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  1. K

    12.05 JCM800 in the mix test

    vary nice I like it a lot!!!!
  2. K

    Most Underrated Amp Models

    gotta agree with the 'SLO100 Lead'
  3. K

    Just makin' sure I'm not crazy! LOL

    No your not crazy I noticed too ,, I have over 16 presets I use and it can be a bitch changing everything all the time
  4. K

    LCD Hard To Read

    Mine too
  5. K

    Axe-FX Sync Timeout!

    So is it the axe-fx II that is the problem or the MFC cause they told me to send them the MFC
  6. K

    How Long Is Too Long

    Fas told me that there is something wrong with my MFC and that i should send it to them to fix I cant right now as i am giging every weekend and need it (running 7 pin midi)
  7. K

    How Long Is Too Long

    Yes I do so I tried a couple ways I have 3- 5 ft 1-10 ft 1-30 ft and 1 45 ft so I tried 5ft works 10ft works 15ft works 20ft works 25ft starts to get flakey ,,,tempo flashes only a few times then pauses , then 30ft only one way and very slow same with 45ft
  8. K

    How Long Is Too Long

    cable tester only checks for shorts, opens, or incorrect wiring
  9. K

    How Long Is Too Long

    I do networking everyday and have a tester for the cable and it said it was fine
  10. K

    How Long Is Too Long

    Hi I have a Axe-Fx II and a MFC 101 both with updated fw. I tried connecting them with a brand new, 30 ft bestronics eithercon cable (basically very good cat 5) I could send midi pc to the axe but got no info back like tempo or effects state, So i tried a 15 ft cat 5 cable and it worked. Then...
  11. K

    Built-in tuner vs rack tuner

    The axe tuner works great way better than my tc g major
  12. K

    All companies use a formula that basically says the sell price is X times the cost to

    AH ya can you say Be***ger they do it all the time
  13. K

    My first Axe-FxII Now I know what all the crazyness was about

    This thing is amazing How did i ever live without it ...oh i know two racks full of gear constantly debugging buzzes and problems... About 4 hours and i have it working good enough to gig this weekend, and 3 off those hours were beccause i couldnt stop playing Chears Cliff for a job well...
  14. K

    The "Official" unofficial Axe Fx II US Purchase Availability Thread

    had on filled everything out and hit send ...then shopping cart empty uuuuugh
  15. K

    Unwanted cc's

    I have found that in "Axe-Fx mode off" when i hit a preset 1 thru 5 it generates unwanted cc's only on midi channel 1. I have no IA's or intenal cc's on I can see this happen by monitoring midi ox I have had to resort to using other channels as this coflicts with the other gear (rjm rg16...
  16. K

    PC Software editor for the MFC?

    pc editor why dont ther hire the guys that did the editor for the behringer fcb11010 they did thd uno and did it for free pay these great guys and we could have an editor copuld have used it last weekend or that least check them out they seem to knopw what there doing and the listen...
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