi to everybody! I was tweaking a Clean Patch that I made and came up with a little idea. I'm using the Shiver Clean model and a Recto Cab as the "core" sound. Tons of delay and ambients in the patch, really easy to get lost in that stuff. (Isn't the Axe Fx just amazing? Look where I'm writing...
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