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  1. Paul Bradshaw

    Help finding a Freq that's ringing out

    just wondering what guitar are you using here? might be related to the nut, or strings ringing out behind the nut or if you've got a tune-a-matic below the saddles, it can sometimes even be pickup springs, tremolo/springs , those sorts of things
  2. Paul Bradshaw

    Tips for Mono IEM's (AKA the death of guitar tone)

    so for us in the practice room Center: vocals / bass / kick drum / Stereo OH mics hardpanned in our rehearsal space for the drums guitars: hardpanned L + R for Live we get a basic drum mix back from FOH , which usually is a basic single channel/mono mix, mainly kick/snare as we get some sound...
  3. Paul Bradshaw

    Havin' trouble to smooth out the high end of Dynacabs - Can you suggest settings?

    maybe a different angle is it definitely the highs that are an issue ? given a high cut at 5khz, is it maybe piercing mids that are perhaps the issue (2.5-4k range say) with a particular cab this can be pushed even more nothing wrong with your setup otherwise, the 535s are pretty decent, i used...
  4. Paul Bradshaw

    Baritone / Low tuning preset - From heavy (Loathe etc..) to ambient

    thanks Leon 🙏 not sure if you've been able to check them out before, well worth the detour, feels a bit like a workout with the fret spacing/scale length 😄 but a lot of fun
  5. Paul Bradshaw

    Tips for Mono IEM's (AKA the death of guitar tone)

    we managed to switch to stereo IEMs about a month ago, and agree the difference is quite staggering mono was definitely ok (we're a 4 piece band, 1 guitarist/bass/drummer/singer) but stereo meant things got clearer/better separation and a lot more enjoyable overall, also meant being able to set...
  6. Paul Bradshaw

    Baritone / Low tuning preset - From heavy (Loathe etc..) to ambient

    thanks , they're great guitars i think i haven't tried grinder/brutal style boosts just yet, but i can imagine it working well with cutting lows, the lower the tuning it seems to benefit more from less gain as well, the gretsch pickups have a very particular tone to them as well, which is cool
  7. Paul Bradshaw

    What guitar cable do you use?

    aah, good to know , i'll bear that in mind, hopefully won't need too much surgery if i have those issues
  8. Paul Bradshaw

    Line6 FBV Shortboard MKII

    cool, great to hear about some older midi controllers being able to be reused for this purpose i saw the post on the forum (ich komme aus Luxemburg ubrigens =) you'll need more posts here from what i've understood to be able to post pictures
  9. Paul Bradshaw

    What guitar cable do you use?

    although prices have since gone up, been using D'addario american stage cables for live and at home, work great i'm considering going back to wireless however for shows
  10. Paul Bradshaw

    Not Getting Gapless Switching of Presets with 8.00

    i think you have to enable SPILLOVER as well according to release notes Gapless Preset/Scene/Channel Switching A new parameter SETUP > Global Settings > Config > Gapless Changes has three settings: Off, Channel & Scene, and “All” (Preset, Scene, Channel). Note that channel switching speed has...
  11. Paul Bradshaw

    5/10 minute preset build series - youtube - Fractal FM3

    NGD for me this week, with a Gretsch G5260 baritone (29.75" scale length :D ) tuned in F# Standard here, some nerdy tech explaining of the Multiband compressor here and filtering/boost before the amp(s) The guitar itself has a particular tone with the low output mini humbuckers, tweak to taste...
  12. Paul Bradshaw

    Baritone / Low tuning preset - From heavy (Loathe etc..) to ambient

    NGD for me this week, with a Gretsch G5260 baritone (29.75" scale length :D ) tuned in F# Standard here, some nerdy tech explaining of the Multiband compressor here and filtering/boost before the amp(s) The guitar itself has a particular tone with the low output mini humbuckers, tweak to taste...
  13. Paul Bradshaw

    Envelope follower sources

    happy to help =) if the FX Send/Return isn't being used it's a pretty cool use of routing for some applications
  14. Paul Bradshaw

