Furman or a T.Track power conditioner?


Hi I'm looking for a power conditioner, I'd rather see not to spend anymore than 100-200 bucks. Many of you guys are using the furman power conditioner, but as I can see on Thomann.de there is a T.track available at VERY reasonthe t.racks VM-100 Voltage Meter - Thomann Danmark

If this IS NOT worth buying, could you then tell which furman I should go for? There's a tonne out there!
Hi I'm looking for a power conditioner,
Which anomaly concerns you? No power conditioner addresses all. Each might address one different anomaly. Then sold using hearsay that claims it solves all anomalies.

Specificially which anomaly concerns you? A short list include frequency variation, harmonics, reversed polarity, high voltage, power factor, open neutral, floating ground, EMC/EMI, sags, RFI, and ... many others that might concern you.

Which one does that Furman claim to solve? If not listed by a numeric specification, then it does not address that anomaly. If anyone recommends something without quoting manufacturer's specifications, then the recommendation is probably based in myths or feelings.

Many if not most anomalies are already made irrelevant by superior circuits inside electronics. For example, what is normal AC voltage? Incandescent bulbs can dim to 50% intensity. A voltage that low is also perfect power for electronics. An example of how to separate honest recommendations from hearsay. Honest recommendations also provide perspective - the numbers.

To obtain numbers, first define the anomaly you fear. Quite likely, that Furman does not even claim to eliminate that anomaly. Many recommend a Furman to cure anomalies that even that manufacturer does not claim.
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