AXE FX II V.11 & My current Presets & FX LOOP BLOCK issues


Hey All !

So I have two questions #1
When you update to a new firmware for the AXE FX II (V11)
It seems like it kept all my presets the way they were with my FX LOOP block and other changes (I hate Chorus) so I remove all Chorus blocks.
Does the update keep your current configuration & block / amp setting etc and just put the new firmware on top of that that.

Or to truly benefit from a new firmware update do I need to re install all the presets per that version like the new V11 presets download and then re tweak and re do all my configurations again ?

Am I make'n sense ?

With the FX LOOP BLOCK it seems like I can't get the punch of the preset with that FX LOOP Block in place "activated".
As soon as it's "on" the loudness and fatness goes away. I have been working with the AXE FX virtual inputs and the outputs and all the level controls,etc I have read seemingly everything, but with the FX LOOP Block engaged the preset looses its kick ass. I have also tried to place the block in front, in between, but the best place seems to be after the cab block.

It's a contestant game to tweaking with each preset to get the right balance of the FX LOOP & the preset tone, I use the FX LOOK for my Strymon TIME LINE.

If this is just how it is, so be it, but I'm open to keep trying !

Thanks for your thoughts, advise, opinions !
Thanks s0c9 !.
The update was from V10.11 to V11, so I assumed it was an overlay.
With the FX Block, I adjust the output 2 level per preset, and it's a bit of a pain in the butt, to have to adjust per preset, but if that's the way it is so be it.
With the FX Loop you have that fine line of clipping the signal,as well. so its just a constant balancing act.
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