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  1. Smilzo

    FM3 Firmware Version 9.00 public beta 1

    My JTM preset sound balanced, my Fender preset was more "biting but muffled", raised tremble from 5 to 6 and there it was, clear with byte without shrilling.
  2. Smilzo

    Filtering delays and reverbs?

    Always. I cut lows a lot, I like in-your-face tone with a bit of dimension. Often I adjust the overall brigthness of reverb with the hi.
  3. Smilzo

    FM3 Firmware Version 9.00 public beta 1

    Wow. Wow! Fender Bassman, the closer the firmware to real amp the younger I get! :grin:
  4. Smilzo

    Wish "Assign Settings to Scenes" instead of "Scene Controllers"

    I agree. The main reason why scene controller have this UI is because they are more than a simple switch of values, they controll limits, motions, transitions. I would like to keep the actual SC and add a simple switch of parameters. "The following params are changed <list>, do you want to save...
  5. Smilzo

    Wish "Assign Settings to Scenes" instead of "Scene Controllers"

    I think 99% of "i need a variation" is limited to a couple of parameters: gain/level, delay time/feedback, so on. Maybe adding an "alternative" channel with a couple of user assignable parameters will do. Like doubling the number of channels, but without adding redundant parameters in memory and...
  6. Smilzo

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00

    You were kidding, but Cliff it's no joke... it's on 26... and counting... :grin:
  7. Smilzo

    What do you expect in the future from FAS?

    Yes. I imagine a device that could load any block, one at a time acting, when "linked" with the main Fractal, as an external CPU co-processor (run the needed firmware and loaded parameters). Or used stand alone in a traditional setup, loading "block" from an app.... it make sense for the heavy...
  8. Smilzo

    What do you expect in the future from FAS?

    A stompbox-like, with an amp block only, minimal interface, and the ability to be used stand alone or inserted in the fractal block matrix...
  9. Smilzo

    What do you expect in the future from FAS?

    The ability to link multiple device in digital domain in a "virtual grid", so we can have 4 amps in parallel... using the CPU power of multiple device...
  10. Smilzo

    What do you expect in the future from FAS?

    Next gen I wish improvement on song/channel/scene/preset/controller/global block, to prepare and recall a set faster. I wish we could save an recall "project", containing songs and presets. A Song contain all the useful data: tempo, sections, scenes, channels, controllers, variations, etc...
  11. Smilzo

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00 beta 1

    Previously my input was -12, it tickles the red, if I set -18 I felt sound changes (less volume, compression, etc). I try -18db with 8 beta, it seems it makes no difference in sound, (signal led at full green ,no more reds). I set it at -18 to be sure, knowing that clipping may occur. Give it a try!
  12. Smilzo

    Tonex One

    Klon Centaur is one channel. Cost a lot. Klon is useless, nobody needs Klon... ;)
  13. Smilzo

    FM3 Firmware Version 8.00 beta 1

    Updated, no problem so far! Well done FAS!
  14. Smilzo

    Behringer X32Rack or something else?

    TH CQ series has 48/96. I wonder who the hell has 96k projects. Now I know!!! :)
  15. Smilzo

    Behringer X32Rack or something else?

    A service we used years ago had Yamaha, I think 01V as mixer. Powerful sound, seems like Yamaha products target is a well balanced and all-rounded product. CQ18T user update: the user interface is very good, one push of a button and you reach every parameters or menu needed. The cost is less...
  16. Smilzo

    Behringer X32Rack or something else?