    Envelope follower sources

    it is a legitimate hack i guess yes =) you won't lose stereo, if OUT1 is your main out , it's like you're adding a pedal via the FX loop , so a physical patch cable whatever happens won't be affected, and if it's all mono before the amp/cab it doesn't matter INPUT2 then becomes the source for...
  15. Paul Bradshaw

    Something "scratchy" is afoot...

    ok great, glad you found a solution to your issues, power/interference can be an absolute nightmare sometimes feel free to use the preset however you please, it's your setup after all, i just made some small tweaks =)
  16. Paul Bradshaw

    Envelope follower sources

    short of using a patch cable within your SEND/return loop and then using Input2 as your envelope follower source, not sure how you'd get this done otherwise ie. In1 - VOL/pan - out2 / In2 - Auto wah block etc... otherwise a proper volume pedal before the FM3, but that's not what you're after i...
  17. Paul Bradshaw

    Something "scratchy" is afoot...

    it's quite techy, but worth a read: i tried your preset as i had some time, some ideas / notes, all related to the cab block -some phasey sounds, (the 1960TV cabs are purposely misaligned? , different low cuts and...
  18. Paul Bradshaw

    yes it all lined up nicely on the duo24, i placed the board between two chairs and then checked...

    yes it all lined up nicely on the duo24, i placed the board between two chairs and then checked from below (like a car mechanic :D) to make things easier to line things up on their other boards i imagine it's exactly the same, nice and easy thanks
  19. Paul Bradshaw

    Something "scratchy" is afoot...

    i go over that around 4:50 in the video above if that's of any help you place the gate after the amp/cab on the same line, and then change settings accordingly
  20. Paul Bradshaw

    Something "scratchy" is afoot...

    high gain will bring out more noise if it's in the signal chain, it's inevitable, some guitars are quieter than others and not all humbuckers are always that quiet with high gain applications I'd look at perhaps more aggressive side chain style gating after the amp/cab to see if that might help...
  21. Paul Bradshaw

    Help! FM3 sounds dull vs Tonex or Amp w/Pedalboard

    I'd try building from scratch if possible , however with the WT Fender patch in mind: I tried out a WT free Rev preset this morning, the Tone Match IR bundled, was pretty dark sounding, it seemed as if there was a roll off at 5-6k and made things sound kinda boxy to be honest, which might have...
  22. Paul Bradshaw

    How do I get closer to my real SLO?

    did you play around with speaker compliance / drive/compression/thump in the amp block ? if you've zero'd those out to try and better match the real amp through IRs, disregard =) having the loadbox curve in the fractal is a huge advantage if it's any help using a looper/split before the...
  23. Paul Bradshaw

    Let’s talk pedal chain

    i like both options as well, sort of depends on the preset/amp setup and what day of the week 😄 edge of breakup or vox style tones can sound great with everything in front but I'd still usually put reverb after an amp otherwise I tend to prefer modulation before the amp and say self...
  24. Paul Bradshaw

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    ah nice, i'm using a cioks SOL (only a few pedals on the board) the Temple IEC module is pretty pricey to be honest, but was with the board when i got it used i think that logo can be taken off as well, it was easiest for me in any case to cut one of the holes that's covered by the...
  25. Paul Bradshaw

    Let's see those FM3 rigs!

    very cool, do you use the IEC module with the temple board? you can use an IEC Y cable then underneath the board to hook up pedal power supply and the FM3 just need to cut one side on the board holes to fit the IEC cable through easily
  26. Paul Bradshaw

    Black Metal Preset

    thanks 🙏 given how we use blocks in parallel / setting the bypass mode correctly after the amp and cab, it's probably less apparent in that scenario (although if you've set a block in parallel after the amp/cab in bypass mode to 'thru' you've probably heard the volume boost 😊 this translates...
  27. Paul Bradshaw

    Black Metal Preset

    i'm not at home atm so can't post the relevant presets in the discussion, some ideas in there, you can download my presets for free (or pay what you want) if you like following the link, the one i linked above has some grind/hm-2 style tones and some brutal sounding stuff, might be something...
  28. Paul Bradshaw

    trouble letting go...

    i've still got pedals/pedalboards and thinned the herd per say to two tube amps (a vox ac10 + my vht deliverance 60) i hardly ever plug into my pedalboard/amp setup, but when i do i'm reminded why i've still got it, it's instant gratification as it were, and there's certain...
  29. Paul Bradshaw

