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  1. EthanC

    First metal song in some time

    Not going to say it's badass until you share your preset! XD
  2. EthanC

    ProtoDrive + Axe-FX II + Periphery style riffs

    Heavy as all the hells! What cab(s) is/are you using there dude?
  3. EthanC

    Ladytron "Seventeen" Metal Version

    Just another song I decided to record on a Sunday to see what it would sound like really heavy and I loved the way it turned out. The original was great and I always imaged what it would sound like with crushing guitars and drum hits. You be the judge! This is my second song using my new...
  4. EthanC

    Protone Bulb Attack Overdrive + Microtubes B3K + Afe FX 2 + Metals

    Thanks! I do hate though that the youtube version is so much quieter than the soundlcloud though and i dont know why that is. Since the big challenge is maximizing loudness while maintaining clarity, I feel like the youtube video makes it sound like "so what, of course you can get clarity since...
  5. EthanC

    Protone Bulb Attack Overdrive + Microtubes B3K + Afe FX 2 + Metals

    The most objective response I can give is "in my experience, yes". I rarely compress guitars as-is simply because you're choosing between "dynamic" or "leveled out" when you add compression to anything. Sometimes you want that, sometimes you don't, but while (when used on "main guitars")...
  6. EthanC

    Protone Bulb Attack Overdrive + Microtubes B3K + Afe FX 2 + Metals

    So my xmas gift to myself was two items actually; A Protone "Bulb" Attack Overdrive and a Microtubes B3K for the bass. I decided to do a little demo song of the results. I have further detail info about what settings I used on my Axe FX 2 in the details on both the youtube and sound cloud pages...
  7. EthanC

    Biggest Baddest Metals!

    Well I really like the background business of (for instance) Misha's first album. That stuff's all programmed and i actually tried to get ahold of Jake a while back to see if he could provide some pointers but i never got a response unfortunately. For me, my main thing is that background drones...
  8. EthanC

    Friedman HBE + Bare Knuckle Black Hawks + Evertune

    Good shit Clark! I'm starting to notice an emerging style, not of playing, but of recording/mixing/mastering that your stuff always seemed to me to fit right into. If i had to come up with a term for it, it'd probably be something like "mixed for guitars". Essentially this sound that I'm...
  9. EthanC

    Biggest Baddest Metals!

    The backgroundambience is actually "embracer vst" but again, i only use that as ambiance because i don't have enough experience with "electronic music" to know any other good sources :P DAW is Cubase 5 Believe it or not, my position is that there isn't a huge night-and-day difference...
  10. EthanC

    Biggest Baddest Metals!

    Thanks a ton for the praise guys :) The preset was just one that i made. It would be much use to anyone else unless they're also using BKPs because it has to work around the dyanmics of those pickups. I will say though that i used the Herbie CH 3 for the amp and the Kalth Allen #4 4x12 cab and...
  11. EthanC

    Biggest Baddest Metals!

    Pushing the envelope as far as i can trying to get the biggest, fattest, heaviest, yet cleanest technique possible with regards to mixing and mastering. As usual, my beloved Axe-FX 2 is my champion of guitar and bass tone. Couldn't live without the thing. BE ADVISED: I make no claim to having...
  12. EthanC

    FAS BrOOtalz Meshugging Madnesses!

    I've tried using it at least 20 times but I must be doing something wrong, because in truth, it sounds like absolute ass to me.
  13. EthanC

    FAS BrOOtalz Meshugging Madnesses!

    I um... Don't actually know what a "VI" is :P Thanks! Yeah i started off trying to mimic their tones for guitar/bass/drums but as it progressed, I ended up preferring this version instead of duplicating theirs exactly. I've always felt meshuggah drums lacked a certain "punch" by themselves so...
  14. EthanC

    FAS BrOOtalz Meshugging Madnesses!

    Hey thanks a lot man! I actually just replaced the one i had up last night with another revision that I think sounds even a little better. I also checked out your channel on soundcloud. That bass in your new groove cover is crushing... Can i ask what it is?
  15. EthanC

    FAS BrOOtalz Meshugging Madnesses!

    This is just about as heavy as I've ever been able to attain, especially using Trillian instead of my 5-string. Trying to get that noise floor flat to the ground but it's a real mofo... So believe it or not there's no compression or drive block on the guitars at all. Obviously i throw one of the...
  16. EthanC

    Axe FX 2 + BKP Juggernauts = Metal Paradise

    Thanks so much for the praise guys! Yeah, I had that phase a lot of people go through when you want to sound like periphery but although I like listening to it, my brain just doesn't put music together in that insane way :P There is nothing special about the guitar I put them in really - It's...
  17. EthanC

    Axe FX 2 + BKP Juggernauts = Metal Paradise

    Took me a long time to save up for them but it finally happened. My goal was to put the right gear together in the right chain and eliminate any possible bottlenecks on quality. Some say i may be flying to close to the sun but god DAMN it you can't argue with the result... The Axe FX by itself...
  18. EthanC

    USB Recording...