    Just today I got a CQ18T to test in place of a Soundcraft MTK12. Too early to tell, but first impressions... CQ18T: preamp sound smooth and round, the eq is intuitive and well sounding, fx for ambience seems good, will test compressor & gates. Routing is easy and impressive (24x24). MTK12...
  17. Smilzo

    High Cut - Yes or No

    tremble is before the poweramp, presence is in the poweramp; they both affect the overdrive/saturation/compression/feel/etc... of the amp. The cut in the cab block does not change the dynamic and harmonic response of the amp. Hence different result!
  18. Smilzo

    FM3 Firmware Version 7.00

    Fractalised. :eek:
  19. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Vedo dai video che usa chitarre diverse. Più che delle patch, dovresti creare un suono che combinato al tuo setup e il tuo tocco si avvicini. Puoi partire da un bassman e un tubescreamer, con un pelo di riverbero e delay per aggiungere un po di grandezza al suono. Da questa base puoi giocare con...
  20. Smilzo

    Announcing the FM9 Mark II Turbo

    So we a winner for the first FM9 mark II wish!! Even before it get out! :D
  21. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    When I saw the news on HC :eek:, I wrote Cliff to sell me a unit in Europe... :D
  22. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Caro Marco, credo che ti sbagli! Siamo sempre incapaci di comprenderci, solo che adesso i social stanno mettendo a nudo questa realtà. E lo dice anche la scienza della comunicazione: di un messaggio, noi comprendiamo attorno al 10%. E non è solo colpa di chi riceve o chi manda il messaggio...
  23. Smilzo

    Fm3 beta firmware

    We will be going from 7 to 11 in one big jump... soon... :p
  24. Smilzo

    FM9 Latency - Around 5ms?

    seems like FM9 4CM... :)
  25. Smilzo

    5150 Presence Knob

    Working on old amps, I found out that often the culprit of compression/smoothness are weak electrolytic caps! ;)
  26. Smilzo

    5150 Presence Knob

    I guess you're right. A minority of user base is in this forum, the most "active & curious": we search, ask, discuss. Outside there is a majority of user that don't RTFM, unbox the unit, cable it, and judge by factory preset & visual position knob. Well, maybe not all, but lot of them! :p
  27. Smilzo

    Not a Bug “Gapless Switching” not gapless?

    No, you're wrong. When you switch channel all is discharged, reloaded and run again. Even if all the parameters are the same.
  28. Smilzo

    New Update sounds all different? Dyna Cab update?

    The new triode modeling feels more organic, alive, warmer. Taste the difference, adjust the eq and/or the gain towards your previous "brigher" sound and the amps should feel even better!
  29. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Fluidi. :grin:
  30. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Uso l'output dx per il mio monitor, l'output sx per il mixer. Sul monitor regolo il volume, e ho il mio suono di riferimento. Dopo il mixer il fonico può fare quel che vuole. I due segnali sono più o meno uguali (per live rock e metal mono va più che bene!). Prima mi riferivo a una wish di...
  31. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Nei setup analogici si usa "pedalini>preamp ampli>fx ambiente>finale ampli>cabinet". La cosa più vicina in termini blocchi Fractal è "pedalini>amp>fx>cab" (non essendoci send return nel blocco amp). Nell'analogico OGNI dispositivo introduce distorsioni e filtri ("colore") quindi si è abituati a...
  32. Smilzo

    New Update sounds all different? Dyna Cab update?

    23.00 Improved Amp block triode algorithm. Improved Spring Reverb algorithm Improved Reverb block Improved Tremolo block Improved Tape Delay algorithm Check your patches. If you use any of the block above, your sound will be different.
  33. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Sembra strano pure a me. La prima cosa che verificherei è se hai qualche segnale che collassa a mono (tipo i cabinet) e che uscendo/rientrando viene invertito nella DAW o in qualche plugin.
  34. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    No, che le frequenze le tagli prima o dopo non cambia niente per gli effetti LTI (tutti gli effetti in cui viene usato il suono ritardato). Se (e solo se) all'interno dell'effetto LTI viene modificato il suono (compressioni, saturazioni, filtri di inviluppo, octaver, etc) allora il segnale di...
  35. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Forse stiamo dicendo praticamente la stessa cosa. I cabinet li metterei subito dopo l'amp block. Si usa mixare più cabinet nell'analogico . Dopo aver ascoltato le demo di Leon del FW23, non so che dire... Un bel chorus o tape flanger, fase invertita dx e sx, e si ha un suono spettacolare...
  36. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Luci e bandiera dei Pink Floyd, già ottima partenza! :)
  37. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Come dice @DLC86 (e Cliff), l'ordine degli effetti LTI è ininfluente. Che si applichi un filtro prima o dopo un riverbero, o un delay, il risultato è lo stesso. Diverso se l'effetto è un distorsore, o un compressore. Nel mondo reale un po di distorsione c'è sempre, magari poco ma cambia. Un IR...
  38. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Se non usi distorsioni o effetti dinamici sugli ambienti, è indifferente mettere i cabinet prima o dopo. Quindi puoi creare tutta la catena senza cab nell'axefx, uscire ed entrare nella daw e vai di plugin.
  39. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Release