    Is it possible to get this tone on FM3?

    ah thanks 🙏 ownhammer lowtuned live + snarl hardpanned / stereo a lot is in the hands /guitar as well, and chances are when tracking there's probably extra eq maybe compression as well using outboard gear what guitar/pickups are you using?
  30. Paul Bradshaw

    Is it possible to get this tone on FM3?

    ok cool, i made a video on my latest main preset on my channel attached it below, that has some of those concepts in there already, might help doesn't have my custom IRs (ownhammer low tuned) but the factory cabs work fine
  31. Paul Bradshaw

    Is it possible to get this tone on FM3?

    i'm not at home, but i have a feeling it's more a case of getting your Low-Cut before the amp right and then the multi-band compressor the low cut before the amp is a big one on very low tuned guitars there's two ways of doing it , via a Filter block before the amp (which can also double as a...
  32. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 plus other multi-effect pedal

    another way is to use a Splitter after your guitar before the FM3 and your Zoom/Multi effect/combo amp I'd recommend the Lehle P-Split for this sort of stuff, high quality device, an A/B pedal would work otherwise, but might be noisy are you trying to compare the zoom into the combo , compared...
  33. Paul Bradshaw

    Strange behavior with Input Pad

    then you're good to go, it's not strange behaviour i wouldn't worry about that setting too much, as long as you're not constantly in the red, or if you're perhaps only hitting green bars i've read people refer to the 498t as medium output , the 500t with the ceramic magnet would be the higher...
  34. Paul Bradshaw

    Brutal hi-gain / creative boosting techniques (END , Knocked Loose, Code Orange etc..)

    thanks 🙏 i think i might a pushed the gain too much on parts 😄 i did a part 1 where it's a bit more controlled but same concept parallel EQ chainsaw fuzz chains before an amp is lots of fun in any case
  35. Paul Bradshaw

    Cabs - hi & low cuts?

    it's a great question, the hi and low cut is a general sort of EQ move that is also done a lot when EQing guitars for a mix , and a lot depends as well what other instruments are there, and what the general mix actually is a low cut of 60-80hz won't necessarily make your guitar sound thin, to...
  36. Paul Bradshaw

    5/10 minute preset build series - youtube - Fractal FM3

    ah thanks 🙏 i'll be doing that one in the next weeks, with comparisons, that tab can really change how the tone feels and sounds
  37. Paul Bradshaw

    My live preset for this year (Death Metal with hardcore/Gojira) influences

    video on my updated live preset for Drogher , drop B // death metal with hardcore/groove/gojira influences sort of band Firmware 8 for the FM3 opened up some possibilities with different amps (for the cleanish tone for example) and meant some changes in terms of what amp/tones i'll be running...
  38. Paul Bradshaw

    5/10 minute preset build series - youtube - Fractal FM3

    video on my updated live preset for Drogher , drop B // death metal with hardcore/groove/gojira influences sort of band Firmware 8 for the FM3 opened up some possibilities with different amps (for the cleanish tone for example) and meant some changes in terms of what amp/tones i'll be running...
  39. Paul Bradshaw

    switching scene from a guitar switch?

    you might find this Thrice rig rundown interesting, that's exactly what he's setup with the Helix setup guitar has a TRS cable/custom wiring, and depending on the snapshot /preset it will use either the bridge or neck pickup it's limited to the two pickups here, but it's the first time I've...
  40. Paul Bradshaw

    Friendly Amp For 7 String Chuggery

    @wesleyamltd here's my current live preset below (minus custom IRs) i have a video on it being released tomorrow, so i'll do a proper post, figured i'd already share the preset here as it's Sunday =) if you wanted to check it out, stereo setup, using the Spawn OD2-1 , only a filter as a boost...
  41. Paul Bradshaw

    Brutal hi-gain / creative boosting techniques (END , Knocked Loose, Code Orange etc..)

    thanks 🙏that must be quite the upgrade as well to the Axe 3, I've always wondered about dual amp setups etc.. in stereo, maybe one day 😊 I'll check out your channel too when I'm back home
  42. Paul Bradshaw

