Ok, I ordered, now come some questions


Now that I've got one coming, here's a few questions.

Since all three Fractal pedals share the same basic OS, where is the best place to post programming questions? I'm kind of surprised there isn't a "programming" forum.

I will be using my FM9 with a full range instrument--so sort of like playing bass and guitar at the same time. I ordered it not for the gazillion great presets, none of which are likely to be right for me, but because of the modular programming and control possibilities. I like reading manuals and dislike watching videos. That said, for my specific use case, are there videos or documents beyond the wiki that you recommend?

I see some talk of covers and overlays and such for the FM9. Are those just decorative, or do they overcome some fault or limitation in the FM9 that I should know about?

Apart from expression pedals and some kind of carrying case, are there other "essential" add ons?

And I know a lot of people buy third party IRs. Are the included bass IR options good enough or lacking?

You can check this thread for a consolidated list of manuals:


I would suggest aside from the FM9 manual to also read the Blocks Guide and Footswitch Function Guide (both apply across the devices).

I assume by "programming" you mean creating patches? If so, then usually the Discussion forum is used.

The covers can provide protection, such as scratching or screen damage. Otherwise it's mostly for "cool factor" :)
Add-ons might be Mooer Shroom footswitch toppers for greater flexibility when sitting or standing while utilizing your FM9. Amazon has these for a great price. Be sure when ordering the package contains at least the 9 toppers you'll need. They typically ship in packages of 10, IIRC.
I was having a hard time finding bass IR’s that did what i needed to so I got a couple bass packs.YMMV with stuff like this cuz what works for me might not work for you, even if we’re going for similar tones.

Dr. Bonkers and York Audio both have GREAT bass IR’s and I’m not sure if he’s ported it to the FM9 or not, but Austin Buddy has some outstanding bass presets that really maximize what‘s available for bass amps in this stuff. I got the pack for my III a while back.
I assume by "programming" you mean creating patches? If so, then usually the Discussion forum is used.
Yes, exactly. Just seems weird to sequester the patch programming questions in different forums since it’s the same OS.

The covers can provide protection, such as scratching or screen damage. Otherwise it's mostly for "cool factor" :)

Is the screen especially liable to damage? I all for bedazzling, just want to know that that’s what it is.

I will try out the shrooms (sounds less legal than it is).

Thanks everyone. Other thoughts welcome.
Since all three Fractal pedals share the same basic OS, where is the best place to post programming questions? I'm kind of surprised there isn't a "programming" forum.
majority is the same but there are some detailed differences, especially with footswitch count, so post in the forum of the gear you have.
Is the screen especially liable to damage?
I don't think so. I've been running Fractal stuff on the floor ever since they had floor units and have never head any issues. I guess if you like to play places where stuff is going to get spilled on your gear you might want to protect it up a bit?

are there other "essential" add ons?
Nothing. An expression pedal and you're ready to rip. You can fit it in a backpack.

Are the included bass IR options good enough or lacking?
The factory IRs are comprehensive and cover a ton of sonic ground. I wouldn't even start thinking about 3rd party anything until you've spent a few months with and really explored what's there.

The whole thing is very "batteries included".

I don't think so. I've been running Fractal stuff on the floor ever since they had floor units and have never head any issues. I guess if you like to play places where stuff is going to get spilled on your gear you might want to protect it up a bit?
I don’t do a lot of dive bar gigs anymore, but I guess there’s always a chance?
IAH, I do enjoy watching\listening to the videos just to hear people like Cooper, Leon, Marco and others play their fractals.................
If I were new to the Fractal word (1st FAS gear I owned) I would quickly read the manual(s) at least one time. I say "quickly", you don't have to learn anything by heart, it's just so you have an idea what your machine can do and what you can do to/with it. When you get it in your hands your subconscious will kick in and at least you will know where to search for definitive answers. That's what I did back in 2009 when I got my Ultra and it worked just fine.

Once you have your FAS in your hands, also take a look at the front panel options (something I didn't do with my FM9 which cost me one silly question to the forum, lol), I/O etc. It will work the same way as reading the manual, you won't learn anything by heart but next time you need to do something chances are your sub will kick in and you will have an idea at least where to look or where it probably is.

While you reading the manual(s) you might want to make a small list of some initial settings you'd like to change/adjust (i.e. adjust input sensitivity, set output line levels to +4dBu or -10dBV depending on what you want to connect etc) and draw on a piece of paper what and how you want to connect to the FM9, especially if you want a complex setup. This way you won't feel overwhelmed and you won't make any mistakes that will cost you time and energy later on. Do the same thing for the switches layouts, make a few scenarios about how you want to use them and make a decision. Again, this way you won't be overwhelmed when the time comes to configure the switches (very easy and intuitive btw and that's my first FAS with switches after my old MFC101 which was not very straightforward to program).