    Post an example... :p :D
  40. Smilzo

    Fender FR-12 preamp mod : The Hissterectomy

    No more hiss. Now it purrs...!
  41. Smilzo

    History\point in time snapshot

    I wished a "session approach", with stored preset, cabs, firmware & hardware info so you can recreate the exact same sound.
  42. Smilzo

    Collecting old rack gear...What to get?

    ADA MP1, Masotti X3M, Digitech GSP, TC 2290. Thumbs up for any Soldano and Bogner...
  43. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Per me i pacchetti di IR sono un incubo. Se voglio un suono più diretto, o più secco, o più alte nella realtà col cabine sposto il mic ed è fatta. Se ho il pacchetto devo provare a caricare e risentire, sperando di trovare quello corretto. Con il dynacab c'è la possibilità di modificare...
  44. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    A me mi piace, il pezzo. Anche la voce. Poi come dice Diego, è una questione di gusti/ascolti/scelte. Forse un po troppo aperto di stereo e "pieno", toglie un po l'effetto diretto in faccia (parlo di voce, chitarre e batteria). Sulla dinamica... lufs ok... ma riguardano il pezzo intero. Ogni...
  45. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Oggi l'asticella è veramente alta, e se non ti porti almeno a livello sonoro "medio" la maggior parte degli ascoltatori scarta il pezzo subito. Una buona registrazione è la base, poi ci sono gli strumenti di mix/mastering e il loro uso. Sono impressionato dal multibanda Fractal, lo trovo...
  46. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Tommy nasce come chitarrista rock stile Van Halen, ama le produzioni tipo Papa Roach, tanto punch e distorsione. Se vai sul suo sito troverai del materiale da lui remixato, non fa solo pop... la serie di video illustra concetti e strumenti dimostrando con qualche mix come lui li usa. Sul mixare...
  47. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Hai già provato i suggerimenti di Tommy dell'Olio?
  48. Smilzo

    Wish Gapless sound: "Smart" Channel Switch (if same type) and Preset Switch (if same layout)

    Now I got what you say. No, that not work. The main gap time is not for "loading from memory", but "loading the modeling" (have a proper signal output). In DSP the data and istruction are (almost) in the same fast memory. "Load" values from non volatile memory for scenes/patch require very low...
  49. Smilzo

    Wish Gapless sound: "Smart" Channel Switch (if same type) and Preset Switch (if same layout)

    The firmware know the actual state, and the recalled (yet unload) state. The problem is to load in any cpu load conditions...! A simple solution is to halve the instances in any block, and reserve the saved istances for gapless... but people will complain not having 2 amps... do it global...
  50. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.01 Release

    Advance global settings, refresh after new firmware... :p
  51. Smilzo

    Wish Gapless sound: "Smart" Channel Switch (if same type) and Preset Switch (if same layout)

    The amp (and the drive, and many other block) require some time to load and run. The virtual capacitors needs time to charge. The signal need time to stabilize. The systems needs time to solve the solutions. I remember discussing with Cliff himself for axefx II: doable if all the value are the...
  52. Smilzo

    Wish 10 scenes per preset, instead of 8

    Then we should have 256 scenes... :p :eek:;)
  53. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Mi piace! Concordo con Gira sul fatto che manca qualcosa. Io sento la batteria con poco punch. Ti aspetti qualcosa che ti stenda, e invece viene sommersa. Potresti provare un po di equalizzazione dinamica per dare spazio e punch a batteria e ritmica in generale. Vale anche per la voce, con un po...
  54. Smilzo

    Wish Firmware optimization options.