    Friendly Amp For 7 String Chuggery

    I'm getting really good results atm out of the Splawn Od2-1 amp, had to change things up with the new firmware settled for now with Ownhammer lowtuned essentials, which works really well with it with just a clean boost the voicing works great for our style of music in drop B (death metal with...
  43. Paul Bradshaw

    'Blue skies' - dreamy/dual delay EOB preset

    ah yeah, i remember those, a friend has that, was his main guitar for many years, a lot of the newer RGD have these interesting sorts of finishes (chameleon style, or bright silver etc..) not my thing unfortunately, i'd love to see a dark all natural oil style finish (kinda like Hapas...
  44. Paul Bradshaw

    'Blue skies' - dreamy/dual delay EOB preset

    thanks, yeah i really like it too, especially the 26.5" scale length for lower tunings, it's not quite the huge stretches at 27" + but manageable drop B isn't i guess super low, but it's helped give a bit more piano like clarity to strings at that tuning that's really cool i wish they did...
  45. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    yeah , same thing here, only issue i've had so far since we do all our sound changes with the laptop/midi, it's a bit more dangerous😄 but the work around is easy at least, once everything's up and running
  46. Paul Bradshaw

    'Blue skies' - dreamy/dual delay EOB preset

    thanks for the feedback, i was also pleasantly surprised when i tried the euro blue out for the EOB sorts of sounds the guitar in the video has quite a lot of attack/hi-mids, (ceramic neck pickup as well) lended itself nicely with the arpeggiated/delay tones and the lead lines too, it 'pokes'...
  47. Paul Bradshaw

    Bug? Killdry related bug(s) with Delay block

    thanks, didn't see that post, glad to hear it's being sorted in the next revision
  48. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    just reported the bug in a separate thread with a video to show the issue, it happens everytime on a fresh boot/first time turning the unit on once things have been clicked on, activated/deactivated the problem goes away let's see what devs say on it
  49. Paul Bradshaw

    Bug? Killdry related bug(s) with Delay block

    hopefully the video shows fine I've reproduced this bug a few times now, the same thing happens as demonstrated in the video, on the first boot up of the device I made a basic preset with the an amp/cab + delay 1 in parallel / killdry Turning on the unit, the Amp level in the attached preset...
  50. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    i've had this as well, with delays that i've now switched to killdry on a recent preset it seems there's this quick volume jump (if you're playing and then switching) when first switching to the scene after startup, but thereafter it's fine if you're not playing at the same time and switching...
  51. Paul Bradshaw

    Brutal hi-gain / creative boosting techniques (END , Knocked Loose, Code Orange etc..)

    thanks, yeah i haven't really seen too much of that either, it's really handy for mixing more aggressive style EQs and gains without taking too much away from the guitar signal
  52. Paul Bradshaw

    5/10 minute preset build series - youtube - Fractal FM3

    not a preset build per say, i will go over it more in detail at some point as it's part of my main preset now i show things with text in the video, it's a very basic preset in any case i was dialing things in for firmware 8 for my new preset with the metal band , we have like 2-3 'cleanish'...
  53. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    yep official release =) have fun with it, really awesome firmware upgrade
  54. Paul Bradshaw

    'Blue skies' - dreamy/dual delay EOB preset

    Put this together while updating my main preset with the metal band, with gapless now on the FM3, opens up a host of new amp switching possibilities =) liked the sound of the Euro Blue model for an edge of breakup clean with humbuckers, had a nice response to picking attack using two delays...
  55. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    it's not listed yet on the official page for some reason, but you can download the latest version of FM3 -Edit and then run fractal bot to get the update, that's the easiest way i made a video of the process in case when i did the update earlier this week
  56. Paul Bradshaw

    Update fm3 + gapless update checklist

    indeed i forgot to mention that , added as a pinned comment the update/upgrade all presets in my case set the gapless function to all, i only stick to one kitchen sink preset for the whole set at the moment, so i haven't set gapless preset changes in my use case with regards to the amp reset...
  57. Paul Bradshaw

