
Check to make sure the cab isn't borked (some of them defaulted to a slot where I had my cello IR - sounded really bad). Also, after you load it in axe edit, if it sounds bad, click load from last saved version. Sometimes reloading it fixes it.

Thank's for the help, but it's not that. I tryed diferent cabs. Still didn't like the sound.
Did you like the patches?
Thank's for the help, but it's not that. I tryed diferent cabs. Still didn't like the sound.
Did you like the patches?

Sorry that didn't work for you. I just went through all of the presets that Cliff uploaded again, and they sound fine here.
I agree. If the II cost $4,000 it would be a fair price.

It may be fair for some (i.e. pros who can justify the expenditure and earn a living with it) but at $4k it would cut out a huge population that currently has a budget for it or are currently struggling to budget for it (like me). Especially as a hobbiest $4k is out of reach. yes great product, fantastic but it would be easy to opt out for a POD HD500 or Eleven rack or even a VG-99. Fractal needs to consider the Lemonade Stand effect when pricing. How many could they sell at $4k vs. $2k vs. $1k? My opinion is anything at or below the 1k mark could completely wipe out the competition but that may not even be a feasible price after cost of production unless it went offshore and got mass produced which would in turn change the whole model and "mission statement" of FA

As technology evolves and time passes on we are granted with great things at reduced prices. i.e. a microwave used to cost $1000 and people who owned them thought they were worth it. This is an individual opinion and how many people would currently own them and have them in ther home if they were $1000? I could do without.
Just a word on what's coming next...

1. "My Downloads"
2. Edit your own uploads/Upload newer Version
3. LIKES (+1) and leader board
4. Advanced/Boolean Search Engine
5. Cross Linking (Presets and Cabs)
6. Support for individual BLOCKS (e.g. "Ultimate Phase 90")
7. YouTube/SoundCloud links
8. Flag for batch downloads.
9. Uploads auto-tagged by "Amps Used" "User Cabs Y/N"

10. Official Artist Patches *fixed* =)
Adam: will you periodically zip the patches, etc. so you can download "all?" I tend to try pretty much everything, since your never know what catches your ear.
Adam: will you periodically zip the patches, etc. so you can download "all?" I tend to try pretty much everything, since your never know what catches your ear.

I think it's already mentioned:
8. Flag for batch downloads.
One note about styles (and for any other caption): when the colaborators kindly upload their patches, if they write thinks like "hhhheavy" (there is one like that), the search is not going to be very helpful as the database keeps growing. Could there be a pre-determined lists to choose the required fields?

Thank You for this great tool!!!
Last edited:
When doing a search for all "Ultra" presets I get 1 response. When doing a search for all "Ultra or Standard" I get no responses.
A little bug in the query?

- jonah
Feature request: Remember grid preferences, eg. sort, display count, etc.

When looking at a patch's details, and then going back, the grid currently resets to the system defaults.
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