YT: Made a MUSIC VIDEO for my band!


Cab Pack Wizard
With a zero budget! :) The song is written/recorded/mixed/mastered by me and the video is filmed/edited by me. Maybe now people get the whole "Clark Kent" thing; I do EVERYTHING by myself. Check it out and please tell me what you thought!

You can download our newest release for free:

BTW our vocalist is only 16 years old...

EDIT: Fixed link (GD)
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Great job, both the song and the video. I'd like to hear more about them both. How was the music recorded? Did you use an Axe for the guitars?

How about the video? What was this shot and edited with? Was the slow motion footage done in-camera or in post?
Wow - impressive production qualities. Very professional level stuff. Great work. Cool song! Well done man!
Thanks guys! The music was all done here in my apartment basically. The guitars are Overloud TH2 with match EQ. I'm not sure if it was Paramore, Linkin Park or Blink 182 for that song but one of those tones. :D No Axe-Fx since I don't own one. :( Drums are Superior Drummer 2 with Avatar kit and the Piccolo snare. The kick is triggered with the Paramore kick.

The video was recorded with my DSLR: Canon 550D / T2i. You can record 60 frames per second with it. People are used to seeing 24 frames per second so I can slow it down quite a bit. I used some Twixtor for the super slow motion. I used Sony Vegas for cutting the scenes and After Effects for Twixtor and color correction. I also used the Warp Stabilizer effect on After Effects to eliminate my hand shaking so it looks more professional.

Thanks for fixing the link John!!
You shot that video with a Canon 550D / T2i, dam I’m impressed! Don’t get me wrong very good camera but you got a ton of great stuff out of it. Very impressive!! It might be post production, but it looks like you playing with the aperture allot on the camera with certain shots. Allot of DOF going on with certain shots. Added allot to the feel of the video.
But now I’m reading what you used and so on it just tells me you’re a man who knows his gear and gets the best out of it.
I'm quite impressed! Consumer stuff nowadays is pretty awesome in capability (and price) and, of course, you've got some talent and drive going on to make it complete.
Haha thanks guys! These DSLRs are being used on many TV productions these days, you'd be surprised.

You shot that video with a Canon 550D / T2i, dam I’m impressed! Don’t get me wrong very good camera but you got a ton of great stuff out of it. Very impressive!! It might be post production, but it looks like you playing with the aperture allot on the camera with certain shots. Allot of DOF going on with certain shots. Added allot to the feel of the video.
But now I’m reading what you used and so on it just tells me you’re a man who knows his gear and gets the best out of it.

Yup the depth-of-field shots are a big element in creating that "professional look" and you can't really do it that well with cheaper video cameras. I used a Canon 50mm f1.8 lense for those DOF shots and running the focus with my hands. It's an extremely sharp lense and amazing for that purpose and ideal for portraits and only costs like 100$. Good stuff! I used a Samyang fisheye lense for the band shots. You might notice it even in the picture YouTube is showing there... the synth is a wee bit crooked. :D

Filming this was so much fun I wanna do it again! Would love to do it for a living also but my IT studies are almost finished so I guess I'm going to have to get a "real" job instead. :(
Wow that was awesome man. To excel at the mixing, mastering, filming, editing and post is no easy job. Thanks for sharing
Thanks again guys! I forgot to mention that for color correction I mainly used Magic Bullet Looks. That's a really easy tool for that. It makes a world of difference.

Also on my Canon 550D I used the Technicolor CineStyle preset for minimal saturation etc. so I get the cinematic look for the video and it's easily tweakable in post.
Sounds great. Not sure how you got a blue trash barrel to sounds so good. :p
How many watts is it? I know its in the shape of a tube, but is there a few tubes inside it to?
Great tune, and great video. Looks and sounds very pro.
Keep up the good work, and if you ever decide to sell that "Blue Tube", let me know.
Excellent!!! The Vid quality was very high with one exception. I think all the wide shots in the class room looked less high quality. This is just my opinion and I don't know anything.
But the overall production was great!!
I only wish I could do this good a job!
:D Haha... that blue barrel is actually an inside joke as I didn't use an amp during the recording process. Still sounds like tubes were involved. That is a big tube I got there.

That class room is actually an old abandoned military class room. :) Those shots were shot by free hand so they are a bit more shaky than the other shots. Also the fish eye lens isn't as high quality as my other lenses. Other than that the resolution on the class room scenes is better.
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