    Wish VHT/Fryette d60 mk1 model alongside mk2

    interesting, I'll give it a go as well with more extreme boosting, but i have a feeling the voicing will still have the same characteristics at higher gain I'm pretty set on the quick rod atm in the meantime, the updated d60 model as it is no longer hits the mark
  58. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 - how to/updating to firmware 8 (video)

    thanks for the feedback, that's true, i posted that line in there as well : Nearly all amps have been “remastered” using new measurement techniques and analytical methods. Existing presets are NOT altered. A hard or soft reset will load the updated values. i had this in mind given how 8...
  59. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    good question, as I'd already upgraded/updated my presets i didn't check what the upgrade presets did with regards to the presets /reset
  60. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 - how to/updating to firmware 8 (video)

    as i just did the update this morning to the official release, figured i'd post a video on the whole procedure in case it's useful I'll just add this below on gapless preset changing, i believe gapless within a preset is done by default, for presets you need to activate it as below Gapless...
  61. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    as i just did it this morning, thought i'd make a video on the update process for the new firmware in case I know there are some newer users that aren't perhaps familiar with the procedure, might be useful for them i included resetting the amp block in there as well i'll be going through my...
  62. Paul Bradshaw

    5/10 minute preset build series - youtube - Fractal FM3

    sorry been a bit quiet on these builds, new firmware/new tones has kept me super busy, i did a video on a one button expression pedal a few weeks back, here's a build with that same concept with a choppy riser style transition effect
  63. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone using your FM3 purely for FX for your actual amp? Pro's & con's?

    Leon covered a similar question in his latest Q&A (around the 1:15minute mark) thought i'd link it here in case I don't use it this way, but no reason why not, it is overkill, but would probably work a treat just be weary of using mono effects given the mono FX loop and setup/cable accordingly...
  64. Paul Bradshaw

    Wish VHT/Fryette d60 mk1 model alongside mk2

    i used to own a nitro way back when, huge amounts of low end, cool amp i did try the fractal nitrous model, but had more of an instant connection with the od2-2 and my guitar, i really liked the higher mid emphasis/voicing in the quickrod, i might try out a few more amps to see though
  65. Paul Bradshaw

    Wish VHT/Fryette d60 mk1 model alongside mk2

    thanks for all the feedback so far and the discussion i uploaded this video this week, comparing the new model to my 'OG 2005 VHT Deliverance, the same sort of differences between the two firmwares/models were there, i could however get the new model to sound pretty close, but it involved using...
  66. Paul Bradshaw

    AC30 Brilliant....bravo Cliff

    tried it out yesterday with the valhallir '69 greenback cab IR , very very nice indeed great new amp model , really glad they added it
  67. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3, Roland FC200 and Morningstar MC6 pro delay in switching scenes

    when you hook just the Morningstar into the FM3 and do a midi switch is there any delay? i've got a FM3 mark1 , not getting any midi latency in switching with the mc8 , or currently the laptop doing midi switching
  68. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 and TC2290P

    a dedicated reverb pedal in the loop will probably be the biggest potential saver in terms of CPU the only thing to bear in mind is controlling an external pedal, (if you've got presets on the unit, switching presets on the external unit , midi or footswitching etc...) and it's extra cabling on...
  69. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    for everything metal i use a mix of otto audio cabs anything else i try out various cabs to see what works best based on the amp (usually some form of greenback cab, gotten good results from mBritt, ownhammer cabs) the dyna cabs are great to be honest as well
  70. Paul Bradshaw

    Wish VHT/Fryette d60 mk1 model alongside mk2

    that's just the thing, the gapless change + cpu improvements and overall snappier feeling unit are absolutely huge upgrades and changes that you don't want to miss out on just for the sake of one amp model, fingers crossed😊
  71. Paul Bradshaw

    Wish VHT/Fryette d60 mk1 model alongside mk2

    thanks, I'm actually really enjoying the quickrod od2-2 amp model currently as I'm not quite getting what i want out of the new d60 more model i really knew that old amp model well and how it responded, so fingers crossed
  72. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    have one on the preset already, but have a feeling it's more so something in the mids voicing I'm not quite gelling with, really liking the splawn quick rod so far in any case, will keep testing and audition with the band to see what makes the most sense
  73. Paul Bradshaw