I don't see an FM9 Edit manual (if there is one, read it too) but generally speaking it's intuitive (or maybe that's my impression as a FAS user for over 10 years, I don't know), if there isn't one just spend some time with the app just looking around so to at least you have an idea where everything is (yes, you won't know what everything does, but you will eventually, don't worry about it).

You can always take the Cooper Carter masterclass to walk you through everything...hey, I make my own presets since forever, I use only FAS since forever and I will still take the CC FM9 masterclass the moment it becomes available. Again, not mandatory.

Download all the software you are gonna need beforehand, USB drivers (if on Windows), FM9 Edit and Fractal-Bot (and FracTool if you feel like it, personally I use it only on very special occasions).

As for add-ons, that's subjective. For sure an expression pedal (with or without a switch). You don't have to buy the Mooer Shroom or any other footswitch toppers per se, I got them, they are great, I could live without them just fine. Any kind of protection you can buy and install is a good idea but not mandatory, I live in the EU so there was no way to buy some excellent covers I've found from the US (unless I wanted the customs to tear me a new one). What I did is exactly what I also did to my AF3 MK2 the moment I got it out of the box, I installed a screen protector which is nothing more or less than an iPad screen protector cut to the AF3 and FM9's screen's dimensions (can be done easily, just use the protective screen membrane the FM9 comes with as a blueprint to cut the iPad screen protector to the correct size). Cheap, easy and since it's a harder membrane it does a better job than the one it came with (which never had that purpose in the first place, to be fair). A bag or a case would be nice as well if you want to carry it with you. I went with a cheap Gator bag with the correct dimensions, light enough (user with a bad back here), does its job, don't need any more protections but that's up to you to decide what to buy.

About the IR's. Don't buy anything just yet, there is a buttload of excellent IR's installed on your machine, heck I never had to buy IR's since the AF2 era (I bought some when I had the Ultra though). First try out the countless IR's that come with your gear (record something with the looper, have it playing it over and over again and just keep selecting different IR's, write down the ones you are happy with and start using them). Then, if you feel that you need to buy some, then just buy some. Personally, I have uploaded to my AF3 and FM9 only one User IR (which nowadays I use 99% of the time) and that was free from the Axe Exchange. IR's are a big and deep rabbit whole, so tread carefully (unless you want to spend months buying and trying out IR's instead of actually playing and enjoying music).

And of course, any time you have a question just post here, this community is great, talking about infinite knowledge and experience.

That's my two cents, enjoy your FAS journey, mate!

PS1: I apologize for the "sheet"
PS2: 1000 thanks to all the members of this forum for sharing your knowledge and experience with me since 2009.
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Now that I've got one coming, here's a few questions.

Since all three Fractal pedals share the same basic OS, where is the best place to post programming questions? I'm kind of surprised there isn't a "programming" forum.

I will be using my FM9 with a full range instrument--so sort of like playing bass and guitar at the same time. I ordered it not for the gazillion great presets, none of which are likely to be right for me, but because of the modular programming and control possibilities. I like reading manuals and dislike watching videos. That said, for my specific use case, are there videos or documents beyond the wiki that you recommend?

I see some talk of covers and overlays and such for the FM9. Are those just decorative, or do they overcome some fault or limitation in the FM9 that I should know about?

Apart from expression pedals and some kind of carrying case, are there other "essential" add ons?

And I know a lot of people buy third party IRs. Are the included bass IR options good enough or lacking?

If you use the FM9 Edit to create your patches and learn to use the front panel of the unit well enough to make adjustments you will find the interface to be pretty intuitive fairly quickly. There is no programing.. it is just placing modules and designing signal paths, so if you have a basic understanding of signal paths and learn what each block does, you will be able to figure out a lot on our own. Also, do not dismiss the presets. Best thing you can do is upen up the editor and then go through the presets visually. Most are really straight forward but then you will switch to one with a really wonky layout that will teach you something new. Unfortunately there is no offline editor so its either the unit or the unit connected to a computer.. The fractal Wiki has a lot of good information and you can get a good idea of what all the effects blocks and routing blocks do and the basics on how to use them. The manual will get you through the front panel without videos as well. I sat with my FM3 and used both edit and the front panel at the same time to learn both. Coming from Boss effects it was really easy to figure it all out.
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