    I feel like Axefx is highly optimized. The only option I can think of is halving the resolution of the block and run 2 istances, one active and the other one to have gapless switching (mixed when processing is done). The free use of CPU could be a useful addiction mainly for FM series. I think...
  55. Smilzo

    Guitar cabinet questions

    The best guitar cab I built is a 1x12 with dimension similar to a 2x12. MDF for lateral panel, plywood for front and rear, with 2 cm wooden slats to seal and sit the panels. Speaker was inserted outside, better dispersion. Weight like a 2x12. As you decrease internal volume, it tend to sound...
  56. Smilzo

    True Class A Amplifiers

    I think different terminology. Dinamics should be about the range between lowest to highest volume level. Touch sensitive should be how the frequency shift with the pick strenght or guitar volume. The more you dig in, the more the amp "compress/distort...", the less "dynamic" you have. Class A...
  57. Smilzo

    True Class A Amplifiers

    We can already (in Fractal's) set bias so high that tube conduct always (class A) for push pull amps with lots of authenticty. For SE amps there could be some difference, I guess, because of interleaving/insulation of OT. I don't know how to make a PP OT sound like a SE OT. So if you want PP...
  58. Smilzo

    True Class A Amplifiers

    Strange enough, my experience is the opposite. I never had a SE power tube failure (they wear out, I changed them for the sonic and volume properties...). I had a lot of PP power tube amp failure. It could be the fixed bias, or the peak voltage, or the thermal cycle... I dunno! Guitar tube amps...
  59. Smilzo

    True Class A Amplifiers

    I've built a couple of parallel SE amps years ago. In a guitar amp the poweramp noise is neglettable, the noise come for the first stages of preamp and insane gain amount. A good powered SE EL34 amps could keep up with a loud drummer just at the edge of poweramp breakup. If you want crystal...
  60. Smilzo

    True Class A Amplifiers

    Yes, bias them hotter and make sure they conduct all the time. When tube break up you've reached the limit of class A. Every tube amps can run in class A. Push-pull have some harmonics cancellations when driven. No magik! :)
  61. Smilzo

    True Class A Amplifiers

    I think SE amps are "touch sensitive" because of resistance cathode bias. There's a squish. Also most the amps marketed as Class A are resistance cathode bias. Hence "touch sensitive". I have lots of SE amps, and built lot's of them, cause I like the "vintagey" rock n roll vibe, even with hi...
  62. Smilzo

    True Class A Amplifiers

    I remember discussing class with Mr. Aiken. It's just a label for early days of tubes, when input signal were known. Class A is when tube conduct for all the cycle. Class B only half. Class AB between. So when we apply a guitar signal that goes into cutoff or interdiction, we are in class AB or...
  63. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Può essere il tipo di distorsione. O semplicemente il volume di ascolto: più basso è, più gain tendi ad aggiungere per avere un suono bello. Ma quando alzi il volume la quantità di gain innesta feedback. O i monitor più fedeli portano a innesti indesiderati.
  64. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta (Beta 6)

    I'll wait for the 3rd version with no mic on the cabs, so I can have raw amp in the room tone. Come on, over 50 pages an no amp in the room tone talking???? :p
  65. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta (Beta 6)

    I'm very upset. You should be able to compress all the cabs, mics, amps, cables, stompobox, effect and studios ever appear on Earth in the axefx! Even your lower competitors do such a better job! :sweatsmile: :sweatsmile: :sweatsmile: :grin::grin::grin: Cliff, keep on rocking! Take any complain...
  66. Smilzo

