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  1. W

    Furman or a T.Track power conditioner?

    Which anomaly concerns you? No power conditioner addresses all. Each might address one different anomaly. Then sold using hearsay that claims it solves all anomalies. Specificially which anomaly concerns you? A short list include frequency variation, harmonics, reversed polarity, high...
  2. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    Based upon this preliminary information, you may need a series mode filter. These (heavy) filters are sold by Surgex, Brickwall, and others. That would be for noise on hot or neutral wires. If the noise current is via a safety ground, well, that must be solved elsewhere. This is exactly...
  3. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    That third prong is required for human safety. The device cannot be listed without that essential safety feature. A conditioner must be defined quantitatively. Numbers for its joules and filter often define it as near zero. Many know it is an added layer of protection because advertising or...
  4. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    DC voltages between what and what? Voltages must always exist between two points. DC voltages, as described, are not problematic for electronics. But can be a serious human safety issue. A threat that would not exist if the utility and a building's electrical system is properly earthed. Not...
  5. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    Nobody said that. I don't know why anyone would assume that conclusion. But plenty of snake oil exists because no line conditioner addresses all or even most anomalies. State which anomaly is to be solved with numbers. Otherwise the only useful conclusion is "probably snake oil". So many...
  6. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    Provide its specification numbers. Any useful analysis starts with what the manufacturer says it will do.
  7. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    Plenty of power conditioner stuff is total snake oil. And it works. When sold at inflated prices, then so many can hear the improvement. Monster does that often. They sold $7 speaker wire for $70. Then many could even hear the difference. Some conditioners claim to filter. AC mains...
  8. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    Read the Axe-FX specifications? It has a universal supply that regulates voltages from 85 to 265 volts into rock solid and unchanging output voltages. It already has regulation many times superior to what a Furman or anything equivalent claims to accomplish.
  9. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    A surge too tiny to overwhelm protection inside electronic's power supply can also destroy the MOV in an undersized protector. That increases sales and gets many to recite an urban myth, "My protector sacrificed itself to save my electronics." Nonsense. Superior protection inside electronics...
  10. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    That Monster does not claim to do any of that. But let's assume it does create 'clean' power. Then electronics convert that 'clean' power into voltages exceeding 300 volts with radio frequency spikes. IOW electronics convert 'cleanest' power into some of the 'dirtiest' in the building. Then...
  11. W

    Are power conditioners snake oil?

    Did you really think that 2 cm part would stop what three miles of sky could not? That is your reasoning. Somehow its few hundreds joules will absorb destructive transients that are hundreds of thousands of joules. Advertising has successfully deceived you. Line conditioners for noise must...
  12. W

    Why use a power conditioner

    Even a knot is a wire is a power conditioner. Many power conditioners only protect from anomalies already made irrelevant by what is inside all electronics. And do not claim to protect from anything destructive. Easy to identify anyone who all but wants to be scammed. They don't define...
  13. W

    Power Conditioner

    Elecricity only flows when an electric circuit is completed. No current flows until the last switch closes. All current stops when the first switch opens. Does not matter if the switch is inside the appliance, on a Furman, or at the generator station. Either current is flowing or it is not...
  14. W

    Power Conditioner

    Many will recommend it because it makes them 'feel better'. How many have answered by even reading spec numbers on that Furman? Many protectors and line conditioners are little more than a direct wire connection from the wall receptacle to electronics. But that wire is inside a magic box...
  15. W

    Power Conditioner yes or no?

    Ten volts on ground causes no damage. In countries that only have two wire circuits, computer grounds can be at 60 volts or higher. Are computer is those countries failing daily or weekly? Even 60 volts is not harmful to electronics. No line conditioner will solve that ground voltage...
  16. W

    Power Conditioner yes or no?

    Posted previous: Somehow a power conditioner is recommended for low voltage. Why? Did the manufacturer define voltage regulation - with a number? Voltage regulation for severe variations typically means a UPS or something equivalent; not a line conditioner. Electronics must work normal...
  17. W

    Power Conditioner yes or no?

    When equipment is designed defectively (ie by cost controls). Anything a Furman does must already be done better inside electronic power supplies. Does not matter how 'clean' that AC power is. A power supply first converts power to high voltage radio wave spikes. And then 'cleans' that...
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