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  • Users: jmo
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  1. jmo

    Are we done? - updates to our Axe-Fx II (Mark II) ?

    So True Adam M@ ! it's definitely an inspiration machine !
  2. jmo

    Are we done? - updates to our Axe-Fx II (Mark II) ?

    Well there ya go ! Thank you Yek ! I appreciate that, if that AXE FX III fit in a 2 space rack I'd get it tomorrow ! LOL !
  3. jmo

    Are we done? - updates to our Axe-Fx II (Mark II) ?

    Totally ! I'm with ya !
  4. jmo

    Are we done? - updates to our Axe-Fx II (Mark II) ?

    Hey Folks ! So are we done with updates to our AXE-FX II (MARK II) ? I think the last one was ARES 2.00 from Sept 18 2019 I could be wrong, but I think that was the last one. I always appreciated the fact that FRACTAL constantly improved, updated, tweaked. I'm sure its a lot of work, and the...
  5. jmo

    Axe-Fx II "Quantum" Rev 1.00 Firmware Release

    So is Quantum the new name and start 1.0 of firmware updates ? for the AXE FX ? No more beta 20 firmware, it's all starting over with Quantum ? Thanks ! (-;
  6. jmo

    AX-FX-II - Using FX Send/Return, The FX Loop & Finding the right Balance

    Hey Chris, I messed around with the mono and stereo cabs, and still the fx loop block sounded best after the cab, give it a go and let me know if you notice a dif, totally appreciate your help ! Jmo
  7. jmo

    AX-FX-II - Using FX Send/Return, The FX Loop & Finding the right Balance

    I just put the FX LOOP BLOCK between the Amp and Cab and it goes from lush stereo to more of a mono up the mid sound. So keeping the block after the cab sounds the best, but I will keep messing around.
  8. jmo

    AX-FX-II - Using FX Send/Return, The FX Loop & Finding the right Balance

    Thanks Vinnie ! that's the kind of info I was looking for, I will try moving the FX LOOP Block and see what that does, it's not like my set up was not working for me, it just has been way too much volume tweaking, but simply moving the block could make a big difference, so I'll give it a go ...
  9. jmo

    AX-FX-II - Using FX Send/Return, The FX Loop & Finding the right Balance

    I have never had a problem with noise, again it's the balancing act of the guitar sound, the send/return FX sound, the output and input levels and simply trying to avoid clipping and overloading the signal (also the FX Loop block) Overall it's a constant dance to get each patch to sit right. I...
  10. jmo

    AX-FX-II - Using FX Send/Return, The FX Loop & Finding the right Balance

    Interesting, not really had any noise problems, just the overall challenge of volumes and getting the input & output to feel right. Thanks !
  11. jmo

    AX-FX-II - Using FX Send/Return, The FX Loop & Finding the right Balance

    Hey folks love to get some feedback on your experience on using the AXE FX II with stereo Send & Returns and the challenges of balancing the input and output volumes & the FX loop block with out getting clipping. I use my Axe FX in the studio and have a Strymon Timeline hooked up in stereo...
  12. jmo

    It’s that Good !!

    There have been just a few products in my carrer that have changed the trajectory of how I create music and the quality at which I create it. I have been composing music for film & television for almost 20 years (No I’m not that old!) & in that time the technology has simply become mind blowing...
  13. jmo

    Bank D ?

    SoC9 thanks for take'n the time to write and give the set up run down, some new things I will definitely do. and I totally hear ya. I have been making my own, adding the new and tweaking for days and I l Love it. I think my thoughts behind my post was the programming and save of time would...
  14. jmo

    Bank D ?

    Ok how bout this, give me every amp and cab combo, "simple" and get rid of the crazy fx patches that at times seems unusable, some of them are fantastic but it's a tad overkill. It would really be great for "all" of the amps to be showcased as a preset, but just give it to me with some reverb...
  15. jmo

    Bank D ?

    Wish list outside of a "favorites" bank How about a Bank D thats all blank where we can either load up / double up on a bank or store / copy our most used, edited or favorite patches ? What ya think ?
  16. jmo

    FUZZ Pedals & AXE FX II

    Hey All I am putting it out there to see see what the community thinks is the best Amp/Presets to use or general best way to use Fuzz/OD/Distortion pedals with the AXE FX II I LOVE my FUZZ and simply put them before my Instr input. At the end of the day my Fuzz pedals can’t be beat the...
  17. jmo

    Axe-Fx II Firmware V11.02 and New Preset Banks

    Why is this posted on the forum & not the main website ? Hey Guys, so just wondering why and how things are posted for this V11.1 how come this is not on the main support section of the website ? just trying to figure out how, what, where and when with my new world of AXE-FX II. Thanks Jmo
  18. jmo

    AXE FX II V.11 & My current Presets & FX LOOP BLOCK issues

    Thanks s0c9 !. The update was from V10.11 to V11, so I assumed it was an overlay. With the FX Block, I adjust the output 2 level per preset, and it's a bit of a pain in the butt, to have to adjust per preset, but if that's the way it is so be it. With the FX Loop you have that fine line of...
  19. jmo

    AXE FX II V.11 & My current Presets & FX LOOP BLOCK issues

    Hey All ! So I have two questions #1 When you update to a new firmware for the AXE FX II (V11) It seems like it kept all my presets the way they were with my FX LOOP block and other changes (I hate Chorus) so I remove all Chorus blocks. Does the update keep your current configuration &...
  20. jmo

    New Axe-Fx II Drivers for OS X and Windows

    Thanks Rex ! I'll get the hang of the Forum soon enough ! I had a feeling that was the case. Have a great weekend ! Jmo
  21. jmo

    New Axe-Fx II Drivers for OS X and Windows

    Hey guys I'm new to the website, Got my AXE-FX II, all good there, but i'm a bit confused seems like the driver link is taking me to the old driver Axe-Fx II USB Setup (167) for OS X not the NEW one (168) Am I missing something ? I also see a new version of the Firmware of 10-12 on the forum...
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