    Virtual FC-12 or FC-6

    A virtual FC (maybe with option 3-6-9-12) to use with axeedit is a great idea!
  67. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    E cosa cambia? Sempre nel return dell'ampli rientri. Un mixer analogico esterno serve se hai un effetto senza dry (come alcuni rack vintage da studio), se hai un effetto che degrada la qualità (un vecchio boss, tc, etc...) (e l'FM3 non degrada la qualità), o se hai un loop effetti che non si...
  68. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Anche con un loop parallelo. In questo caso la differenza sarebbe che hai un dry in più da gestire, ma sempre e comunque tra pre e finale. E' un "limite" fisico, come dice Riccardo. Ma comunque limite non è: prima o dopo il segnale viene mixato in stereo (o mono, dipende da quel che serve). Se...
  69. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Nell'FM3 hai gli effetti in parallelo dopo il cab. Nell'ampli reale avresti la catena dopo il pre e prima del finale. Quindi ti direi... no, non suonerà lo stesso. La cosa più immediata è usare la catena FM3 (disabilitando il cab) entrando nel loop. E da li sistemi i suoni. Se vuoi fare qualcosa...
  70. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Ciao Fab, bisogna chiarire cosa vuoi mettere "in parallelo" per capire se si potrebbe avere lo stesso risultato. Partiamo da una considerazione base: se hai due suoni identici in parallelo, e sfasi uno ottieni un suono... sfasato! perdi qualche freq, hai risonanze su altre, etc... non è la...
  71. Smilzo

    Whats Cliff doing now?

  72. Smilzo

    Friedman HBE C45 Firmware Shootout (Ares vs. Cygnus x2)

    Ares seems stiffer and thigh. Un-authentic, but spot on for aggressive metal! You should try to audiction first "stock advanced" setting, then, one at a time, try to remove unwanted "looseness" tweaking DC current, negative fdbk, bias, and trafo match. There should be a how to stiff post from...
  73. Smilzo

    All the distortions fry

    Sound like a modded Keeley... sweeter than honey... real stock DS1 (at least, the one I owned or tested) are "acid". Totally different from Ubaldo clip. I don't hear fizziness... but the sound is weak... try higher drive output level, or higher amp input/gain. I think "touch/feel" in Blix also...
  74. Smilzo

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.01

    If it was the same, than there will be no need for firmware update! I think I get what you feel: more "rounded, warmer" sound. In the AX8 I have a metal sound I prefer over the same setting FM3 version. For metal, where stiffer sound are needed, you can 1. stiffer the amp (oh, I wish there...
  75. Smilzo

    (implemented) Eliminate gap when using the same amp block across different channels.

    Because you can't run more than 100% of one CPU. Each amp block run on 60% in one CPU. When you load preset, amps are loaded in the proper CPU. They both run, like Unix-guy wrote. Channels run ON THE SAME CPU, but only ACTIVE CHANNEL is load. When you switch channel (by any means: manualy, with...
  76. Smilzo

    (implemented) Eliminate gap when using the same amp block across different channels.

    1. This modeler have virtual component that behave like the real counterpart. It not some function that shave the signal. 2. I don't get it. If you don't change channel, how do you change amp? Editing the amp block with type? And you don't hear gap and lag?
  77. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Puoi provare a usare i vari blocchi (eq, filtri, compressori, multibanda, drive) in maniera creativa (per esempio splittando alti e bassi), rifinendo il suono con IR (che sono alla fine degli equalizzatori con centinaia o migliaia di bande). Come dice Diego, ottieni un compromesso che può o meno...
  78. Smilzo

    (implemented) Eliminate gap when using the same amp block across different channels.

    It's not a gain problem; Cliff explained the models need iteraction to achieve stationariety. They have virtual cap and resistor. They need time to reach proper condition/value. You may have notice some (real) amps have a "bump" when changing channel for the first time: is the eletrical...
  79. Smilzo

    Copying Scenes to an different Preset?

    No, the scene is linked to a preset: in another preset you can have different blocks, shunt and grid positioning... "cloning" the preset is just one particular use of the preset (I do have different copy of a preset, with different scenes and channel).
  80. Smilzo

    (implemented) Eliminate gap when using the same amp block across different channels.

