Search results for query: Axe Edit notes

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  1. J

    Take notes while using axe edit.

    I really like using the snapshot feature, but would like to be able to leave notes in a preset. Other than using the names of scenes.
  2. D

    Can you take NOTES in Axe Edit?

    I'm going through Yek's amazing instructions and creating tones with settings for a specific guitar I want to be able to recall. Is there anyway to add, 'Notes', in each preset? Or does this have to be done in a separate app?
  3. PincoTech

    Wish Preset notes directly in Axe-Edit (per preset)

    I find myself wanting to make notes on evolving presets, and do so by making them in my phone. Doesn't work very well, if i move the presets, rename them etc. Example: After tracking a song arrangement, I went to lay down a thematic style melodic lead. I went to my go to Friedman preset, but...
  4. Diego

    ITA - Axe-Edit III - 1.03.10 - Release Notes

    Axe-Edit III Release Notes Rev 1.01.03 - 25/03/2019 ******************************************************************************* REQUISITI DI SISTEMA * Versione del FW dell’Axe-Fx III: 5.01 * La versione per Mac richiede OS 10.7 o più recente * La versione per Windows richiede Windows 7 o...
  5. Diego

    ITA - Axe-Edit - 3.14.5 - Release Notes

    Di seguito verranno pubblicate le traduzioni delle Release Notes fornite da Fractal Audio Systems per gli aggiornamenti dell'editor Axe-Edit per l'Axe-Fx II Mark I, Mark II, XL e XL+.
  6. smfelton

    wish: Ability to add a simple note to a preset.

    I would find it really useful if I could add a simple text note to the preset in Axe Edit, things like version number any performance settings, external controller functions etc. at a quick glance. At the moment you have to try to fit it into the preset name field, I would rather it was in...
  7. R

    Wish 'Notes' area in Axe-Edit

    I would like an area in Axe-Edit where I can jot down notes for each preset. I like making notes to indicate how I like to use each preset, or document some ideas about how the preset could be improved for future experimentation. It could be configured as a text window below the 'controllers'...
  8. Rook

    Axe Edit "Notes" tab

    Just had a thought for Axe edit... It would be nice to have a "notes" tab associated with each block. Something user editable and saved to a file (XML?) that could be shared. Then someone (not Cliff) could copy and paste the relevant notes from the Wiki. Since it is user generated content, it...
  9. USMC_Trev

    An idea for Axe-Edit: Notes

    Usually when I think of something brilliant it's been done, so I'm guessing the alchemists at FAS have already got this covered.. I could really use a notes section where I could jot down things about the preset, scenes, songs, markers in DAW, other sundry items, right in the preset itself...
  10. R

    "NOTE: Axe-Edit is NOT yet updated to work with this new firmware" Is this problem?

    So yesterday I read someone's post saying that although Axe-Edit is not updated to work with 5.0, you can still use Axe-Edit to upload the new firmware. I was able to connect and upload the firmware yesterday but now I can't connect. Am I having this problem because of this?
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