Classic rock tone


the only thing i would say....when you do your next video, go somewhere interesting to do it...a big warehouse...or outside somewhere. the rehearsal studio setting looks a bit "small time' and you guys come across as "big time" :)
I hear you, Simeon!
But we shot it in the studio, because we only had 2 days to record the basic tracks (for the entire album), and we don't meet so often, because the singer is based in Italy, and the drummer and me in Norway :-D
But we'll do more videos ;)


the only thing i would say....when you do your next video, go somewhere interesting to do it...a big warehouse...or outside somewhere. the rehearsal studio setting looks a bit "small time' and you guys come across as "big time" :)
More space on that one ...
Love both tunes!
Great job!

Everyone knows that a video is played in playback, but not seeing a cable plugged in the guitar/bass just looks wrong :p
Just my 2 cents for an upcoming video ;)

Like both tunes, but I like Break the Chains more.. It has that Adrenaline Mob vibe
thought both tunes sounded great. great playing and tones all around. singer can really sing, nice job.

my only, very small gripe, is the f bomb in the chorus of the first song. not because i find it offensive, it just seemed out of place to me. sometimes the vibe of a song calls for it, but it was distracting to me.

again, not because it was offensive, i listen to offensive music all the time, lol...
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