    Which cab with which amp?

    that's part of the fun i guess, but i totally get the potential option paralysis given the amount of options in the cab block add custom IRs on top of that and it's a minefield =) some amps have matching cabs within the cab block (e.g morgan, carol ann, 5153, citrus etc.. ) here's Yek's list...
  74. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    one last update to my main preset, i'll probably do a video on this as well, as new firmware / new tones and updates, changes things around i'm really enjoying the splawn quickrod od2-2 with the new cab mix i made, and minimal tweaking to the actual amp (just changed the speaker tab page a bit...
  75. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    thanks 🙏 that's the Euro BLUE amp with the gain around 5-6 ish , EQ set to taste, the cool part is a delay(memory man) BEFORE the amp (set to 1/4dot i think) and then the dual head tape delay or it i think it might be the stereo tape on the cleanish scene AFTER the amp/cab , gets this really...
  76. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    thanks, it's not too complex in that preset, it's the dual tape head delay in stereo, there's no reverb on this one i tend to go for delays in parallel (after the cab in this instance) , and the main thing is EQ: 100-150hz low cut (really helps clear things up) ducker Attenuation , depending...
  77. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    thanks , it's dual boosting the amp 🥳 ie. a clean boost out front and then the FAS boost, the FAS boost is quite cool for modern sorts of tones , adds it's own character to the amp here's another with the d60 more version of the preset, which i'm also still working on, i miss that old amp...
  78. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    and a quick variant with less gain/treble/presence there's something in the voicing i'm not quite gelling with, need more tight/thunk, it's given changes to the d60 more model, looking at potential other amps that could be cool, but it's maybe also the quite aggressive sounding cab mix i put...
  79. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    here's something i'm working on, still tweaking EQ it's metal ;) i probably stayed too long on the 'cleanish' sort of amp, but to give an idea recording stuff helps actually, it's probably a bit bright on it's own, but i still have to see it with the rest of the band in context
  80. Paul Bradshaw

    Anyone have raw isolated recordings of their live presets?

    i've updated my live preset given the new firmware changed the main amp i used , but haven't nailed everything just yet with the changes to the amp/voicing it's meant some changes in amount of gain/boosting and most importantly IRs i spent the last two days looking at doing different IR mixes...
  81. Paul Bradshaw

    Real amp : VHT Deliverance 60 vs updated D60 more model

    Hello, hope all is well, while i made this comparison with an FM3 on firmware 8 , I figured i'd post it here as I think it'd get more traction and might be of interest if you just want the rundown on the differences between the Mark II Deliverance 60 and the VHT Deliverance 60 from 2005 that i...
  82. Paul Bradshaw

    Mr. Big / Jared James Nicols

    where do you drive/come from? yeah cheaper petrol, cigarettes and also coffee apparently feels like the second biggest business here after finance 😄 thanks for coming in any case 🙏 i wouldn't have a job if we didn't have an audience
  83. Paul Bradshaw

    Mr. Big / Jared James Nicols

    hi @Keybi thanks for coming :) I actually work as a promoter there so i organise concerts there (mainly rock/metal and guitar orientated stuff shall we say) show was great, saw Jared live for the first time, super impressed, got to hang out with him for a while too, took a pic with his...
  84. Paul Bradshaw

    New firmware question on x-3 and re-setting the amps

    if you want to test first copy an existing custom preset to a new slot and then reset the amp block using the editor and 'manage presets' that's the method I've been using, bear in mind it appears to reset any custom preamp boost you might have set back to neutral, it does however keep your...
  85. Paul Bradshaw

    Low Cut Frequency - Late to the party...

