Envelope follower sources

I have switched from a volume pedal on input to a control pedal, and it's given me great flexibility. However, I'd like my auto-wah patches to change frequency on the input level, and the envelope follower responds to the actual hardware input, not the output of the input module.... as it stands the filter doesn't close down as I lower the volume pedal.

It would be nice to have the option for it to respond to what's actually coming into the module, like an actual envelope follower in a pedal board would. One of my favorite mutron tricks is to put an echo before it, and then the filter closes down gradually as the echoes fade out. Seems like this is not possible with the current routing.

I thought to compensate by adjusting the envelope output level by pedal position, but none of the envelope follower controls are mappable.

I also thought to just raise or lower the filter on the wah with the pedal, but if it is being modulated by the envelope, it can't also be modulated by the pedal. (In any case, this doesn't help with the echo example above...)

Any thoughts? I can't think of a workaround.

Seems to me an envelope follower should be built-in to the wah and filter modules. Then you could choose which behavior you wanted. Global or module-level env tracking....
short of using a patch cable within your SEND/return loop and then using Input2 as your envelope follower source, not sure how you'd get this done otherwise

In1 - VOL/pan - out2 / In2 - Auto wah block etc...

otherwise a proper volume pedal before the FM3, but that's not what you're after i reckon =)
Well, that is a legitimate hack!

Do I need a physical patch cable, or will virtual do it??

I guess I'll put in a FR anyway.... should be possible to duplicate the effect of an envelope follower in a pedalboard, without so much to-do.

EDIT: Okay, I have to use actual patch cables, looks like. And then I lose stereo, right? At least the 'RECIEVE' module should be available as an envelope trigger source!
Well, that is a legitimate hack!

Do I need a physical patch cable, or will virtual do it??

I guess I'll put in a FR anyway.... should be possible to duplicate the effect of an envelope follower in a pedalboard, without so much to-do.

EDIT: Okay, I have to use actual patch cables, looks like. And then I lose stereo, right? At least the 'RECIEVE' module should be available as an envelope trigger source!
it is a legitimate hack i guess yes =)

you won't lose stereo, if OUT1 is your main out , it's like you're adding a pedal via the FX loop , so a physical patch cable
whatever happens won't be affected, and if it's all mono before the amp/cab it doesn't matter

INPUT2 then becomes the source for your envelope follower, if that makes sense
I have this same issue and haven’t found a fix (I don’t have extra inputs available to use the above workaround).

I like to put an envelope filter on delay trails as part of a ‘wet’ chain, but there’s no way to trigger it from the input to the block (like a normal envelope filter pedal). I really wish they’d either add this option to the modifiers OR just do a proper envelope filter block (or mode of the wah block) that triggers off the input to the block.
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