    For some reason every single guitar track I record comes through noticeably with more distortion than what i'm monitoring. I've gone so far as to lower the gain on my amp to 0.1 and it still ends up coming through as if i had the gain set at 5. not 0.5, i mean 5. Could be a similar issue.
  19. EthanC

    Widek - ION (Djent/Metal/Atmospheric)

    WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ON YOUR DESK Sorry can't concentrate on the song until I find out what that is...? It's like.. two electric jellyfish?
  20. EthanC

    Diezel Herbert Djent/Metal Tone Test

    Thanks so much for the comments guys I really appreciate it! I tried like hell to get the tone i wanted out of Das Metall but it's just so fucking saturated... >.< I find it great on the high end and not so great on the low but that could just be my opinion as well. Guitar is ESP MH-417 with...
  21. EthanC

    Diezel Herbert Djent/Metal Tone Test

    Oddly enough in my never ending quest to get that "i'm satisfied with it" tone, the Herbie, I believe, sounds damn good! Especially if you know how to place the guitar and bass in the mix well enough. Please don't judge the fact that it isn't an actual song... Just something "meshuggish" i'm...
  22. EthanC

    5150 + Mark IIC+ = Thrashy proggy metal goodness

    It's so rare that you find any thrash metal being made with the axe fx and superior that it's good to hear it finally represented, and very well so. Great job!
  23. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    I have scanned the the original bill of sale and invoice with the serial number and warranty (1 year) right on it. Order # 8556 Who should I send it to?
  24. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Because if it turns out that the factory warranty on their flagship product isn't transferable even in the event of defect that's something that should probably be out in the open? I apologize if you think I have an attitude. I don't. Perhaps you should grow a tougher skin and maybe not poke...
  25. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    I got an email but i'm having trouble accepting it. What you're saying is that although the unit might have just rolled off the assembly line last month, and is defective, that I'm screwed because you don't transfer warrantys in any form? I looked forward to being an axe fx owner for several...
  26. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    OK... So what do you want me to do.
  27. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    I'm very sad to say that after performing those steps, resetting everything via fractal bot, that the first thing I did was take the very first patch available, throw in a second amp and the exact same issue occurred. So what's the prognosis? I have a defective unit? How do I get it replaced?
  28. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Cool beans, thank you. I'll be really surprised if it has anything to do with the patch though like i've said because as I demonstrated in the first video, that happens on any patch I use the moment it contains two amps. Incase you haven't seen it also i recommend watching the second video I...
  29. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Ticket # 3603 Date: September 24 I'm looking at it right now on It was originally about clipping but when I posed questions about this issue I stopped getting responses and that's why I came here. I even attached one of the patches where the problem was happening...
  30. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Thank you very much. I'd feel better for an "official word" on the patch corruption issue (no offense intended) but if I don't hear another solution official or otherwise by tomorrow I'll go ahead and use the SYX you posted as a "last ditch" tomorrow and see what happens. Just so I know, did...
  31. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Maybe you should read the OP before double posting. Spoke with "Matt", then "Sean" and stopped hearing back which is why I'm here.
  32. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    That doesn't seem to do anything except bypass it then unbypass it friend. Here's another video I just uploaded using that patch that i posted wherein all you see is me playing then going up one patch then back down and bang we're in crap-tone-land. Once i have exited or joined a patch using...
  33. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Yes I actually had that idea too of doing a full factory reset but everything I've read so far on this site and google actually is saying there is no "true" factory reset of this unit... I tried the "reset" in the utilities menu which seemed to work only until i moved back to one of the patches...
  34. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    1. Dude, it's built into my axe fx. Have a look at what 382 is called. How is this a surprise to you? 2. 11.03 3. It's a Metalocalypse reference. Metalocalypse fluency should be a prerequisite of working at Fractal I would think. Again, to everyone asking about deadhead and wanting me to...
  35. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    ESP MH 417 -> Axe FX 2 -> Monitors/Headphones (As simple as you're going to get) The DAW and PC info is irrelevant because as i show in the video, you don't even have to be connected to the PC to get the exact same result and with a built-in patch. The video I just uploaded shows me simply...
  36. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    Mentioned a few times this is something that just randomly started happening to pre-existing patches and previously working patches. It's a bug of some type. I'd like to think that anyone willing and able to drop $3000 on guitar hardware has the common sense not to plug one guitar amp into the...
  37. EthanC

    Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

    The fellow I was speaking with through email support hasn't returned my emails since last week so I wanted to go ahead and pose the inquiry here and see if i could drum up some support. What's going on is that, after wanting an axe fx for like 4 years now, I finally have one. I even sprang...
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