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FM3 Firmware Version 7.00 beta 4

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Woah, thank you for this. I always store my most used preset in this location. Need to change it I guess and just keep it empty or for experiments.
I'd say loading the empty preset without overwriting anything would be a better solution (a preset might be saved in the future FW or fixed on Fm9/Axe3), no need to overwrite anything imo
Safe mode does not overwrite preset 000, it just boots up at preset 000 but with an empty preset loaded. If you don't save that preset over preset 000 then your real preset 000 will still be safe.
I had a strange little hiccup just now. After booting the FM3, button 1 was stuck on the long-press function. Tap or long-press did nothing. Followed the age-old IT advice and turned it off and back on - that fixed it. Not sure how to reproduce this, but thought I would pass it along. FYI, I was connected to Edit on a mac.

Another piece of info - I have the buttons set to invert mode = ON. When this happened, button 1 which was stuck was also not inverted, while 2 and 3 were inverted and working. Hope that helps.
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I continue to have wonky behavior this afternoon. It seems to be related to stand-in switches. I have a dual switch setup to do the following
1 tap- Presets layout view 1
1 long - scenes layout view 1
2 tap - effects layout view 1
2 long - utility layout view 1

Everything works fine for a while and then without notice, all stand-in buttons go to effects layout view 1. Both short and long on both buttons take me there and I can't get out of that layout with standin switches. I have to unplug it and reboot.

The fact that it works as expected for a while tells me that it is setup correctly. It even self-corrected once, but usually requires a reboot.
I've uploaded my layouts and system settings if that helps troubleshoot. This would be a nightmare in a live scenario.


  • all-layouts_20230803_155216.fclayout
    84.5 KB · Views: 3
  • FM3-230730-212726-system+gb+fc.syx
    192.6 KB · Views: 3
Guys try manage presets in FM3 Edit then in FM3 Edit menu go to clear preset

I was trying to delete a preset on my AXE III and it wouldnt delete for the life of me using delete on keyboard - I tried clear preset in Axe edit menu then hit save bam problem solved no idea why delete works sometimes and sometimes not with a keyboard stroke
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Okay I have something to report that I'm experiencing today. It does it like clockwork every time I can reproduce it no problem. I could upload a video of it doing this if that'll help, sorry I'm new to this but what it's doing sucks so I'm hoping me reporting it will help.

In the factory preset 6160s I cannot use the eighth scene at all and the tuner cannot be used in that preset from any scene.
One of the scenes I use a lot is the 8th scene "Lush Clean LT" and now it's not working.
I have not ever added anything to the preset other than a looper, it's had the looper in there for a long time and never an issue. I have avoided using this preset since installing beta 3 and 4 but today I gave it a shot and here is what happened:
All the other scenes work fine but when I switch to "Lush Clean LT" eighth scene it immediately exceeds DSP limit and shuts down and going right back to any other scene that I had just switched from does not make it come back it stays on DSP exceeded thing and won't work at all anymore. I have to change to another preset and come back to it to be able to use the preset, only the other scenes though I can't use one of my favorites the eighth one because this happens every time.

Okay and also I cannot use the tuner while using the 6160s preset at all no matter what scene I am on.
When I go to the tuner no matter which scene it is in it immediately does the DSP exceeded shut down thing and just like with the eighth scene thing it just stays shut down and won't come back unless I go to another preset and come back.
I experienced volume drop and had to reboot. It was about 2 hours into playing and using 1 preset. I experienced this one other time while sitting and using editor and a reboot fixed it. Do you think it is firmware related?
I guess the question I have is whether the “000” is just temporarily in memory and either everything is bumped to the next higher number until something is done with the preset (overwrite or save in an empty location). The only thing I could see being an issue is if every preset space is used. I’ve never done the procedure so I’m not sure exactly what happens, but I would hope this procedure wouldn’t force a user to lose a wanted preset.
Nothing is saved until you SAVE it. Save it to whatever location you want to overwrite, or don’t save it at all.
Nothing is saved until you SAVE it. Save it to whatever location you want to overwrite, or don’t save it at all.
Yeah this was clarified already. I figured as much. Thanks!

Also this was addressing another members concern and mostly speculation more than a question.
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Just a newbie question.. What is a realistic expectation of the public release? Days, weeks, months?
"When it's done" is the only answer you can expect on any software development. My guess is a couple weeks. But it could be a month or more. It's not like building a house. You find bugs and it takes an undetermined amount of time to fix them. Some are easy, some are really difficult, and everything in-between. That's why you never ask that question because it can't be answered. If they say a month and a bunch of bugs pop up that are really hard to fix and it takes them 3 months, then everyone gets upset.
"When it's done" is the only answer you can expect on any software development. My guess is a couple weeks. But it could be a month or more. It's not like building a house. You find bugs and it takes an undetermined amount of time to fix them. Some are easy, some are really difficult, and everything in-between. That's why you never ask that question because it can't be answered. If they say a month and a bunch of bugs pop up that are really hard to fix and it takes them 3 months, then everyone gets upset.
Tnx, I can imagine that. I was especially interested in the experience of the community
Okay I have something to report that I'm experiencing today. It does it like clockwork every time I can reproduce it no problem. I could upload a video of it doing this if that'll help, sorry I'm new to this but what it's doing sucks so I'm hoping me reporting it will help.

In the factory preset 6160s I cannot use the eighth scene at all and the tuner cannot be used in that preset from any scene.
One of the scenes I use a lot is the 8th scene "Lush Clean LT" and now it's not working.
I have not ever added anything to the preset other than a looper, it's had the looper in there for a long time and never an issue. I have avoided using this preset since installing beta 3 and 4 but today I gave it a shot and here is what happened:
All the other scenes work fine but when I switch to "Lush Clean LT" eighth scene it immediately exceeds DSP limit and shuts down and going right back to any other scene that I had just switched from does not make it come back it stays on DSP exceeded thing and won't work at all anymore. I have to change to another preset and come back to it to be able to use the preset, only the other scenes though I can't use one of my favorites the eighth one because this happens every time.

Okay and also I cannot use the tuner while using the 6160s preset at all no matter what scene I am on.
When I go to the tuner no matter which scene it is in it immediately does the DSP exceeded shut down thing and just like with the eighth scene thing it just stays shut down and won't come back unless I go to another preset and come back.

It would appear the 6160 amp model still has an issue...
I experienced volume drop and had to reboot. It was about 2 hours into playing and using 1 preset. I experienced this one other time while sitting and using editor and a reboot fixed it. Do you think it is firmware related?
What do you mean by "volume drop"?

Overall volume got lower or no output?

Was this a single preset or all presets?

Anything connected to the FM3 other than guitar, headphones/monitors?
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