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Don't sleep on the Celestion FX12-200 if you use IRs for live / rehearsal

I bought the Celestion FX12-200 as an experiment as I was a bit tired of tweaking patches to sound good through a traditional cab with my seymour duncan 170.
I was very impressed with the Celestion and I rarely have to tweak patches - if I want a bit more bottom thump I use the Seymour to tweak a little.
I immediately sold my Engl 2x12 cab
I continue to be impressed with it. I will finally have the chance to take it to practice next week and I am super excited to see how it holds up there. I have been cranking it quite loud at home.
I continue to be impressed with it. I will finally have the chance to take it to practice next week and I am super excited to see how it holds up there. I have been cranking it quite loud at home.

I am with you 100% jive turkey 🦃.
Have you tried changing the speaker low res frequency to 75 in the amp block? Mine seems to really shine at super high volume. I absolutely dig it.
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I am with you 100% jive turkey 🦃.
Have you tried changing the speaker low res frequency to 75 in the amp block? Mine seems to really shine at super high volume. I absolutely dig it.
I did. The speaker impedance curves are a great tweak as well. Really curious to see how it pans out next week. The last time I had the FM; I wasn't digging it with the F12X at all. This time has been much different.
I did. The speaker impedance curves are a great tweak as well. Really curious to see how it pans out next week. The last time I had the FM; I wasn't digging it with the F12X at all. This time has been much different.

Yes the impedance curves are great. On the Axefx 3 I'm using the 4x12 pvh 6160 and 4x12 brit greenback. Running two amp/cab blocks in parallel cuz why not. Lol
So ditching the tube amp for solid state did the trick then?
Yes the impedance curves are great. On the Axefx 3 I'm using the 4x12 pvh 6160 and 4x12 brit greenback. Running two amp/cab blocks in parallel cuz why not. Lol
So ditching the tube amp for solid state did the trick then?
I have a Behringer turd of a power amp. Everything was just really harsh sounding using it with the FM, the last time around. The Pedal Baby is a lot better with it.
I have a Behringer turd of a power amp. Everything was just really harsh sounding using it with the FM, the last time around. The Pedal Baby is a lot better with it.

My epx4000 Behringer turd sounds great driving two 1x12. What model were you using?
My epx4000 Behringer turd sounds great driving two 1x12. What model were you using?
It's an older model I picked up for $50 used. Rack mount, weighs 137lbs or somewhere near there. It is "fine" but wasn't a good match for the F12 for whatever reason.
It's an older model I picked up for $50 used. Rack mount, weighs 137lbs or somewhere near there. It is "fine" but wasn't a good match for the F12 for whatever reason.
Yeah it's really hit and mostly miss with Behringer products. Apparently the EP and EPX amps are the exception. I'm sure if I wouldnt have got one that's more than double the wattage of the F12 it would probably have not worked out. It's really clean running it this way. I just don't crank the amp much past halfway. But like you I got it really cheap.
Hey guys, what IRs are you using for these speakers? I am deep down this rabbit hole right now and I'm trying to match up IR that keep the 'speaker' sound, without introducing the 'mic'ed up cab', if you know what I mean. I might be asking for too much understanding how IR's are made...
I'm using two amp and two cab blocks in parallel and blending them.
Amp 1 CA3+lead
Cab block 1 = 4x12pvh6160(rw) mixed with 4x12 angle 160 d1 ml

Amp 2 pvh 6160+ lead
Cab block 2 = 4x12 recto 57f
I recommend a class A/b or class H solid state power amp. Google class D vs class A/B and watch paul from PS audio youtube videos. He explains the technology really well. I've gotten great results driving them with a class H with tons of power/headroom. 530watts per channel. That way the amp isn't even close to clipping or distorting. Clean low THD power. I just set my amp gain at 1-2oclock and use the output knob on the axefx to control volume. I'm using a cheap Behringer epx4000 and it sounds so good I cancelled the class A/B crown I had on order that was twice the price. Hope that helps.🤘
Hey man, can you comment on my thread here? Seems you may be able to help shed light.

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