    Hi Steve, low cut before an amp definitely helps, but i think you might benefit and get more out of using a Multi Band Compressor block after the amp and cab to tame the low mids, it'll control that area nicely , without losing too much of that low end goodness going into the amp (i like to use...
  86. Paul Bradshaw

    Fryette d60 More - Firmware 7 vs Firmware 8 Beta

    thanks Sean, i'll give those things a go, i just updated this thread and a new video with better tests (amp block properly reset..doh🫣) i still feel that the voicing itself is somewhat different, 'hollow' mids i guess is the word that i can't seem to dial in with the newer model, even with...
  87. Paul Bradshaw

    Not a Bug Freezes when dealing with scene controllers linked to multiple values

    ah awesome =) yeah stereo IEMs is a huge deal we were using mono IEMs up until 1 month ago, but i kept my mono preset going as we had a gig coming up (and new firmware released just before a gig is always dangerous =) did all the updates this week and put a stereo preset together (being the...
  88. Paul Bradshaw

    Not a Bug Freezes when dealing with scene controllers linked to multiple values

    @Riccardo Ros just out of interest how are things here in your preset with gapless? is cpu lower now as well?
  89. Paul Bradshaw

    Fryette d60 More - Firmware 7 vs Firmware 8 Beta

    thanks, i'll have a closer look at those tweaks and see how it translates on my main preset (where i have a low cut filter as a boost in front of the amp for example) the biggest change was -less boost into the amp (i was using input trim on top of boosts for this so put that back down to 1...
  90. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00 beta 1

    so first band practice with the new update and running a stereo preset into stereo IEMs was awesome 🥳 I have no idea how they did it, but considerable CPU savings on my main preset (dropping 3-5% ) means more space for say adding a modulation block if i feel like, but it translates to being...
  91. Paul Bradshaw

    Fryette d60 More - Firmware 7 vs Firmware 8 Beta

    thanks, I'm still experimenting, low cut adjustments /bass/depth make a nice difference, there's certainly more saturation/gain to the newer model the older one has this almost hollow/drier thing in the mids going on that i can't seem to replicate, i have a feeling it's the newer voicing of the...
  92. Paul Bradshaw

    Fryette d60 More - Firmware 7 vs Firmware 8 Beta

    first band practice with the new amp model and stereo (Stereo IEMs are amazing, highly recommended =) was a success , sounds and feels great, things are certainly different however, there's more chunk in the lower mids and voicing, and the high end is less extended but very juicy if that makes...
  93. Paul Bradshaw

    Wish VHT/Fryette d60 mk1 model alongside mk2

    Hello, figured i'd post this here, after updating the firmware on the FM3 which updates the d60 to mark II specs and various discussions i've had with fellow VHT/Fryette fans and axe users in the future is there perhaps a possibility to include the Mark I version of the amp that was replaced...
  94. Paul Bradshaw

    Fryette d60 More - Firmware 7 vs Firmware 8 Beta

    thanks for the feedback, yeah on first glance , with the same settings the differences are considerable, and favours the clarity of the older version of the amp i'll definitely be tweaking things further in any case, and i'll do a follow up to this soon, i have a feeling i can use different...
  95. Paul Bradshaw

    Fryette d60 More - Firmware 7 vs Firmware 8 Beta

    thanks 🙏 try the d60 less as well, i didn't get round to trying that yet, but i have a feeling with the changes and the amount of gain on tap, it might be really cool i'll check this in a follow up video at some point i think, just wanted to post this as firmware is still really fresh
  96. Paul Bradshaw

    Fryette d60 More - Firmware 7 vs Firmware 8 Beta

    First off , huge hats off and thanks to FAS on the new firmware, unfortunately I've spent most of my time so far making this video :D but since upgrading to Firmware 8beta, CPU usage is down on my main presets, stuff feels snappier/more responsive, and the gapless update is absolutely huge ...
  97. Paul Bradshaw

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00 beta 1

    two days of working back to back shows here (did get to see and hang with Mr Big and Jared James Nichols so won't complain too much :D really looking forward to checking this out especially curious about about the new firmware Fryette d60 comparisons as it's my main amp i use with the band i'll...
  98. Paul Bradshaw

    Pedalboard Build Competed (Formerly: Call for help. Pedalboard Wiring Hints and Tips)

    very slick, you can probably just use a normal screw / washer bolt to hold the platform in otherwise, or even cable ties if you feel like it =)
  99. Paul Bradshaw

    What cable to use for studio monitors?

    if you're interested this might be a good read: but in essence you're fine with XLR, I'd actually recommend it if you have the possibility to connect like that I'm using XLR cables between my audio interface and studio monitors, I'm also using...
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