    I remember (many years ago) Cliff told it is possibile. It require one if...then...else to avoid recalculate the amp. His fear was 1. user will complain some switch seem immediate, other have a gap; 2. there could be burst and noise (since many years ago, I think II era, the switching process...
  81. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Solo italiane immagino... vocoder tipo "partenon" che fà "uèèè... jamme belli!!!" :p
  82. Smilzo

    Fractal vs Capture

    Gary Moore live goes from sweet to hungry, from love to joy to sadness... just with pick attack and volume! Feel is the ability to articulate the feeling you had into sounds and emotions. Harmonics content, pick attack, sustain... all those affect feel.
  83. Smilzo

    Fractal vs Capture

    I still feel some difference. So I grabbed some amps and make tests. The best way I can describe is that the Cygnus seems to sound wha-ish... the shift in frequencies seems more pronounced, while real amps sound more subtle. Maybe it depends on setting, dunno...!
  84. Smilzo

    Bug? Modifiers disappear on channel A when choosing a single channel library file on other channels

    Global channels, with included modifier per channel, is the way to go. I hope Cliff give it a go in the next generation... :)
  85. Smilzo

    Jeff Beck Passed...

  86. Smilzo

    Delays Sounding Too Reverbery

    I like to cut the delays lows. It helps the delayed sound to stand out clearly, without "mudding" the whole mix.
  87. Smilzo

    Wish Amp+cab block

    The default is what Fractal choose default cab is. Like any block/type, fractal decide what is the default parameters! If it is doable, we could wish an editable table with amp#/cab# to load into the device. So we can have a "Fractal default cab selection", or edit in axeedit our own...
  88. Smilzo

    Wish Amp+cab block

    I wish each amp type has a factory cab block "default" with IR, drive, thump, and so on. There should be at least an option: load default on/off. So we can choose if maintain the current cab when changing amp type, or load the factory matched cab (if there is a cab block...).
  89. Smilzo

    FM3 Basic Questions

    Like your'r 5... The number of presets is not related to CPU warning. The presets are stored in mass memory. When you recall/play a preset, the unit load the preset into "CPU registers". CPU process each block in the preset. Each block eat a certain amount of processing power. The CPU usage is...
  90. Smilzo

    Red Sound Elis8 FRFR Review and MF 10 Comparision

    Nope, AX8 and Eli's volume does not change tone. Could be FM, or you are clipping the Eli's input stage. Try lowering the bass, play with the band and see if it works. Do any tone/gain adjustament at gigging level.
  91. Smilzo

    Wish: FC2

    Yep, a FC2/3/4 with color ring and no screen: additional switch with same ability as FC but no screen.
  92. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Auguro (almeno!) un anno ricco di upgrade! :D
  93. Smilzo

    Wish Global channel

    I don't know what system storage is. I think there are mass storage (slower), ram storage (fast) and registers (faster). I don't know how (and don't ask for!) Fractal handles process. I do know that data need to be stored in mass storage, be preset, global, system or hardware setting. Simply...
  94. Smilzo

    Wish Global channel

    Well, I develop the wish a bit in a library-like kind of. The channels are stored in 384 "slot", each of (say) 4 channel, as separate library inside Axefx. In each preset each block in a scene is "linked" to a slot+channel(ABCD) (they are outside the preset). In terms of total memory there is...
  95. Smilzo

    Bought Myself a Christmas Present

    Insane top, well done Cliff!
  96. Smilzo

    Wish Global channel

    Channels are stored in blocks that are stored in preset, hence in preset. Each preset is a fixed-lenght record. Seems to remember from II discussion with Cliff... :)
  97. Smilzo

    Axe-Fx in Italiano

    Sì, FX8, AX8 e (AXEFX III, FM3 e FM9) usano generazioni di algoritmi diversi. Non solo le generazioni (ares, cygnus I, cygnus II), ma anche le versioni del firmware possono suonare diverse. E' una costante evoluzione verso l'autenticità (e la facilità di utilizzo, aggiungo).
  98. Smilzo

    Wish Global channel

    Tap dancing.
  99. Smilzo

    Wish Global channel

    Rex, I could estimate the bytes it takes 4 channels, but I don't know the processing and memories strategies of the DSP. It's up to Cliff. He decide 4 channels into a preset as evolution from X/Y. I use mainly scenes, I have a preset template and I use it. Same blocks, same link. Before Axefx I...
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